Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-10-02

Post #962: Pink Tutu Prague - A Ballet Adventure! 🩰💕

Well hello there, darling readers! It’s Wednesday, which means a fresh blog post from yours truly, Emma, right here on! This week I’m bringing you a very special post straight from the cobbled streets and historical grandeur of Prague! My heart is positively overflowing with all the stunning ballet and exciting adventures that have filled my last few days. Let's get this fabulous post started!

Travelling in Style: Train + Pony = Perfect Journey!

You know how much I adore travelling, and this trip was a dream come true. I took a thrilling train journey across Europe – imagine myself sashaying through the carriage in my hot pink tutu, a vision of ballet-inspired travel! 🚄 💖 It's so much more glamorous than the airport - just imagine all the curious looks you get! From my window, the countryside whizzed by in a kaleidoscope of greens, browns, and yellows. 🌳🍂

The highlight? Arriving in Prague itself. Stepping out of the station, I could almost feel the magical aura of the city clinging to the air. 🏰✨ I was whisked away by the friendliest horse and cart you could ever imagine. Just imagine, dear readers, my flamingo pink tulle swishing as I made my grand entrance into the heart of Prague - talk about arriving in style!

My Bohemian Rhapsody: Prague and All its Glory

I had barely unpacked my pink suitcases before I was out exploring. The city feels alive, like a swirling waltz of history, architecture, and beautiful, friendly people! From the spectacular Charles Bridge - where I spotted some street performers giving a lively flamenco routine, with castanets and all! to the enchanting Prague Castle - with its dramatic views, and secret nooks filled with stunning gardens, Prague was instantly bewitching. Of course, my heart was truly set ablaze when I discovered the National Theatre! 💖🩰 The moment I saw those majestic doors, my imagination flew into a graceful arabesque.

### Ballet Extravaganza - A Night to Remember!

And oh my goodness, darling readers, you’ll NEVER guess what was waiting for me inside the theatre… A stunning ballet production that left me absolutely mesmerised! "The Nutcracker", a timeless classic brought to life in such an unbelievably talented way!

Imagine an audience bursting with excitement, an orchestra filling the air with beautiful melodies, and then the curtain rose, revealing a stage teeming with ballerinas and dancers like something out of a fairy tale! Every twirl, every jump, every arabesque... just breathtaking! 💫

I simply couldn't take my eyes off the performers. The graceful leaps, the elegance of their movements, the way they seemed to glide effortlessly through the air, almost touching the very stars. It was perfection. And then there was the costumes… sigh... let's just say, my pink tutu would never dare try to compete with the exquisite artistry of those dresses and the gorgeous fabrics! 💖 The magic didn't stop with the performance, either. Afterwards, the lobby was just buzzing, a place where you could meet new people and talk ballet, fashion, and everything in between, a truly elegant atmosphere!

Fashion Frenzy - A Ballet Lover’s Paradise!

Of course, I simply had to do some shopping while I was here. After all, Prague is known for its exquisite fashion! I love finding unusual shops filled with unique, stylish pieces that you can't find anywhere else. From boutique shops filled with lace, silks, and satins, to the vintage shops bursting with bohemian glamour - I simply can’t get enough!

I did a little shopping in my favourite shades of pink, you guessed it, of course! It’s always a dream to add a few pieces of beautiful fashion magic to my ballet wardrobe! I have to share a special find… in a vintage store tucked away on a side street, I found the most divine pink, vintage-style dress with lace detail - It looks like something right out of a romantic ballet performance, darling! 🩰 💕

### A Pink Tutu - A World of Magic!

Now, every good blog post from me ends with a bit of a reminder - that tutus, my friends, aren't just about ballet classes. They're about feeling fabulous and embracing the playful, feminine side of life.

Every day I'm finding more and more reasons why everyone should join me in rocking a pink tutu, and believe me, darling readers, Prague just added about a hundred more reasons to that list.

If you're thinking of venturing out to explore somewhere beautiful, add Prague to your list - you won't regret it! 💖

And remember, you can follow my latest adventures and ballet musings on every Wednesday. Until next time, darlings, have a magical day, and keep on twirling! 💫 💖

Emma xo

*P.S. Don't forget to tell me about your latest ballet adventures in the comments! *

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2013-10-02