Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-05-06

Pink Tutu Prague: Whirlwind Adventures in the City of a Hundred Spires (Blog Post #1039)

Hello my darling Tutu Twirlers!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another exciting chapter in my pink tutu adventures. Today I'm whisking you away to the magical city of Prague, a place that's utterly bewitched me. As you know, I live for the magic of travel, and the train journey was absolutely divine. There’s something about watching the landscape flit past the window, a kaleidoscope of colour and life, that always gets me in the mood for an adventure.

Pink Tutu Prague

And Prague was just that, an adventure. The moment I stepped onto the cobblestone streets, I was transported into a fairytale. Imagine the most charming medieval city you’ve ever dreamt of, and add a splash of Bohemian flair, a smattering of breathtaking architecture, and a hint of sweet, sugared history. The city's charm was just so infectious!

As I stepped out of the station, the city's architecture rose majestically in all its grandeur. Tall spires reaching for the clouds, whimsical domes that made me want to spin, and intricate carvings that told silent stories - I felt like I was starring in a silent film, but with the sound of excited giggles, the clinking of glasses, and the whisper of romantic waltzes!

A Pink Tutu Adventure: Ballet, Shopping and… Ponies?

Before embarking on a whirlwind of exploring, I simply had to get my ballet fix. Prague is known for its rich cultural heritage, and ballet plays a central role. Imagine this: a quaint, yet grand, ballet studio nestled amongst the cobblestone streets, offering classes with the most wonderful, flamboyant instructors.

Oh, how I do love a good ballet class! The instructor, a true bohemian soul with fiery red hair and twinkling green eyes, helped me feel right at home with a generous amount of encouragement. We pirouetted with the utmost grace, leaped like gazelles (well, attempted, at least!), and glided with the utmost elegance across the polished wood floor. It felt like every graceful move was in sync with the city’s charming, enchanting energy!

Afterward, of course, I had to replenish my pink tutu reserves! I found a charming boutique with a breathtaking collection of lace, ribbons, and tulle that reminded me of the opulent ballrooms in a Jane Austen novel. You’ve simply got to see these outfits. Think pastel pinks and blues, delicately embroidered with pearls and intricate swirls. If you’re planning on a visit, be sure to drop by - the name escapes me now, but I know the pink awning outside will catch your eye, you simply cannot miss it!

For the adventurous part of this Pink Tutu adventure, it was a journey back in time… and by that, I mean by horse and cart! Can you imagine? Picture yourself trotting through the medieval streets of Prague, past breathtaking landmarks and secret squares, in a fairytale-like horse drawn carriage. The gentle clinking of hooves on cobblestone was so soothing - almost as if the horses themselves were humming a graceful, romantic melody. And to think, the local stables were quite happy to accommodate my trusty, ever-so-elegant pink tutu!

A Night at the Opera (and Tutu Inspiration)

But of course, Prague wasn't all ballet studios and pony rides. For a little cultural indulgence, I ventured into the breathtaking National Theatre, a historical landmark with a dramatic presence. It’s a monument to artistic history, with so much grandeur, elegance, and artistry!

You know, it truly astounds me, the way some of the most breathtaking architecture in the world comes from the world of opera houses and theaters. From Vienna’s State Opera House to Paris’ Palais Garnier to, of course, the London Royal Opera House, there’s a real art to their grand, elegant, majestic designs, aren’t there? And Prague's National Theatre doesn’t disappoint! It was filled with the energy of the performers and the applause of the crowd – it felt like magic.

I also loved seeing the incredible costumes in the show. So many feathers, glittering jewels, and intricate lace work… I actually got a whole book full of new ideas for my next collection of tutus! I just know that you’ll adore what I come up with next. Just be sure to subscribe to my blog for a sneak peek of what’s in store!

Pink Tutu in Prague - A Celebration of the City's Soul

Of course, I had to include some of Prague's highlights in my pink tutu adventures! Let me tell you, wandering through the Charles Bridge at sunset was like being in a dream. Golden light reflecting off the river, ancient sculptures silently watching over the city, and me in my favourite, floaty pink tutu – pure bliss. And if you are planning a trip, don't miss the old town square, the clock tower, or a climb to the top of the Petřín Hill - the views are simply magical!

But you know what really took my breath away? It was the city’s spirit, that certain je ne sais quoi that makes Prague so unique. Maybe it’s the history that whispers in every cobblestone or the beauty of every gothic tower. Whatever it is, it filled me with a deep sense of peace, tranquility, and joy - and of course, a healthy dose of inspiration!

And it's this magical feeling that I want to share with all of you, my darlings. If you’re ever planning a trip, come, embrace the city's beauty, and lose yourself in its energy, but always remember: bring your best, most stylish, pinkest tutus - you can't go wrong with a touch of sparkle in this city.

That's all for now my loves. I hope you’ve enjoyed this whirl through Prague. I promise to bring you more adventures, from beautiful, bustling city streets to tranquil countryside walks, in future pink tutu posts. In the meantime, don't forget to stay tuned for all things sparkly, stylish and whimsical!

Remember to follow me on Twitter and Instagram (@PinkTutuEmma), join my private Facebook group (The Tutu Twirlers), and visit my website,, for exclusive tutu inspiration!

Until next time, my darlings, stay sparkly, stay true, and never stop twirling.

Lots of love, Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-05-06