
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-07-05

Pink Tutu Prague: Ballet & Bubbles in the City of a Hundred Spires - Post 1152!

Wednesday, 5th July 2017

Dearest Pink Tutu readers,

Oh darling, what a whirl of excitement! I'm back in Prague, and this time, I've brought my lucky pink tutu, the one with the little sparkly swans on it, just for the occasion! It's always a pleasure to return to this captivating city, full of its own special magic and stories whispered through centuries of cobbled streets and magnificent architecture.

I simply can't resist its bohemian allure. There's a certain carefree energy in the air, and everyone seems to move to the rhythm of their own little waltz, even the trams! I feel myself embracing this Bohemian spirit, especially after a morning spent meandering through the Old Town Square, surrounded by vibrant flower stalls, lively musicians, and even a couple of street performers who seemed to be taking their cues straight from the Czech National Ballet's performance I witnessed last night! It truly is an inspirational city for an aspiring ballerina like myself.

Now, I know what you're thinking... Another ballet show, Emma? Don't you have other hobbies? Of course, dear readers! Shopping is my absolute favourite hobby! (That's practically a necessity for a pink tutu aficionado like me, don't you think?) But the real highlight of this trip has been exploring the city's historical ballet scene. There are so many captivating stories tucked away behind the velvet curtains of its grand theatres - stories of forgotten prima ballerinas, daring choreography, and whispered gossip of the Viennese courts. Prague has a rich heritage of dance, and it's absolutely buzzing with energy!

Let's chat a little more about yesterday's incredible performance at the National Theatre. Honestly, it was like stepping back into the 19th century, the elegant opera house swirling around me with such intricate design and captivating historical echoes. And the performance itself? Well, I'd say extraordinaire, but my friend Lily keeps saying that phrase is too dramatic... so let's just say it was fabulously elegant, darling! The corps de ballet were in top form, all those silken pink tutus flowing with effortless grace and beauty.

But the performance wouldn't have been complete without some fabulous fashion! Prague seems to be a true haven for vintage fashion and vintage-inspired designers, so I made sure to take advantage. I found the most divine little black dress in a hidden boutique on a cobblestone alley - perfect for my night out. But it's still not too late to snag your own "Pink Tutu Prague" outfit! If you're feeling adventurous and have a hankering for a unique and stylish look, Prague has it all. You might even find yourself falling in love with a vintage-style ballet shoe or two (just like I did!)

And speaking of falling in love... how could I forget to mention the magnificent Prague Castle? Oh, the romance! And the stories! I even spotted a charming little bakery tucked away within the castle grounds, the aroma of cinnamon and warm honey swirling through the air. Who knew fairytale vibes could smell this good?! It felt like I had been transported straight into one of those gorgeous classic stories - think The Nutcracker, but with a touch of European whimsy.

But back to Prague's ballet world! Today, my love for the history of dance has taken me to a delightful little museum devoted entirely to the fascinating evolution of the tutu. From the very first, quite simple and humble beginnings of this essential dancer's garment (imagine! just a simple muslin skirt!) to the dramatic transformations and elaborate designs of the Victorian era. You wouldn't believe the creative flourishes they would add to those tutus back then - it was a bit extra (in the best way!), my dears. But that's the wonder of fashion history!

After all my cultural discoveries, it's now time to indulge in some delightful afternoon tea. The charming tea room near my hotel offers delicate finger sandwiches, little cakes that look almost too pretty to eat, and, of course, a pot of steaming English Breakfast tea! It's the perfect way to refuel and prepare for the afternoon, which will be spent on a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride through the old town. The gentle clinking of horse hooves on the cobbles and the nostalgic charm of it all is sure to inspire my creativity, you know!

Later this evening, I have a surprise for all of you! A special, spontaneous performance organised by a lovely group of students I met in the city! They have an adorable little theatre, tucked away just off the main square. It's nothing fancy, darling, but full of heart and passion for ballet! It will be an intimate and charming performance with music by Mozart - perfect for a warm summer night in Prague!

Before I go, my dearest Pink Tutu readers, a little reminder:

Don't forget, it's the little details that make all the difference. Let your creativity soar! Experiment with textures, colours, and styles. Most importantly, find a tutu that makes you feel absolutely fabulous!

You can keep up with my daily adventures here in Prague by following me on social media: @PinkTutuBlog, and don't forget to share your own stories and #pinktutuprague photos using the hashtag!

And a little sneak peek for the upcoming weeks... I'm off to discover the charming town of ฤŒeskรฝ Krumlov next, where I hear the Renaissance era is alive and kicking! I'll be back with you next Wednesday with more of my fabulous travels and tales from Prague!

Until then, dance your heart out, darlings!

Your pink tutu-wearing friend,



#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-07-05