Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2016-08-03

Prague Dreams in Pink: A Tutu-filled Adventure (Blog Post #1104)

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016

Hello darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, ready to whisk you away to the magical streets of Prague. This week, my journey takes me on a whirlwind of pink-tinted adventures, with a touch of history, a sprinkle of fashion, and a whole lot of ballet. Buckle up, it's going to be a fabulous ride!

As the sun rose over the charming city of Prague, I was already up and at ‘em, fuelled by a cup of strong English breakfast tea and the promise of a day brimming with exciting possibilities. Having reached Prague by the most enchanting means – a leisurely train journey from Vienna – I was already smitten by the cobbled streets, the colourful buildings, and the magical atmosphere that hung in the air. Prague felt like a fairytale come to life!

My first stop? Of course, a little boutique in the heart of the Old Town, overflowing with exquisitely delicate ballet shoes, all in shades of blush pink and dainty rose. I managed to snag a pair of exquisitely soft satin shoes – perfect for twirling around the cobbled streets! Then, a stop for a delicious Czech pastry, all sprinkled with icing sugar, because a girl's gotta keep those energy levels up, especially when ballet adventures are on the menu!

The Heartbeat of Prague: The National Theatre

The afternoon took me to a truly enchanting spot – the National Theatre. A symbol of Czech identity and a monument to the country's rich artistic history, it truly felt like a beacon of art and creativity. Stepping inside was like entering a time capsule, a beautiful blend of opulence and history, filled with ornate décor and a touch of the dramatic. The grandeur of the theatre really took my breath away.

As the ballet dancers began to rehearse, a flurry of excitement danced through my veins. I felt a familiar tug – the irresistible pull of ‘the ballet life,’ that magic that comes alive in the grace of each movement, the precision of the steps, the emotion that unfolds in every pose. And then, the magic truly began as the show started, a whirlwind of colour, movement, and music.

I am a firm believer in the fact that ballet should be experienced at its core. So I grabbed the most beautiful pastel pink tutu, slipped it on with a touch of the familiar ‘clickety-clack’ of my new shoes, and lost myself in the elegance of the dancers. I can't share the name of the ballet as a matter of decorum, but oh, it was utterly captivating.

Shopping Spree and Prague's Pastel Hues

Later, with the warmth of the day fading, I headed back into the Old Town, my pink tutu catching the setting sun’s light with a soft, ethereal glow. This enchanting city felt tailor-made for my love of pink. I fell in love with the quaint, pastel-coloured houses, like sugared gingerbread with roofs of aged terracotta. Each twist and turn in the narrow streets unveiled another masterpiece - whimsical wrought iron balconies overflowing with pink roses and dainty shops selling Bohemian crystal, each glinting with rainbow light.

As I wandered through the streets, my pink tutu swirling around my legs, I discovered an adorable vintage shop brimming with retro fashions and delightful treasures. It was just my kind of place, filled with dusty jewels, powdered pink perfume bottles, and faded photos of elegant women in delicate silk dresses. I found a bewitching vintage scarf – the perfect shade of bubblegum pink - to adorn my hair.

The Magic of Ballet – In the Streets of Prague

The evening took me to one of the many picturesque squares in Prague, the vibrant beating heart of the city. As the dusk deepened, the city came alive with music, the twinkling lights of street performers casting a golden glow. But my heart was truly captured by the enchanting street dancers performing outside a local café. I must admit, they did have a captivating quality, especially one who caught my eye, gracefully performing with a vibrant red scarf billowing like a poppy petal.

But no matter how magical their performance, a street ballet could never quite match the spectacle of a show at Prague’s world-renowned Opera. The sheer grandeur of it all – the majestic chandeliers, the intricate, ornate designs, the anticipation in the air, the palpable hush just before the performance begins… I swear I could hear the heartbeats of the entire audience! I don’t think I will ever forget the incredible performance we were treated to. It was a blend of artistic excellence, vibrant storytelling and passionate storytelling that truly had my heart beating in time with the music!

The energy of this city – its historical richness, its playful charm and vibrant energy, have a magical effect. It truly inspired me. I felt like a character from a beautiful, swirling ballet – a ballerina twirling through Prague’s vibrant streets, leaving a trail of pink wherever I went!

My Pink Tutu – A Universal Language

It was a journey filled with pink and passion, history and a touch of the extraordinary, a celebration of beauty and a love letter to the city of Prague. As I reflect upon this magnificent city, its charm still lingers, an echo in my heart. My journey will continue, filled with many more fabulous adventures and a new appreciation for Prague, a city that stole my heart. And remember, my darling lovelies, my mantra remains – *Let’s paint the world pink! * I hope that every time you step out the door, you channel your inner ballerina. And if you dare to dream big, then join me. Let's inspire each other to embrace our creativity, our individuality and to always follow our dreams! Stay tuned for my next blog post – and keep your pink tutus at the ready!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2016-08-03