Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-06-24

Pink Tutu Prague: A Ballerina's Dream Come True! (Post #1046)

Wednesday 24th June 2015

Hello, darling dears! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu aficionado, back from another whirlwind adventure, this time in the beautiful, historic city of Prague! My heart's been a-flutter since the moment I stepped off the train, all cobblestones and Gothic architecture - just breathtaking. I do adore train journeys, and there was a wonderful chap I met en route, we were whispering about ballet history... how lucky am I to be surrounded by such cultured company on my travels?

Now, as many of you know, I live for the thrill of the chassé, the exhilaration of a perfect jeté, and the artistry of a dazzling ballet performance! So it should come as no surprise that my first stop in Prague was none other than the magnificent National Theatre. Prague is a city teeming with theatrical life - they truly know their stuff!

You couldn’t have caught me anywhere else, though, than at the National Theatre for a production of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. Let's just say the Swan Lake at the National Theatre in Prague was something truly special. The dancers were utterly incredible, grace and strength perfectly combined, every step a marvel of precision, every movement brimming with emotion. The costumes? Simply divine, fluttering white tutus like snowflakes under the lights, shimmering gold and ruby accents making my little heart leap with delight! The entire atmosphere was captivating, a wave of music and colour swirling around the room like a magical, pink-hued tutu floating on a breeze. Honestly, darlings, I had goosebumps!

But a ballet performance isn't all that my adventure had in store for me! Prague is a fashion lover's dream, a treasure trove of delightful boutiques and stylish shops! The streets themselves are bursting with fashion inspiration - cobblestones reflecting beautiful pastel colours like a vintage ballet poster!

I indulged my love for everything frilly and pretty with a visit to Designblok at the Old Town Hall Square. Oh my heavens! So much lovely pink, sparkling with embellishments, a beautiful array of delicate fabric... it's like a symphony for my eyes! I discovered a wonderful shop selling the most beautiful lace shawls and floral accessories. Oh, the daydreams I had, twirling about the square, imagine!

Speaking of twirling... it's simply impossible to be in a place as enchanting as Prague without taking advantage of its stunning historical beauty. I made sure to saddle up for a charming pony ride along the picturesque banks of the Vltava River. The setting sun, reflecting off the golden domes of Prague's magnificent churches, was breathtaking. I twirled a bit, of course, for my trusty photographer, the air filled with the music of the city and the laughter of a young girl watching a lone, white swan glide along the river. It was picture perfect.

But my journey doesn't end there! It wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu adventure without a little bit of "ballet by day," would it? So naturally, I couldn't leave Prague without stopping by the Prague Dance Centre. It was an absolute delight. Their studios were light, airy and perfect for a lovely warm up before some rigorous stretches! My limbs felt so much better for a good plié or two.

Of course, darling dears, I couldn’t leave the city without a little ballet-themed souvenir or two, just a wee bit to remember my Prague adventure! I found some delightful Czech ballet history books at the lovely Shakespeare & Sons Bookstore, a haven of literature amidst the bustle of Old Town Square.

And then, darling dears, there was the food. The Bohemian Cuisine at a charming little restaurant nestled away on the outskirts of Old Town. It was like a dance on my tongue, such exquisite flavours – every single mouthful a celebration of the sweetest of life!

It seems as though this adventure was meant to be! From swan lake at the National Theatre to pony rides through the cobblestone streets, from fashioning delights to ballet-infused food – Prague really does know how to treat a ballerina.

Now, my darlings, while you are all dreaming of pink tutus and ballerinas in the moonlight, I'll be back next week for another Wednesday post on Until then, take care and don’t forget: the most important thing is to dance!

Love, Emma Pink Tutu

P.S. And don’t forget, darling dears, the beauty of wearing pink! Don't hesitate to grab that pink tutu and embrace the world with the magic of pink! Just like me.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-06-24