Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-11-18

Prague in Pink: Ballet, Boutiques and Beautiful Buildings - Blog Post #1067

Wednesday, 18th November 2015

Bonjour mes chères ballerinas! It's Wednesday, which means a brand new blog post for And oh my, I've got a lot to tell you! This week, darling, I've been whisked away to the utterly enchanting city of Prague. Just the mention of this place sends shivers of excitement down my spine! It's the kind of city that feels straight out of a fairytale, with its winding cobblestone streets, ancient architecture, and fairytale-esque bridges over the sparkling Vltava river. And as soon as I stepped off the train and onto the platform, I knew this was going to be a whirlwind adventure of ballet, beautiful clothes and breathtaking scenery - all in the name of spreading the love for pink tutus, of course!

Tutus and Train Travel

I may not be a swan lake princess in real life (yet, let’s hope that dream becomes reality soon!) but my travels are often infused with an air of ballet. It seems fitting, right? A love of the stage naturally flows into a love of travel - the theatre of life, you might say.

Getting to Prague was pure, elegant joy. You can imagine - my train carriage, decked out in my favourite shade of pink and a fabulous tutu, I was turning heads all the way. You know, I often get some funny looks on these trips! I always chuckle when people stare – they seem to be so captivated by my passion. Maybe it's the tutu, maybe it's the pink lipstick, or maybe it’s just the pure joy of life. Whatever it is, it always adds a little flair to the journey. I love the thrill of arriving at a new destination – the journey is part of the performance! It’s about more than just getting to my final destination - it’s about the stories you build along the way, the people you meet, and the memories you gather.

A Fairy Tale City

Prague, my dears, was even more magical than I'd imagined. Every corner was a new photograph opportunity. Imagine a city where every building is a masterpiece, and even the streets are adorned with stories. The Charles Bridge, with its baroque statues, stood like a bridge to another world. The Prague Castle, perched on a hill overlooking the city, was breathtaking. And let's not forget the astronomical clock, a marvel of medieval engineering and the main square, a beautiful open space that is full of life. You feel the history whispering in your ears!

Prague’s Pink Perfection

Shopping, of course, was a major part of the trip! Now, the only thing more beautiful than Prague itself is the city's obsession with all things fabulous! From stunning vintage shops tucked away in quaint corners to the fashion-forward boutiques with window displays that scream “you are worthy, wear pink and twirl!” (that’s my motto, and yes, I have made them put that up in the shop windows.) You see, finding the perfect outfit to wear to a ballet performance is just as important as choosing a role for a play. A real ballet fanatic, you must choose a colour to perfectly represent the performance you’re watching – just like I do! It is, of course, my lifelong mission to encourage the wearing of tutus. It was hard to resist, I must say. And did you see those gorgeous hats I bought? Let's just say I couldn't resist their charm, they were as alluring as a waltz on a moonlit night!

Ballet in Prague

But the real reason I journeyed to this enchanted city, darling, was for a ballet performance! The PinkTutuPrague Ballet, as I've dubbed it for my blog, was something out of a dream. The dancers were simply sensational. They floated across the stage with such grace and elegance. The costumes were spectacular. I simply loved the detail, the beautiful silks, the perfect fit, the colors. There's something about watching a dance performance, isn’t there? You become one with the music and the choreography. It's like a shared experience - a connection that transcends language. It leaves you breathless. And, I know I mention this a lot but the choreography for a ballerina performance, just like the choice of colours for my outfits is vitally important. A skilled ballerina can take on an entire role through movement. I think that's one of the most beautiful aspects of ballet, it’s so emotive and expressive.

The Final Twirl

This Prague escapade is one I’ll never forget, darling. Prague, its cobblestone charm, its stunning scenery, and its beautiful boutiques have truly left an impression on my soul. You see, there's a bit of ballerina in each of us, it just needs to be brought out with a little help. I, for one, believe in unleashing that inner-tutu-wearing dancer! You can find your own way, like me. Whether you want to travel, wear the perfect outfits for your adventures, discover your passion or simply express your personality with an array of pinks. And who knows, maybe one day, we’ll all be twirling together, in our tutus, in some breathtaking place like Prague, because that’s the dream, right?

Until next week,

Emma x

P.S Don’t forget, check out my new online shop! It is filled with lovely tutus in your favourite shade - pink, of course.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2015-11-18