
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-06-14

Prague, Darling! Post 1149 - Pink Tutu Travels

Hello my beautiful ballet bunnies! It's Wednesday, so you know what that means... Pink Tutu Prague is back! ๐Ÿฉฐ

I'm typing this from a ridiculously charming cafe in Prague, where the tables are covered in gorgeous embroidered tablecloths, the scent of freshly baked pastries is swirling around, and the waitress just served me a magnificent slice of decadent, creamy apple strudel. Perfection! And yes, I'm wearing a pink tutu - because why not?! ๐Ÿ˜„

As you know, my darling tutu-loving lovelies, my life revolves around ballet. So, as soon as I get somewhere new, I HAVE to get a ballet fix. And this time, my adventure led me to Prague for the Prague Ballet Festival.

Prague, my dear friends, is an absolute dream for a pink-tutu-clad ballerina! Think stunning, medieval architecture, cobbled streets perfect for a twirl, and so many hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Not to mention the exquisite beauty of the Czech National Theatre, the backdrop for this year's ballet festival.

Speaking of my recent adventures in Prague, this post will focus on the 14th June, my favourite day in this delightful city so far! You see, on the 14th, I had a most splendid time exploring all things ballet in this lovely city.

First, a little backstory about why Prague is a special place for a ballerina:

The Pink Tutu in Prague: A City with a Passion for Ballet

You see, Prague has a rich and fascinating ballet history, dating back centuries. The Czech National Theatre, which was rebuilt in 1881, has been hosting ballets since 1883. And there's something about this city that just whispers ballet, don't you think? Maybe it's the stunning grandeur of the architecture, the lively energy in the air, or just the pure magic of Prague itself.

And while this post is going to focus on my adventures at the ballet festival, I wanted to share a little about the history of ballet in Prague - and tutus!

Let's take a trip back in time:

The Tale of the Tutu - A Ballerina's Best Friend

Remember, the ballet as we know it wasn't always the same as the beautiful performances of today. Over time, the costumes evolved from elaborate gowns, inspired by the dress of the aristocracy, to shorter, more fluid designs, perfect for showing off the dancers' exquisite movement and strength. The tutu as we know it took a bit more time to develop, appearing on stage in the 19th century and quickly becoming an essential part of the dancer's uniform.

In 1841, The Sylphide debuted, a ballet about a Scottish young man seduced by a sprite - but the production wasn't only about the storyline. It was the story of a tutu! Marie Taglioni's outfit caused a sensation, with a simple, diaphanous skirt allowing her movement to flow with astonishing grace, inspiring other choreographers to create similarly elaborate choreography and designs for the next century. The design was revolutionary, changing the image of ballet forever!

You could say the tutu changed ballet - for the better! ๐Ÿฉฐ

I always research the history of the theatre or the dance style I'm about to see, and it always feels amazing to learn a little more about the past - a tradition in dance goes a long way, and that history inspires and adds another dimension to my experiences at the ballet.

Speaking of experiences, it's time for my 14th June adventures! Let's dive in, shall we?

The 14th of June - Ballet Dreams in Prague

Now, for the main event - a wonderful day in Prague! My adventure started with the best breakfast imaginable: pastries! A local bakery next to my charming boutique hotel - in a pink and white tutu, naturally - sold a fantastic selection of beautifully displayed and oh-so-delicious pastries! I just HAD to try them. They were the perfect way to start a day exploring the city. It just wouldn't be a true ballet girl's day without an exquisite and splendid breakfast, wouldn't it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

My goal was to see two ballets at the Prague Ballet Festival: one by the Czech National Ballet and one by an international troupe. My heart was set on seeing Swan Lake by the Czech National Ballet because it's such a classic. And the performance didn't disappoint.

The music was breathtaking, and the dancers were magnificent, executing intricate steps with grace and passion.

