Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2016-09-14

Post #1110: A Tutu-tiful Day in Prague! 💖🩰

Hello darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another installment of your favourite pink-tutu-infused travelogue! Today, I'm bringing you straight from the cobbled streets of Prague, a city that’s stolen my heart – and my shoe budget! 👠

It’s been a whirlwind few days, a real dream come true! You see, my dear readers, this girl has a special thing for Prague. The architecture, the atmosphere, the endless cups of hot chocolate…and, of course, the ballet!

Remember how I told you about my dream to have every single person on this planet don a pink tutu? Well, this week, Prague was starting to feel a lot like a pink-tutu-topia! 😄

Let me fill you in on how my week has been, with all the glorious pinkness a ballerina girl could desire!

The Ballet of Prague

Prague has a long and rich ballet history, and let me tell you, they know how to make a grand entrance! My heart soared during my visit to the National Theatre, an iconic building perched proudly on the banks of the Vltava River. They were showing Swan Lake, and honestly, the stage was positively dazzling with swans! The entire theatre seemed to glitter like a ballerina’s costume – all plush red velvet and sparkling chandeliers, you know? I mean, I had to pinch myself – could this really be happening?! 🤩

Fun fact: The National Theatre is so iconic that they have their own very specific pink tutu – yes, it's real, it's truly stunning – but they only bring it out for special occasions. I'm talking the very biggest events!

Tutu shopping, Prague-style 🛍️

Of course, no trip to Prague would be complete without a good old fashioned shopping spree! I ventured into the heart of the city to explore the hidden treasures that are the Old Town Square. It was simply a delightful explosion of pastel shades, ornate doorways, and enough street performers to rival Covent Garden! It wasn't hard to find the perfect, oh-so-feminine tutu shops hidden amongst the ancient architecture! 💖

Let’s just say I came away with enough tulle and sparkle to keep my inner ballerina happy for a good while! 😉 The ladies here really know how to make a tutu that fits a ballerina’s dreams – a real mix of Parisian chic and whimsical sweetness! I found a few treasures with stunningly elaborate detailing, while still managing to stay on-brand for that signature Pink Tutu elegance, if you catch my drift. 🥰

Horseback Riding - Just a Little Prague Pony Love! 🦄

Did you know Prague boasts one of the most charming and romantic ways to see the city? You can take a delightful ride on a white horse carriage through the city's centre, taking in all the architectural masterpieces along the way. There's a real fairytale vibe about it – so of course I just had to give it a go. 🎠

You might have heard the rumours about how these horse-drawn carriages are a bit on the un-ethical side - I understand why some people feel that way. But I think these majestic animals deserve a bit more credit, especially those here in Prague. They are so well looked after! The carriages are inspected regularly, and there are rules in place to ensure the horses have a comfortable ride and a fair work-life balance. (Don't worry, I have my sources!). Honestly, there's nothing quite like the feel of the wind in your hair and the gentle clinking of hooves on cobblestones – I mean, this is literally the only way to see Prague like royalty!

Now, if you are more adventurous (or perhaps if you just can't be seen riding in a carriage, like some of my very own very elegant Derbyshire family), then there’s also the option of going on a proper horseback riding experience! I just can't resist the opportunity to try horseback riding in different countries! I just had to saddle up and trot around! My friend Lily went with me, because as everyone knows, a pink tutu looks just as amazing on horseback! We even rode past the famous Charles Bridge – oh, the thrill! 🏇

My "I'll Never Forget It!" Moment

You know how sometimes, in your travels, you’ll stumble upon something truly remarkable? Something that stops you dead in your tracks, and you just have to breathe in the moment? Well, for me, that moment arrived when I crossed the majestic Charles Bridge. It’s one of the most stunning and ancient bridges in Europe, adorned with captivating statues and overlooking the Vltava River. Just being there felt truly special, like stepping into a romantic painting, and with every cobblestone I stepped on, I knew this is a moment I will never forget. 💖

You'll just have to take a look for yourself on my Instagram page (@PinkTutu)!

Train Travels and All Things Fashionable 🚂

There’s nothing like a train journey to put your travel diary in full bloom! I arrived in Prague after an absolute whirlwind trip on the Eurostar! My fellow travellers seemed a little bewildered to find me in my pink tutu, as if it was unusual or unconventional. 🙄 Of course, it was just perfect for a train journey - comfortable, stylish, and it definitely pinked up a rather dull carriage! 😉

I really love traveling on trains – I find the constant views, the chance encounters, and that feeling of “traveling through time” really invigorating. It reminds me so much of the grand old days when women would travel from one great city to the next in their flowing skirts, leaving behind a swish of silk and the trail of a perfume in their wake. (I try to do that wherever I go!) 💃 The enchanting and romantic travel era is certainly back, at least for me, because in my travels I just want to be part of a fairytale!

When I travel, I really make an effort to take a step back and enjoy those little moments that would be missed in a hectic journey. You know, observing the interesting characters that populate our shared journey through life – a fellow train passenger rocking a vintage suitcase, the woman across the aisle lost in a book with a fluffy cat curled on her lap – it all seems part of one big story, and a reminder that there’s so much out there for each and every one of us to discover!

The Pink Tutu Prague Ballet Tour - This Wednesday!

That's right, dear readers, you are not dreaming, it’s time for another exclusive Pink Tutu Ballet Tour ! I’ll be giving my own Pink Tutu guide of Prague, and for just a very small donation, we can explore all the Pink Tutu hotspots – you know, like the amazing boutiques, those horse-drawn carriage rides, and those places where even the coffee tastes like ballet!

We will, of course, be meeting at the Prague National Theatre, the home of a dazzling world of ballerinas and exquisite dance!

If you want to join me, book your ticket in the “Tour” section on my website!

And of course, you can keep up with all of my pink tutu travels and all of my fabulous dance exploits by subscribing to my YouTube Channel. I'm going to show you the best places for tutus, the greatest shows, the most stunning views and share the pink-tutu secrets I have uncovered along the way – after all, spreading a bit of Pink Tutu magic is my mission!

See you on my next Prague adventure! 💕🩰

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2016-09-14