Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-07-10

Prague: Ballet, Bling & Bohemia! 🩰✨

Wednesday 10th July 2013

Post No. 950

Hello my lovelies! It's Wednesday which means it's time for a fresh post from yours truly, Emma, aka the Pink Tutu Ballerina. I'm currently ensconced in Prague, the stunning Czech capital, and let me tell you, it's absolutely magical. The cobblestone streets, the gothic architecture, the charming cafes – it's like stepping into a fairytale! But let's get down to brass tacks… it's ballet that brought me here.

Now, before we get too deep into the world of pirouettes and pas de bourrée, I need to spill the beans on something: Prague's a bit of a love affair for this pink tutu wearer. The city simply exudes that captivating blend of history and vibrant life that gets me all aflutter! I've been touring for the last couple of months, flitting from stage to stage in my trusty tutu, and each show is a little treasure I hoard in my memory. Speaking of tours, this whole trip is funded by my love of dance – my passion project! I work as a ballerina, performing at theatres and in street events across the UK and Europe, so basically I dance for my bread and butter! But that's just the icing on the cake, because seeing the world and exploring the artistry that weaves through every corner, well that's what I truly live for.

Today's adventures involve a peek into the extraordinary history of Prague's ballet scene. I've found a fantastic old book in a tucked-away bookstore (and no, I couldn't leave without it!) that details the intricate story of the National Theatre and the fascinating journey of its ballet company. It's the most intriguing piece of historical ballet knowledge I've found on my travels so far, and honestly, my pink tutu is already getting all tingly with excitement to discover the grand, sweeping stories of the ballerinas and their lives.

And before we finish off our waltz through Prague today, I need to show you my recent finds – let's be real, who can resist a spot of shopping in a new city? I stumbled upon a delightful little shop tucked away in a corner of Old Town Square. And guess what? A collection of sparkly tiaras caught my eye! Now, I couldn't resist snagging a few… a girl's gotta be prepared for every occasion, right? The little boutique is bursting with vintage dresses and accessories and the prices are practically a dream!

Let's head to the enchanting realm of Czech Ballet! I've been lucky enough to nab tickets for tonight's performance of "Giselle." The iconic story, the breathtaking choreography, the emotions that will ripple through the entire theatre – I simply cannot wait! I can't share too many details about tonight's show because the magic needs to be experienced, not read about, and I would be remiss not to let you all witness its beauty firsthand. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Prague, you're truly a wonder. This pink tutu is ready to twirl into the night. Until next week my darling friends!

Keep dancing,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-07-10