Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2016-08-24

Prague - Ballet, Pink & Sparkling Shoes! (Blog Post #1107)

Hello darlings! Emma here, back from Prague! Where shall I even begin?! I’ve got so many stories, photos, and adventures to share about my most recent escapade. It’s been quite the whirlwind, so sit back with a cup of your favourite pink floral tea, settle into a comfortable chair in a stunningly pretty pink dressing gown (I can’t imagine what else you’d wear while reading my blog, frankly), and let’s get this party started!

My Week in Prague

This week’s blog takes us to the magical city of Prague, and this is definitely a city I'd recommend for a girls' trip or romantic weekend getaway, even if you are a slightly obsessed ballet dancer who makes everything pink! As always, I'll be breaking down the week for you, detailing what I did, where I ate, what I wore (because fashion is vital for me!) and, most importantly, which incredible ballet shows I went to see. After all, you know me - my heart belongs on the stage, and a pink tutu can bring a whole lot of magic to even the most unassuming of venues!


Prague was always going to be an interesting city for me, with its history, its architectural splendor and a ballet scene that has some real magic about it! I couldn't wait to dive in, get lost in the cobbled streets, see a few magnificent ballet performances, try the delicious Czech pastries, and find a few fabulous, frilly items for my wardrobe! It didn’t disappoint, and the journey was, of course, half the fun!

The train journey was pretty uneventful, but it did make a lovely change from a long flight. I think I must admit that, these days, my ballet travels are starting to get a bit repetitive. I travel so much! I guess it is part of the fun, though, getting to see a bit of the world whilst my passion for dance takes me around. All I needed was my trusty ballet bag with all the essentials: my travel size pink toiletry kit, my favorite pink travel blanket, and a brand new blush-pink sequined top, of course. Who wants to travel without a touch of sparkle?

It was lovely to see the change of scenery though! Even though I’ve got my pink tutu suitcase full of pink tulle, sequined ballet shoes, and enough makeup to look pretty much fabulous anywhere I go, sometimes, all you need is a change of view to revitalize your spirit.

A Delightful Hotel

The hotel I chose for my week was simply exquisite! It was the most glamorous pink-and-cream palace imaginable with frills galore! It had that luxurious feeling of having just stepped into a Victorian novel and it gave me plenty of space for the three massive suitcases I tend to carry with me wherever I go! I thought my big pink tutu suitcases might be a bit much but the staff in the hotel were so sweet and just loved it all! I was, of course, decked out in my favorite pink tutu dress - it has so much beautiful frills, sequins, and ribbons it looks just like a princess outfit (without actually being too princessy), so I think they found me a good fit!

Getting the Feel of the City

After I’d unpacked and freshened up a bit (my long train journey really does tire me out sometimes) I had my first little wander around the beautiful streets, my favourite little pink flats and a new pink fluffy stole making my look the absolute epitome of ballet ballerina elegance! It is very important for me to find things I can wear both to the theatre and as street style. And it must be all pink! I actually love searching for new pieces I can get away with during my travels, as sometimes my travelling bag feels pretty bulky.

And Prague truly does have something special. Those cobbled streets, the ancient architecture, and all those little hidden courtyards and cafes... it was a real fairy tale setting for a girl like me, even if it is a fairy tale that's also steeped in dark and twisted history. I find that combination quite enthralling! Of course, the architecture is stunning and, with all the pink that is naturally there from the rose-coloured houses (although sometimes I’ve got to add more myself!), it really does look like something out of a Disney film.

Dancing Through the Day (and Night!)

I'm not a ballet school girl these days but I do need to keep in practice, of course! And my ballerina style definitely helps me get that little bit extra! But you won't find me on the streets of Prague doing ballet en pointe on the cobbles - it’s far too risky, especially when I am usually wearing my lovely little flats with my frills and lace dress. No! My dancing is saved for my evening performance and also for a little time to myself at the end of a tiring day.

Now, for me, the true purpose of a city break is to see those amazing ballet productions. Prague is a gem in terms of ballet, and I took every opportunity to attend all of the big names on the performance roster: Don Quixote, Swan Lake, and, to finish my week in a fantastic finale, the Sleeping Beauty performance was spectacular! It was simply perfect - graceful and charming, and just brimming with that pure elegance that I can't get enough of! I’ve never found anything quite as impressive as watching professional ballet in the most stunning and extravagant theatre settings! It takes me back to my childhood - and who could ask for a better return journey?

I took plenty of photos, as you know I'm obsessed with documenting everything and trying to share with you all my magical journeys through ballet, my fabulous costumes, and my life as a ballerina. Let me know what you think!

Where to Find the Best Food & Wine

Even ballet-obsessed girls need to eat, right? My week in Prague wasn’t all about ballet - there was, of course, the delectable Czech food, all the delicious cakes and pastries - something I must indulge in as part of my travelling routine. And who would expect any different from a girl wearing a pink tutu in a pink cafe sipping her morning coffee with a slice of apricot cake?! The cakes were exquisite. I think my favourites were the tiny vanilla-scented almond pastry things, so delicious! And for that all-important late-night nibble, after watching a wonderful performance of Sleeping Beauty and heading back to my glamorous, pink-walled hotel room, a plate of koláče was an absolute necessity!

There’s nothing quite like settling down after a fantastic ballet performance and really digging into a lovely meal!

Fabulous Fashion

The pink theme naturally extends to everything I do! I love exploring new stores in my ballet travels and I think, in some ways, it’s a bit like an extended stage for showing off the best of ballerina-inspired outfits - which includes a good amount of sparkle! But Prague also really delivers for those of us who love shopping - the little independent boutiques were absolutely packed with amazing pieces that you wouldn't find anywhere else! And of course, pink is definitely big here - particularly those delicate shades of dusty pink that are so lovely and almost whispery - as opposed to a loud pink that really makes a statement, the kind I usually prefer, but still - so elegant and really special! It seems that my favourite colour is in fashion here too, and it is no surprise that I took quite a bit of shopping home! I mean, we all need that pink fix.

I don't have much room for suitcases because of all my tutu travel necessities but I somehow managed to fit in all of my new outfits. My most favourite was a sparkly baby pink sequined jacket - it was almost impossible to pass up and I can already imagine so many fun times dancing and swirling in it - on and off stage, it will look fabulous with everything!

And I really did manage to indulge myself a little more, purchasing a lovely pair of pink suede ankle boots - with feathers, sparkles and beads and all things glittery. They looked fabulous, though a bit difficult to get on and off, which could be an interesting dilemma for ballet shows if I have to make a swift exit off the stage after a bow - I may have to leave those to a more elegant time or perhaps use my travelling shoes!

And so the days flew by! Prague is definitely a city for a longer visit next time because there is so much to see and experience. It would take ages for me to properly describe the things I’ve seen! But next time I’m in Prague I definitely plan on doing more sightseeing because all this running around to ballet classes and ballet shows really does make me want to get back to my roots.

Where to Go Next

So, the big question now - where do I head off to next?! Well, you can't keep a pink tutu wearing ballet dancer out of action for too long! It's back to the ballet shoes for me and the train tickets are already booked to Munich next week! Oh, the adventures to come! I can't wait! I love having such varied work - it takes a lot of dedication and energy and I have to make sure my costumes are ready for whatever is next, especially my new ballet tutu from my recent travels.

And with that, darlings, it's time to take a little nap and start dreaming about all the dancing adventures to come! I’ll be back here next week with my Munich adventure for my next post. And until then, I wish you all happy dancey thoughts!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2016-08-24