Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2014-01-15

Prague's Pink Promise: A Ballerina's Dream in the City of a Hundred Spires (Post #977)

Bonjour mes chéries! It’s Wednesday, so you know what that means - it’s time for a brand new blog post from yours truly, Emma, the pink-loving tutu-obsessed ballerina who just can't resist a good ballet adventure! This week, I've found myself waltzing my way through the enchanting city of Prague, and oh my darling readers, it's a city made for a tutu-clad wanderer!

As you know, I’ve just wrapped up my latest performance in Derby, my home turf where I leave a trail of pink tutus and twirling inspiration wherever I go! But the stage beckoned once more, this time across the borders and straight into the heart of Europe!

So, my lovely readers, I swapped the Derbyshire rolling hills for the captivating charm of Prague, hopping aboard a beautiful, vintage carriage of a train (the more whimsical, the better, in my opinion!). As the landscape transformed from green meadows to charming brick-and-mortar architecture, I couldn't help but envision myself in a ballet piece - a whimsical and delicate pirouette across the landscape!

Upon arrival in Prague, my dear friend Jan - an absolute sweetheart who I met in a charming tea shop whilst sporting my most flamboyant, feather-trimmed tutu - showed me around. He led me through the cobbled streets, where we passed gothic cathedrals, historic bridges and ancient squares with charming little boutiques overflowing with pink (naturally, I had to browse!). Prague, as it turned out, was a ballet fan’s dream. Everywhere I turned there were graceful statues and artistic facades, reminding me of some of my favourite ballet productions!

Now, let’s talk about the highlight of this week's adventures – the performance at the stunning National Theatre. I can’t express the magic of the evening. With its plush velvet seats and stunning chandeliers, the National Theatre is a haven for all things artsy and majestic! And I’ll let you in on a little secret… my tulle was positively bouncing with joy as I took in the ballet piece.

Oh, and you simply must know what I wore for this evening. A symphony in pink, if you will. I slipped into a lusciously-pink tulle tutu, with layers and layers of delicate, iridescent fabric. It was truly the embodiment of Parisian chic meets ballerina charm - the very definition of my style! I topped it off with a stunning crystal-encrusted necklace and a pair of ruby-red ballet flats (for a hint of romanticism and practicality, of course!). The crowd loved it, darling, with my presence adding a certain touch of enchantment to the entire affair.

However, it wasn’t just about the grandeur and magic of the National Theatre; it was also about the dancers. I could barely tear my eyes from the dancers as they effortlessly swirled across the stage with breathtaking precision and finesse. Every pirouette was a poem, each leap a song!

Now, to bring my journey full circle, let’s rewind to the day of arrival in this city of a hundred spires! With Jan as my guide, I delved into the world of Prague. He showed me the most enchanting sights, taking me on walks that rivaled any fairytale adventure! We crossed the Charles Bridge with its beautiful gothic statuary (one can almost hear the strains of a waltz just by looking at it!), we explored the mystical Old Town Square, we savoured the aroma of freshly baked Trdelník pastries, and, of course, I stopped at every little shop with an abundance of pink, gathering up a whole plethora of pretty items for my ever-growing tutu collection!

Let’s not forget that one of the things I love about travel is discovering all the charming details about a place’s unique cultural history. I discovered a hidden little treasure in the form of a traditional Czech restaurant! Jan told me they have these remarkable pastries called Trdelník (kind of like a delicious sugary dream on a stick). I’m so pleased to report I enjoyed mine dusted with powdered sugar. Absolutely divine! I think I’ll start making them for my ballet studio for all my ballerina friends!

As if all that wasn’t magical enough, we rode a horse-drawn carriage along the charming pathways of Prague Castle, my hair practically swirling in the wind like a swirling ballet. What more could a girl possibly ask for! It was a fairytale scene straight out of my dreams.

And who would have guessed? The city itself even inspired my own mini-ballet production. My impromptu performance on the Charles Bridge – to the background music of street performers - captivated the crowds, darling, turning every passer-by into an admiring audience. I always tell myself a little tutu magic is all it takes to make the world a bit brighter and more beautiful.

And with that, darling readers, my time in Prague comes to an end for now. As I hop back on a charming, vintage train - with my pockets stuffed with souvenir ballet trinkets and my head full of inspirational twirls - I’ll cherish the memories and pink-filled moments of this beautiful city, forever captured in my heart.

Until next week, darling, remember – life is a ballet. Twirl on!

Emma, from the pink tutu capital of the world, x

P.S. Be sure to visit for even more ballerina fun and fashion updates. Stay tuned for next week's adventures – we might be heading somewhere quite exotic, and who knows? You might even find me pirouetting amidst some amazing tropical flowers…

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2014-01-15