Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-07-17

Prague Calling: Pink Tutu Goes Bohemian! 🩰🌸🇨🇿

Post #951 - Wednesday, 17th July, 2013

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, and guess what? I'm in Prague! I just landed, well, arrived is probably a more accurate term, given I came by train! Isn't that just so romantic? (Think of Murder on the Orient Express – I may have even worn my emerald green cocktail dress, a nod to that timeless classic!)

You can't imagine my excitement! I've always been besotted with Prague, with its charming cobblestone streets, vibrant history, and its incredible connection to ballet. From Tchaikovsky's swan lake, which finds its roots here, to the countless ballet schools and theatre companies dotted across this lovely city – Prague is a haven for tutu-wearing souls!

This week's blog post is dedicated to my whirlwind Prague adventures. Prepare to be swept away, dear readers, because things are about to get pretty fabulous!

The Journey Begins: From Derbyshire to Prague

Remember how I said I took the train? Well, let me tell you, travelling across Europe in a tutu is quite an adventure! I think it caught quite a few folks' attention as I traversed the Derbyshire countryside on the way to London, and then onto that glorious, scenic route across the continent.

As a fellow train-enthusiast, you understand that every moment on a train journey feels extraordinary, but don't you just love the extra magic of being aboard a train while in your favourite pink tutu? And my dear readers, I had the most fantastic chat with a lovely group of students from the Czech Republic, and, naturally, our conversation turned to ballet. I was telling them about my recent ballet class in Paris (which, let me tell you, involved a daring arabesque – my teacher said it was "elegant, daring, and undeniably captivating!") and before I knew it, I'd found myself teaching them the first steps of "The Pink Tutu Dance" – my own unique creation! Imagine – me, in my tutu, amidst all the bustle of a train carriage, guiding this lovely bunch on the path of graceful movement!

By the time we rolled into Prague, I had them all eager to go watch La Sylphide with me this weekend!

Finding Prague’s Hidden Tutu Treasures

The moment I arrived in Prague, my ballet-heart pounded! The cobblestone streets and grand buildings – especially those with graceful balconies – gave off a ballet atmosphere. I can't explain it, but Prague has a real magic! My heart just wants to twirl and jump!

And wouldn't you know it, darling, but right at the start of my exploration, I discovered the most amazing little vintage shop tucked away in a narrow alley! Imagine my joy! A true trove of fabulous finds – feathers, silk, lace, sequins, and oh, my darling! A beautiful pink tutu! An authentic tutu from 1945 – talk about a real ballet treasure!

I can't wait to wear it later today while I explore the Old Town! Now, excuse me for a moment – I need to add a few extra embellishments – my new tutu needs some of my signature pink!

Bohemian Chic: Fashion Meets Ballet

One thing I love about travelling is experiencing new fashions, new looks, and new styles. Now, Prague has an enchanting, Bohemian energy that just flows through everything. The city seems to pulsate with creativity, music, and a unique artistic flair. I just can’t resist that bohemian vibe – all those layers, colourful textures, and bold prints, and the free-spirited attitude. I absolutely adore how it can be mixed and matched with classic ballet influences – so stylish!

Let me tell you – I have been indulging in the most spectacular shopping sprees! This city is a wonderland for those who adore the ballet! I found a stunning hand-beaded vintage ballerina necklace with delicate roses at the Vltava River markets, and wait for it – an extraordinary ballet-inspired silk scarf printed with ballerinas en pointe! This morning, I popped into a wonderful bookshop near the Charles Bridge. They had a special section for dance, filled with breathtaking photographs, essays, and some very rare old ballet programmes. I was utterly enthralled – it’s as if this bookstore is a hidden ballet treasure! And then there were all those delightful shops selling ballet shoes, costumes, and vintage tutus... It’s quite simply ballet bliss.

As you can imagine, I've been working on a new “Bohemian Tutu” style that combines elegant pink tulle with vintage embroidery, layered fabrics, and, of course, a dash of those incredible Czechoslovakian beaded elements. (You haven’t seen anything like this before – prepare to be wowed!)

