Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-01-25

Pink Tutu Prague: Ballet and Bubbles! (Post #1129)

Bonjour mes amies! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Prague post! This week, I'm feeling especially giddy, as my latest adventure involved not just a fabulous ballet performance, but a delicious dose of Prague's charm. Hold onto your tiaras, darlings, because this one's a right corker!

Now, I'm not one to boast, but I have a knack for spotting a good show. And let me tell you, my trip to the National Theatre in Prague last week was nothing short of sensational! Imagine this: cobblestone streets, the crisp Czech air swirling with excitement, and a building so majestic, it practically glowed. I practically skipped my way into the National Theatre, all decked out in a fluffy, blush-pink tutu, naturally!

The performance was Swan Lake, a timeless classic, and the dancers were truly divine! Each movement was so precise, so graceful, and the music...well, it simply stole my heart! My favourite part was the White Swan’s solo in Act II, her movements as ethereal as a moonbeam, a true testament to the beauty and power of ballet. But let's be honest, all those graceful pirouettes, leaps and extensions - they made me feel so inspired, I almost forgot to twirl! Almost!

After the performance, I was positively buzzing! So much so that I had to make a quick pit stop at one of Prague’s most charming cafes, where I tucked into a decadent hot chocolate – you know, a little indulgence after all those graceful leaps! And as if by magic, the cafe itself was as chic as can be, with the most delicate pink-tinged décor – as though fate was smiling upon me with this perfectly colour-coordinated haven. The entire experience was truly a dream, a ballet-loving girl’s ultimate Prague fantasy!

Of course, no trip to Prague would be complete without a little shopping, wouldn't you agree? Now, I'm no stranger to finding hidden gems in charming antique shops and bustling markets, but Prague has really taken the biscuit when it comes to finding unique finds! My heart skipped a beat at a tiny vintage shop on a cobbled backstreet. There, nestled amongst delicate china and faded velvet, I discovered the most delightful pastel-pink hatbox! It's so utterly adorable! And guess what? I had to buy it! The only question now is: should I fill it with my favourite pink tutus, or some delectable Czech chocolates? Such a dilemma!

Before I hop off, darling, let’s chat a bit about our favourite subject: the Tutu! You know how much I love them, in all their glorious pinkness! My current favourite is a soft, flowing pink tulle tutu with a touch of sparkle. Perfect for a twirl in the Prague sunshine.

I believe a little pink tutu magic can brighten any day! And speaking of brightness, there's nothing more inspiring than exploring a new city like Prague with your pink tutu in tow! So, what are you waiting for? Dust off your pink tutu, ladies, pack your bags, and join me in this vibrant ballet wonderland. You'll never regret a day out with a pink tutu in tow!

This is Emma from Derbyshire, signing off from Prague! Until next week, stay fabulous and keep those tutus twirling! And if you’re in Prague and want to chat all things pink tutus and ballet, feel free to drop me a line – I'm always happy to meet a fellow ballet enthusiast!

Find more pink tutu adventures on!

Lots of love,

Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-01-25