Speaking of music... I must tell you all about the Czech Philharmonic. I know what you are thinking: "Prague, you say? Classical Music! Of Course, you went to the Czech Philharmonic!" Yes, you guessed it! I would not go to Prague without seeing the legendary Czech Philharmonic perform! ๐ŸŽผ As the home of a world-famous orchestra, I was delighted to discover that there are free performances of the Czech Philharmonic offered every evening during the Prague Spring Festival at the Old Town Square. I highly recommend visiting to see this incredible orchestra. You can hear everything in their performances - the strings are so beautiful and the woodwind players are magnificent, every single note crystal clear and so powerful! It's heaven for a music lover. They played such gorgeous pieces that I simply had to purchase their 2016 recordings - it was a must! ๐Ÿ˜Š

As soon as I finished exploring the charming Old Town Square, it was time to make my way to the majestic Czech National Theatre, and I took the most gorgeous pink tram ride ever - did you know some trams are painted a pale pink with gorgeous golden embellishments? And I know you know I was in a pink tutu at the time - I do like to co-ordinate. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Pink tutu aside...the atmosphere at the ballet was electric. People were dressed in their finery - gorgeous ball gowns, crisp suits, and - naturally - tutus! I felt so at home.

The ballet was beautiful. I felt completely immersed in the story. The Czech National Ballet did a stunning job with Swan Lake, with gorgeous costumes, elegant movement, and a real magic to it. I can't even describe it. I had goosebumps during several scenes, and I must have clapped 1,000 times. ๐Ÿ˜„ It was fantastic. It felt truly inspiring and amazing, which isn't something you can easily say about everything you see in a city.

However, no journey to a foreign city would be complete without a little shopping and a great lunch. The rest of my day was all about delicious food, gorgeous new shoes and of course... MORE ballet!

Speaking of shoes, have you heard of Bata Shoes? They are Czech and were established in 1894 and, in 2015, were a key supporter of the Prague Ballet Festival - who knows? Maybe it will be the next big thing in the dance world... a Ballet Shoe from Bata?! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I spent some time strolling along a most exquisite street with rows of shops filled with lovely shoes, the smell of baking bread, and some fantastic, delicious, sweet street food (think: trdlo!), stopping at all the shops that were catching my eye. A little boutique shoe store was an absolute gem with a collection of the prettiest ballet flats that were the most exquisite shade of ballet pink and lavender! My love for pastels, you see, it knows no bounds! ๐Ÿ˜‰ After getting two pairs - pink and lavender of course! - and lunch, I walked into a gorgeous, charming tea room where the most incredible sandwiches I have ever had were displayed on a plate: a perfectly cut cucumber sandwich. Perfect. There was something exquisitely elegant about having such a simple dish and feeling totally at home while in such a deliciously romantic little shop!

You could say the food and the city of Prague felt very romantic. ๐ŸŒธ

In the afternoon, I watched the amazing Bolshoi Theatre in the production I wanted to see more than any other at this Festival: *Spartacus!

Spartacus is a ballet that explores themes of love, courage, freedom and rebellion, so it was truly incredible to watch such an important dance piece in a different part of the world and in such a stunning and majestic theatre. The story of Spartacus, you see, it is just a story for everyone in this world.

It's a story about standing up for your rights and beliefs, fighting for what is right. That's a message everyone can get behind! โœจ

With that, this ballet lover's dream day came to an end, and I went back to my lovely, charming little boutique hotel in a pink tutu and a cloud of joy and ballet fever.

Prague is truly one of the most incredible cities for a ballet fan, with incredible venues and amazing shows and music.

That is all for now from your favourite tutu wearing travel blogger. I can't wait to tell you about the rest of my time in Prague and all the adventures I have been having, but until next time, my lovelies!

Go, watch a ballet, buy a pink tutu, explore a city, take a *fabulous picture of your feet in a pink tutu, and don't forget to leave a comment and tell me about your recent ballet adventures.* ๐Ÿ˜‰

With love,

Emma ๐Ÿ’•

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-06-14