Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-06-28

Prague, my love, in Pink! (Blog Post #1151)

Bonjour, mes amis! Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, and I'm practically pirouetting with excitement to be writing this post from the heart of Prague! This magical city has already cast a spell on me, with its cobblestone streets, charming bridges, and a vibrant atmosphere that makes you feel like you've stepped into a fairy tale. But this post isn't about me just fawning over architecture - oh no, it's about ballet! My love for ballet is what brought me to Prague, specifically to see the incredible Pink Tutu Prague show, and it’s already shaping up to be a week packed full of pink tutus and fairytale-worthy experiences.

On the Road to Prague...with a Touch of Pink!

Getting to Prague was half the fun. After packing my favourite pink tutu and enough sequins to rival a disco ball, I set off from Derbyshire, my heart buzzing with anticipation. I adore the thrill of travelling by train; the rhythmic chugging and the constant changing scenery outside my window – it's a ballet in itself. And, of course, I couldn't resist the temptation to turn heads with a bright pink tutu, a little bit of blush-toned makeup, and my trusty copy of The Nutcracker clutched in my hand.

I arrived in Prague feeling a mix of exhilaration and awe. The architecture was absolutely stunning, a feast for the eyes! I could barely stop myself from spinning like a ballerina on point! (Speaking of point shoes, Prague is known for its beautiful craftsmanship - it’s got to be a shopping destination for a ballerina like myself!)

Ballet Bliss at the Pink Tutu Prague Show

And then there was the Pink Tutu Prague show. Honestly, the word "show" hardly does it justice. This production is a kaleidoscope of colour, talent, and pure passion. From the moment the curtains rose and I saw those graceful dancers flitting across the stage, my breath caught in my throat.

This was a performance that pushed boundaries and transcended traditional ballet, embracing the playful energy and modern elegance of our time. Think tutus with an extra helping of feathers, dramatic backdrops that looked straight out of a fantasy movie, and choreography that was both sophisticated and effortlessly playful. I'm not going to lie, it brought tears to my eyes - those talented dancers were pure magic, a true inspiration.

Beyond Ballet: Exploring Prague’s Charms

Of course, my adventures in Prague didn't end at the ballet theatre. I spent the next day exploring Prague's enchanting old town, a vibrant hub of cobbled streets and charming cafes. My favourite moment? I wandered across the Charles Bridge just as the sun was setting, the golden glow lighting up the stone statues and the river below. I practically twirled on my own, caught in the moment's magic! The bridge itself seemed to tell stories - you can almost feel the whispers of the past beneath your feet!

Shopping in Prague is another story entirely - a haven for a tutu-obsessed girl like myself. I found an array of adorable boutiques bursting with vintage treasures and unique, stylish pieces. And naturally, I couldn’t leave without treating myself to a new pink tutu - this one was a delightful combination of soft lace and sparkling embellishments. I couldn't wait to give it a spin under the dazzling chandeliers of a beautiful café I found just off the main square, with its velvet chairs and whipped cream lattes. Perfection!

From Pink Tutu Ballerinas to Fairy Tale Unicorns: Embracing the Enchantment

But Prague's charm isn’t just about its cobblestone streets or impressive architecture; it's the spirit of the city itself. There's a whimsical air to it all, a reminder to let our inner child run wild. And what better way to do that than by visiting Prague’s magical Fairy Tale Unicorn Garden? Tucked away within a quiet courtyard, this charming spot is home to a collection of whimsically-dressed unicorns (including one wearing a sparkly, pink tutu!). It was like stepping into a dream! I felt like I'd found my own personal slice of fairytales.

A Promise to Pink

And now, as my time in Prague draws to a close, I find myself with a heart full of memories and a head brimming with ideas. My next blog post is already forming in my head - I'm so excited to share my new Prague finds and tell you all about my adventures, with more details on that magical Fairy Tale Unicorn Garden, of course! But until then, remember to always embrace the whimsy of life - whether it's twirling in a pink tutu or exploring the fairytale hidden within your everyday world. After all, life is too short not to wear pink!

Until next Wednesday, dear readers, keep dancing and keep dreaming.

Always in Pink,


P.S. – What’s happening on 2017-06-28? There’s so much happening in Prague. We have the Old Town Square with the famous astronomical clock, a vibrant market with flowers, food and amazing craftsmanship! And then of course we have the Pink Tutu Prague ballet performance. But that’s just a taste of what the city has to offer! Why not make a trip and discover your own adventures in this captivating city!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-06-28