Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-02-01

Prague, My Love! 🩰💖 (Post #1130)

Greetings from the enchanting city of Prague, darling readers! It's Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina blogger, and this week's post is all about Prague, a city that truly stole my heart.

As I’m sure you know, I live for the thrill of a new adventure, and what better way to start a European escapade than with a picturesque train journey through the heart of the continent? The smooth, rhythmic motion of the train and the breathtaking landscapes that unfolded outside my window had me entranced, lost in the ballet of scenery. I've always felt a deep connection to the train - its journey symbolises progress and exploration, a journey much like my own as I dance through life.

It's funny, really. As a Derbyshire girl born and raised, my love affair with travel and performing blossomed during long journeys on the train between the North and the South, on the way to the Royal Opera House in London, for ballet class and to watch incredible shows. My life's ambition? To see as many ballets as I possibly can, and to inspire everyone to embrace their inner ballerina!

The Dance of Prague

The moment I arrived in Prague, I was greeted by the breathtaking beauty of its architecture. Golden spires peeked at the sky, and the ancient cobblestone streets felt as if they whispered secrets from centuries past. Oh, darling, the cobbled streets here are truly exquisite! Each one is a symphony of stone, its rhythmic clicks and clacks as I pirouetted along provided a unique soundtrack for my adventures. I had to buy a pair of adorable ballet flats that clicked perfectly in sync with the cobbles. What else can a ballerina do, I ask?

Tutu Treasures of Prague

My favourite shops here in Prague, as you might imagine, are the ones bursting with tutus and all things ballet. Let me tell you, finding that perfect pink tutu is truly an art form. It's all about finding that special combination of tulle, embellishment, and, of course, colour, because as you know, pink is everything to me.

Today's purchase was truly delightful: a soft blush pink tutu adorned with shimmering sequins that truly twirled beautifully with every pirouette I made! (It made me wonder - is a tutus pirouette more beautiful when it’s moving or when it’s static?)

Dancing with History

Of course, no visit to Prague would be complete without a visit to the beautiful National Theatre. Today's performance was absolutely magical, and a performance by the National Ballet. I even caught sight of some exquisite tutus on the dancers. You’d be surprised at the lengths of history behind the ballet and the tutus we take for granted today! It’s the type of historical fact that makes my toes curl with excitement and anticipation, but also reminds us of the powerful and impactful role the arts have played in shaping the world as we know it.

As the final notes of the music faded and the applause filled the hall, I felt that magic only a beautiful ballet can evoke.

Fashion Forward, Ballet Heart

Darling readers, after a performance, I have discovered an irresistible little cafe called Café Imperial. Oh, how divine their almond cake is. (And yes, it’s even more beautiful than it sounds!). The cafe has an extraordinary ballet history as a former haven for Bohemian elite to witness the transformative powers of artistic expression. It truly embodied the magic and creativity that permeated the very soul of Prague, a place I have grown to cherish. I'm just about ready for another one right now!

Prague is full of delightful surprises, every corner I turn. And with all the shops and boutiques here in Prague, it's easy to find the perfect outfit for a ballerina, day or night! And for today’s adventures? A little black ballet skirt with pink-tulle straps – it made me feel utterly beautiful! And my bright pink tutu shoes, with some delicate rose accents for the occasion? Magnifique!

And, darling readers, I wouldn’t be true to myself, to the name of this blog, if I didn’t share my top 5 favourite things about Prague. Here’s my list – and let me know if you agree, or tell me what you love about this beautiful city.

5 Reasons Why Prague stole my heart

  1. The Architecture - every building in Prague has its own charm and beauty, each tells a story of a time long passed. Oh darling, if these stones could talk, you could imagine the beautiful and captivating tales they could tell!
  2. The River Vltava – as I wandered the cobbles, gazing at the reflections in the Vltava, Prague just became the city of dreams for me! This city is my happy place.
  3. The Street Art – Prague’s streets have such colour, flair and magic – the street art breathes new life into its historical buildings. What other place could we compare that with? I must get a painting myself for the living room!
  4. The People – The Czechs are truly enchanting, friendly and welcoming – so kind to me and my little pink tutu! Oh darling, they make me feel like a true star, even after I trip and fall over my tutu whilst skipping down a cobbled street (whoops).
  5. The Atmosphere – This city really does have something for everyone! But if you’re a dancer at heart, well, darling, it will feel as if you have landed in a true ballerina’s wonderland! It truly is one of the most enchanting places in the world. And you don't need to wear a pink tutu to love it – although I highly recommend it!

As the day ends in this romantic city, I can’t wait to continue to explore the captivating ballet heart of Prague. After all, there are tutus and ballets to be discovered everywhere you turn! And you can expect the best bits of the city, its secret locations, in my next post, next Wednesday.

Until next week, dear readers!

With love and tutus, Emma 💖🩰

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-02-01