
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-01-28

Prague, My Dearest, in My Pink Tutu: Post #1025

Hello, darling readers! Emma here, your favourite tutu-clad travel blogger, reporting live from the enchanting city of Prague! The cobblestone streets, the majestic architecture, and the sheer beauty of this place are practically begging me to twirl, and you bet I'm obliging. This week, my mission is to show you how even a pink-loving ballerina like myself can navigate the charming chaos of Prague.

I arrived here yesterday afternoon after a delightful train journey from Vienna. Did I mention the conductor let me ride in the baggage carriage with all my dance wear and tutus? It was divine! Of course, my delicate pink tulle was a tad crushed, but let's be honest, a little crumple adds character. You see, darlings, my philosophy is: there's no such thing as a perfectly flawless tutu, just like there's no such thing as a perfect ballerina. We're all a bit rumpled, a little messy, but ultimately, absolutely fabulous!

Speaking of fabulous, I was fortunate enough to snag the most adorable room at the Pension Maria, nestled in the Old Town square. Just imagine, darling: waking up to the scent of freshly baked pastries and the sound of laughter drifting through the narrow alleyways. This is the kind of setting that makes me want to pirouette down the street in my pinkest, fluffiest tutu!

My first full day in Prague began with a lovely ballet class. Don't you find, darlings, that sometimes you just need a good stretch and a few pirouettes to clear the cobwebs from your mind? Even when you're travelling, it's essential to keep your artistry flowing. The studio was beautifully airy, flooded with morning light and adorned with gorgeous floral arrangements. My fellow dancers were charmingly bohemian and quite skilled too! It was a delightful way to start the day, and I felt incredibly inspired.

Later, I found myself strolling along the Vltava riverbank, the soft glow of the setting sun painting the bridges and buildings in hues of gold and pink. A truly dreamy sight, and naturally, I couldn't resist snapping a few selfies in my new vintage tulle tutu from a shop tucked away in a hidden courtyard. (More on this little gem later, my loves!)

Then, tonight's highlight! I spent the evening at the exquisite National Theatre, catching the opening night performance of "Giselle". Oh, darlings, it was breathtaking! The dancers were absolutely mesmerizing, the music carried me away on a tide of emotion, and the sheer elegance of the entire spectacle was utterly divine.

And as a little side note: it wouldn't be a true Prague ballet adventure without exploring its rich history. I spent the afternoon wandering through the majestic Czech National Ballet Museum. Their collection of tutus and ballet shoes, both from the past and present, is phenomenal! There are intricate lace creations dating back centuries, and, believe me, some truly decadent feathered headdresses. This, dear readers, is what I call inspiration!

Now, you wouldn't catch me on this trip without a spot of retail therapy. After all, it's important to look the part! My first shopping spree was in the elegant Letnรก district. I stumbled upon a truly magnificent shop, tucked away behind an antique bookshop. I won't reveal its secrets, but it's full of incredible finds. Oh, and let's not forget, I picked up some divine new additions to my tutu collection. It was practically a ballet-themed fashion show happening inside my head, darling!

Tonight, I'm off to indulge in a delightful local dinner at U Medvidku, an old-world brewery famous for its delicious beer and hearty Czech cuisine. Don't worry, I'm keeping my tutus neatly tucked away, but I promise you'll get an outfit reveal on the next post.

So there you have it, my lovely readers, just another exciting day in Prague. My journey here is a testament to my belief that life is a beautiful ballet โ€“ with a sprinkle of pink tulle, naturally. Be sure to join me next week for more of my adventures, and remember, dear friends, life's best moments are often the unexpected twirls.

Until then, dance your way to a wonderful week!

Your darling, tutu-wearing Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-01-28