Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2014-11-05

Pink Tutu Prague: Ballet and Fashion in the City of a Hundred Spires! (Post #1013)

Hello, darling darlings! It's Emma here, your Pink Tutu Princess, reporting live from the magical city of Prague! I've finally arrived, and oh my goodness, this place is just utterly charming! Imagine cobbled streets winding through a fairytale land, topped with turrets and spires that kiss the sky!

My journey here was simply delightful. I travelled by train, of course! The carriage was oh so elegant with plush velvet seats, the perfect setting for a romantic novel (I must read "The Picture of Dorian Gray" during my travels – that emerald cover calls to me!). And, let's be honest, a train journey provides so much inspiration for tutu-tastic outfits. I wore my pink floral lace dress (a new favourite!) with a soft, fluffy pink tutu underneath, paired with my favourite ivory boots - utterly perfect for the journey! And speaking of perfect, let's chat about the tutu. The heart of this journey, the driving force behind my explorations – this stunningly sweet pink tulle dream! It was specially designed by a friend in Derbyshire (where else?!), crafted from the finest silk and adorned with glittering sequins that twinkle like stars.

And then Prague! Imagine my surprise as we arrived at the grand, vintage station - a perfect scene straight out of a ballet, if ever there was one! I took my time soaking in the city's ambiance. Prague, with its colourful architecture and dreamy atmosphere, already feels like my personal fairy-tale ballet stage. Everywhere I look, there's beauty – graceful archways, intricate carvings, buildings that whisper tales of bygone times... the inspiration is simply bursting out!

But let's not forget why we're in this enchanting city! Today's adventure is the Pink Tutu Prague highlight - the Prague National Theatre ballet! This legendary house, standing majestic by the river Vltava, has captivated hearts for over a century. You can almost feel the history in every creak of the theatre’s steps! Tonight’s performance, The Sleeping Beauty!

To say I'm excited is an understatement! The Sleeping Beauty, that most timeless of ballets! The romance, the exquisite choreography, the captivating story of a princess held captive by a wicked spell - and the pink! A ballerina's dream!

Oh, I’ve already met some fantastic, stylish ballet aficionados! So much fun chatting about dance and tutus over a glass of wine. There's a group we met who are particularly obsessed with the Pink Tutu movement! Imagine a bunch of charming dancers, dressed in various hues of pink - each with a tutu uniquely expressive of their personal style. So chic! I was even told there was a fantastic, secret boutique that specializes in bespoke pink tutus, just a short tram ride away! Now that’s my kind of adventure!

Speaking of style, you have to imagine me tonight, dear darlings, absolutely gleaming. It's a stunning dress I purchased in the most decadent Parisian boutique, with exquisite black lace that swishes with each graceful step! It’s the perfect balance to the whimsical whimsy of my pink tutu, topped off with a luxurious pearl necklace. A hint of romanticism, a dash of ballet flair, a sprinkle of vintage chic - voilà! Emma is ready for her grand night at the ballet!

Speaking of my love for fashion - there are SO many wonderful vintage shops to explore in Prague! Imagine me rummaging through racks overflowing with timeless gowns, vintage furs, and ooh ah - some stunning feather boas. Imagine the perfect pink tulle bolero I found, all delicate embroidery and sequins, ready to be paired with my next show-stopping outfit! (A Pink Tutu Prague must, my darlings!)

The fashion inspiration here is boundless! Every nook and cranny bursts with vibrant colours, gorgeous designs, and so much potential for ballet-inspired ensembles. I’ve found this fabulous silk shop that sells the most breathtaking fabric! I can’t wait to whip up a new creation with it - a shimmering pink gown for a spectacular Pink Tutu evening, that will definitely leave heads turning. I’ve already got so many ideas bouncing around - maybe something with tiers of lace and delicate bows! Or, I could create an eye-catching tutu with multiple layers of shimmering silk and tulle, the very epitome of elegant drama!

Oh, I must share! Yesterday I found this beautiful little boutique where I snagged a stunning collection of unique pink ballet shoes. Some with velvet bows, others with intricate embroidery. Every pair perfectly capturing the whimsy and magic of my favourite colour - and so comfortable, my darlings, that even walking for hours on these cobbles is a joy!

Of course, I am documenting every step (or, should I say, pirouette) of this extraordinary journey on Instagram. Follow along @pinktutuadventures! You know how much I love to share all my Pink Tutu joys with the world! My posts will be a whirl of beautiful photographs from Prague - breathtaking shots of its medieval streets and bridges, colourful markets, romantic cafes, and of course - my fabulous ballet outfits. (Oh, I must mention the divine coffee I discovered near the Charles Bridge... and that fabulous bakery with the tastiest cherry pastries in the whole city!)

And then, of course, we'll have photos from the grand, shimmering spectacle of The Sleeping Beauty performance! Stay tuned, my lovelies, for a breathtaking journey through Prague, the captivating world of ballet, and always the alluring power of the pink tutu!

The stage awaits - I can almost hear the music, feel the joy of the performance building, and taste the sweetness of the applause!

Until next time, my darling darlings - happy pirouettes and sweet dreams of pink tulle!

Emma, your Pink Tutu Princess xx

P.S - Keep an eye out for a Pink Tutu Prague update next week - featuring a stunning new outfit (a dress I just had to buy! Imagine the most delightful baby pink tulle - heaven!), photos of my time in the charming old town square, and maybe some very special ballet secrets from Prague’s famous dance school. Until then, keep dancing and don't be afraid to sparkle!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2014-11-05