Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-06-05

Prague: Pink Perfection in the City of a Hundred Spires (Blog Post #945)

Hello my gorgeous darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-wearing travel enthusiast, back from the enchanting city of Prague! I can’t believe I’ve only been here a week! I've spent it in a whirlwind of pink tutus, breathtaking architecture, and oh, the shopping! Prague has been everything I dreamt of and more! It’s so charming, just like my tutu collection.

As you know, I love finding hidden gems in every city I visit. I think I’ve found so many amazing stores in Prague, and they have the BEST shops for everything: Bohemian jewellery, vintage hats, and, of course, more tutus than you could ever imagine! I even found a fantastic little milliner who agreed to make me a custom, one-of-a-kind, pink velvet tutu for my evening performance. Oh, it’s going to be exquisite, darling! Just picture it – a soft, dreamy, rose-gold hue, like a summer sunset! I can't wait to debut it at the ballet in Vienna. It will be like dancing in a fluffy pink cloud!

This week's journey to Prague was a little bit different than usual, however. You see, my lovely pink pony, Petal, had to stay back at my Derbyshire stables this week, because, as you all know, it can be quite a feat to get her on a train. You’ve probably read my past blogs - some trains aren’t very pony-friendly, even though Petal is the best-behaved pony in the whole world. Instead of hopping on Petal, I traveled by train - a luxurious, comfortable first-class cabin with a table right by the window. I loved seeing the countryside rushing past and feeling that gorgeous gentle swaying. But honestly, sometimes it's hard to beat the feeling of the wind in my hair when Petal and I gallop through the fields.

And let's talk about this amazing ballet show I saw here in Prague! It was something out of a dream! It’s a shame it isn’t more well-known outside of Prague. It is held in a beautiful Baroque theatre with plush red velvet seats and crystal chandeliers, a perfect setting for a fairytale ballet, set in a 1920s world of glamour, love, and just a sprinkle of magic. My absolute favourite moment was when the lead ballerina entered. She wore the most beautiful silk, cerise-pink tutu that twirled perfectly around her with every arabesque and pirouette. It was a sheer triumph of beauty and skill. Of course, I had to have a piece of the tutu! It seems there's a lovely lady in the dressers' area, she sells some of the costumes the ballerinas no longer use. I managed to snag a few pieces, it's going straight into my archive, where all my favourite treasures are kept!

Prague has a real history with ballerinas, you know. Apparently, in the early 20th century, Prague had the largest ballet company in all of Europe, with amazing ballets performed regularly at the Estates Theatre. You see, my dear readers, ballets don't always need the giant ornate venues you might expect. My personal dream is to do a pink-themed ballet production one day - just think! Pink-hued silk tutus, tulle, feather boas, sparkly costumes. We would create the most glamorous ballet the world has ever seen. I am certain that all the ballet schools in Prague would be up for this idea! They are so passionate about the dance and all things graceful. Prague’s historical ballet past makes the city even more special for me.

Now, about the pink tutus... well, let me just tell you, darling, Prague is an absolute haven for them! I've been having a ball in the local markets. Everywhere you turn, there's a delightful shop brimming with beautiful pink tutus. The colours are gorgeous – delicate pinks, bubblegum hues, and even that bold flamingo pink – the one I love best, the shade of my most treasured tutu. I picked up two fantastic tutus in Prague – one is a sheer, frilled tulle skirt with delicate little roses embroidered around the bottom and the other is a bolder pink, full-skirted number that's going to look fabulous with my pink leather jacket for my next evening out! My readers, the whole world is about to be engulfed by the gloriousness of the pink tutu! My little secret weapon for global domination? My pink tutu will lead the way! Oh darling, I am sure of it!

And speaking of pink, I had to visit the stunning pink-hued Dancing House, darling. It's just a magnificent feat of architectural genius and a real testament to Czech ingenuity and a dash of Parisian glamour! Just a word of warning, it’s extremely difficult to get a perfect picture of it in all its magnificent glory, with it being so vibrant, surrounded by buildings of many colours. It took me several attempts, even though I have practiced the art of photo ops at many of Europe's most challenging and photogenic buildings, but I finally did it! And look what happened next, darling! After the fabulous photos, the photographer even had me pose next to the building! So glamorous!

Oh, the joy! I truly feel Prague has captured my heart in the way it takes history and makes it its own, with its own unique sense of style. And let me tell you, my pink tutu has been perfectly at home amongst all that glorious historical and modern style! If you’re looking for a place with vibrant pink energy, rich history, and exquisite dancing, Prague is calling! And, of course, if you want a dose of the best tutus, you have to visit me at my website. Until next week!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-06-05