### The Prague Ballet Scene: A Dancer's Paradise

Now, onto the heart of Prague's magic! My reason for being here: ballet! I've got my eye on seeing two incredible performances: La Sylphide at the National Theatre and Giselle at the Estates Theatre. The ballet scene in Prague is legendary, darlings! You might be familiar with the National Theatre – they even have a ballet school in its basement! Talk about immersion!

The National Theatre, or, as I’d like to call it, “The Tutu-ific National Theatre”, hosts the most brilliant repertoire of classical and modern ballet – it’s a must-visit for every ballerina (and anyone with a love for beauty). This grand theatre has so much history! (Oh, my goodness, they even have a secret theatre tucked behind their main stage!). This, my dears, is where ballet history literally comes alive – you feel its weight, its soul!

The other highlight of the ballet calendar has to be Giselle at the Estates Theatre, a masterpiece that has truly captivated my heart since the first moment I heard the story! It’s a show that combines passion, magic, and, of course, an extraordinarily intricate ballet performance – oh, and let's not forget the exquisite costume designs – they just take my breath away!

And guess what, darlings? Today, I managed to catch an informal performance right in the heart of Old Town. Imagine a beautiful street filled with local crafts, food stalls, and music – it was the most perfect atmosphere – a living tableau vivant! A small group of students from a Prague ballet school took to the stage. It was so impromptu and charming! Of course, I couldn’t resist joining them in their final pose - the "Pink Tutu Posing Challenge" is a ballet phenomenon across the globe! It's the perfect way to share a bit of pink tutu magic. You see, when you have a pink tutu on, it makes everything feel magical!

The Heart of the City: Love, Music, and Tutus

But you know what’s really made this trip so incredible? It's not just the ballet or the fashion. It's the people. It's the feeling that everything here in Prague has this vibrant, soulful energy, this artistic connection, a kind of magic I’ve never encountered anywhere else.

Oh, I must tell you! This city is like a ballet set - everything’s beautiful - the bridges, the churches, the squares – even the local markets have this incredible sense of artistry. There is music everywhere – it feels like Prague's heartbeat – whether it's the classical tunes played on street pianos or the jazzy tunes coming from local cafés, it all comes together to weave this magical atmosphere that just fills me with inspiration!

Now, imagine my delight when I spotted the most captivating couple by the Charles Bridge! A man was playing a traditional Czech folk melody on his guitar – it was beautiful, and his girlfriend? You wouldn't believe it, she had the most magnificent pink tutu I had ever seen. Talk about fairy tale love!

That, dear readers, is exactly what I’m striving for! The pink tutu brings out the magical side of everyone.

### Pink Tutu Inspiration: From the City to Your Closet

There's no doubt about it: Prague has been an inspiration in my tutu life. And what better way to encapsulate all these incredible experiences than with my latest blog post? You'll be delighted to know that this post is full of ideas and inspiration for bringing Prague’s style to your ballet wardrobe. I’m talking about Bohemian tutu designs that use vintage fabrics, embroidery, and Czechoslovakian beading. I have even drafted a few sketch designs – think flowy tulle skirts, romantic layers, sparkling details - all inspired by the breathtaking artistry and heritage of Prague.

Prague, you've filled me with more tutu ideas than I ever could have imagined. Stay tuned as I will be sharing them with you on soon!

### Until Next Wednesday, Dearest Readers

Remember to keep those tutus spinning, and spread the love of ballet and pink wherever you go. And don't forget to visit every Wednesday! I'll be back with a new blog post next week – full of even more pink fun, ballet adventures, and style inspirations!

Until next time, my darlings, keep dancing!

Yours in pink,

*P.S. * If you have any questions or comments about my trip to Prague, be sure to leave a message on my blog! And, for all my ballet and tutu enthusiasts out there, tell me about your most memorable ballet experience!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-07-17