Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-04-29

Prague Calling! #PinkTutuPrague (Post 1038)

Bonjour, darlings! It’s Wednesday and you know what that means – time for your weekly dose of Pink Tutu! This week, I’m bursting with excitement, because I’m whisking you off on a romantic adventure to Prague, the city of a thousand spires, cobbled streets, and, of course, beautiful ballet!

Before we delve into all things pink and pirouette, let me tell you how I got here. Last month, I secured a coveted spot performing at the Royal Ballet's "Swan Lake" in Manchester. Such an amazing experience! I truly believe my pink tutu brought me luck in the audition! 🦢 It always does, darling!

The performance was a whirlwind of feathers, pointe shoes, and standing ovations. Afterward, with my purse brimming with well-earned shillings, I booked my train ticket to Prague! I love train journeys! They are such a relaxing way to see the world whizz by! Especially when wearing a fluffy pink tutu, darling! Think "Gone with the Wind" but with more sparkles!

I arrived in Prague on Tuesday afternoon, and what an enchanting welcome it was! Imagine charming cobblestones, a historic cityscape steeped in fairy-tale vibes, and the most adorable little tea shops tucked away on side streets! Honestly, Prague is a dream!

And speaking of dreams, how about I introduce you to the beauty of Prague's ballet scene? The National Theatre, my dears, is absolutely stunning. I spent my afternoon browsing the charming gift shops – where I found a gorgeous, vintage, pink tutu (of course!), then popped next door to The Estates Theatre, a historic gem that has played host to the likes of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, and a certain pink-clad ballet blogger! 😜

Tonight, I'm headed to the Stavovské Theatre (or, "The Estates Theatre," for you English speakers!) to see "La Traviata" by Verdi. The story of a tragic Parisian courtesan… I just love a good dramatic operatic love story. But not for the drama alone. It is pure glamour darling.

For the performance, I have been browsing Prague's shops looking for the perfect pink tutu, I have decided upon this soft peach tutu with shimmering sequins.

Speaking of shopping, my darlings, Prague is a paradise for a fashionable flamingo! I mean, the city overflows with shops that cater to all your whims! Think elegant boutiques offering delicate hand-crafted jewellery, and vintage shops filled with treasure troves from a bygone era. For tonight, I picked up some truly gorgeous vintage pearl earrings and an emerald-green scarf, which adds just the right amount of punch to my ensemble!

Pink Tutu and the Art of Ballet

For you fellow tutu-lovers, you'll be thrilled to hear Prague is steeped in the magic of ballet. It’s been said that Prague's ballet history began with Italian Renaissance court dances! But Prague truly came into its own during the 17th century with the establishment of a formal ballet school! Talk about history! But I bet they didn't have pink tutus! It wasn't until 1830 that the first tutu was actually worn on stage! I have an amazing book about tutu history at home, but it's too big and heavy for travel!

In 1883, the Prague National Theatre debuted. Talk about elegant beginnings, darling! And today, the National Theatre presents a remarkable array of ballet performances throughout the year! Sadly, I can't see a performance there as my purse strings won't allow. So, "La Traviata" will have to suffice for now!
But that’s okay! My travels are all about the discovery and excitement! It's about pushing your own limits and daring to live a life of sparkle! (Just like a Pink Tutu)

After my "La Traviata" journey into operatic melodrama, I will share my thoughts on my Prague visit! And yes, of course, there will be more photos!

In the meantime, my dear lovelies, keep shining and sparkling!

Lots of love, Emma xx

#pinktutu #prague #ballet #la-traviata #travel #vintage #shopping #fashion #dance

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-04-29