Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-01-18

Prague: Where Pink Tutues Dance with History 💖🩰

Hello lovelies! 💖

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for a brand new post on! This week I'm bringing you all the glamour and grace from Prague, a city that has stolen my heart (and my credit card… but more on that later!)

This week's blog post is a little special. It's post number 1128! That's a whole lot of pink tutus and travel, and I'm so thankful for every single one of you who join me on this whimsical adventure.

The Pink Tutu Travels By Train

This time, I swapped my trusty old Fiat for the sleek elegance of a high-speed train from Vienna. You can bet I dressed for the occasion – my blush pink coat (an absolute steal at a Parisian flea market) paired perfectly with a fluffy, powder-pink tutu I’d picked up at a vintage store in Salzburg.

The journey was a delight! Gliding through picturesque countryside, the scenery was straight out of a storybook, and the fellow travellers, well, let's just say they looked at my tutu with a mix of fascination and admiration.

A Fairytale Arrival in Prague

As I stepped out of the station, I was enveloped by the enchanting atmosphere of Prague. Cobblestone streets, medieval architecture, and charming little shops were all around. It was a symphony for the senses – and the perfect setting for a pink tutu.

I'd booked myself into the most divine little hotel. You know I always go for charm and character, and this one had both! The moment I walked into my room, with its vintage chandeliers and fluffy pink drapes, I felt like a princess. (You’d think a ballet dancer wouldn’t like frills, but no! More the merrier!) I’m pretty sure the whole hotel was designed with a pink tutu in mind – the shades of pink were perfectly balanced with luxurious dark wood furniture. It was all about elegance and comfort, two things this pink-tutu wearing ballet dancer really loves!

My Prague Itinerary – Fashion and Ballet

I'm not going to lie, my time in Prague has been an absolute whirlwind of ballet and fashion – a ballet dancer's dream!

Here’s a glimpse of what I've been up to:

  • The Prague National Theatre: A ballet extravaganza! On the evening of 18th January, I experienced the magic of the National Theatre, watching "The Sleeping Beauty". Let me tell you, the ballet itself was phenomenal – from the breathtaking costumes and the dazzling choreography to the flawless artistry of the dancers. I even managed to snag a seat in the royal box, which felt rather special!

    Oh, and speaking of fashion, I made sure to choose an outfit worthy of the theatre. I decided on a dreamy, ethereal powder-blue tulle tutu layered over a crisp, white blouse and sparkly silver ballet flats – all very romantic! It felt fitting for the beautiful story of "The Sleeping Beauty", and of course, added a dash of pink-tutu magic.

  • A Tutusque in Prague: Ballet Classes!
    For every ballet performance, I need my ballet fix! I can’t be in Europe, with all this balletic history, without exploring a bit more. I found the most lovely studio tucked away in the heart of Prague. You wouldn’t believe this… It was run by an incredible woman, and she gave me the best ballet lesson ever! She taught me all about the history of ballet in Prague. It’s such a rich and wonderful history, dating all the way back to the 18th century. We discussed the famous Prague Ballet School, the beautiful architecture of the theaters and all the amazing artists from the past! And it all added to the magical feel of my ballet journey!

  • Shopping and Finding my Tutu Soul Sisters
    Let’s be honest, ballet doesn’t exist in isolation! What better way to complete my Prague adventures than with some fantastic fashion finds!

    And oh my, let’s just say, I’ve indulged in some splendid vintage shopping! You all know my thing is a lovely tutu. So when I discovered a small vintage boutique, I felt a little giddy, but a lot ecstatic! They have a wonderful collection of delicate tutus – a perfect pairing to a dreamy pink or lavender ballet costume. I did pick up a couple of lovely pastel coloured tutus. There was this gorgeous sea-foam green number that I am dreaming about putting together into an outfit right now.

    Now, while I’m known for my own love of pink tutus, Prague reminded me there’s something truly unique about discovering like-minded tutu enthusiasts – what I call tutu soul sisters. On one of my fashion sprees I bumped into a group of women who I swore I recognised – and they all had tutus on! It turned out they were part of the local ballet scene, and they were as enthused about tutus as I am! This gave me a fab idea to set up a tutu meeting up! Maybe, we could do a "pink tutu flash mob" on one of the lovely Prague squares. Wouldn't that be lovely?!

  • Prague's Delights – Sights, Sound, and Snacks!
    The best part of Prague, other than the ballet, has been its wonderful culture and delicious food. And the delicious snacks. Okay, mostly the delicious snacks! I indulged in my favorite - trdelník! They’re basically sweet, cinnamon-y dough twisted around a spit and grilled until it’s a bit golden and crusty and sweet. The best ones come topped with sugar and cinnamon, but my personal favorite is filled with creamy Nutella or strawberry jam – yum!

    And while Prague’s famed Charles Bridge was beautiful, my heart truly belonged to the little old bookstore I stumbled upon. The musty smell of old books and the quiet rustling of turning pages took me to another time and another world! And I couldn’t leave without a special treat – a beautiful copy of "Swan Lake" illustrated with the most incredible Victorian artwork. I even managed to find a matching vintage pink tutu in the local markets - which will now take pride of place in my collection!

The Pink Tutu’s Reflection

There is something about being in Europe and walking the same cobblestones as the greats like Pavlova, Tchaikovsky, Nijinsky – you truly feel connected to the history of dance! And this was Prague, with all its beautiful theatres and palaces - so fitting. There is so much grace, so much beauty and so much energy around ballet in this wonderful city! I almost felt a twinge of jealousy of the ballet dancers who were able to train and work and perform in this amazing space! But hey, you can’t let a bit of tutu-t envy slow you down!

Prague is a city that inspires you, where the past lives and breathes alongside the present, a city with so many opportunities for discoveries - for fashion, for ballet, for finding a little piece of magic. I had to resist the urge to spin in my tutu and declare my love for the city at the top of my voice – maybe next time!

Don't forget to join me again next Wednesday, lovelies, for more pink-tutu-adventures, where I'll be sharing all about my ballet experiences and fashion discoveries! Until then, stay fashionable, stay strong and keep dreaming! 💖

Love, Emma 🩰

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-01-18