
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-08-16

Post Number 1158: Prague in Pink (and a Whole Lot of Tutu) ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

Hello, darling tutu-lovers! Emma here, reporting live from the utterly enchanting city of Prague! As you know, this is a dream location for a girl who adores history, beautiful architecture, and, of course, ballet!

This week's journey has been a whirlwind of pink, tulle, and cobblestones! Let me paint you a picture...

Wednesday, 16th August, 2017

I arrived in Prague by train, naturally - what better way to see the rolling countryside than from a window seat, enjoying the gentle sway of the carriage, while the world rushes past in a kaleidoscope of colours? (It's just such a chic way to travel, isn't it?). The only thing that would have made the journey more magical would be a pony. One can only dream, eh? ๐Ÿ˜‰

My first stop had to be a visit to the magnificent National Theatre. Oh, how I do love a grand old building with stories whispering through the stone! This was a dream come true for any ballet enthusiast. This magnificent theatre is not only steeped in history, it is renowned for its extraordinary performances. I am thrilled to say, I secured tickets to see their performance of Giselle, one of my absolute favourites. It was perfection, darlings! The dancers were magnificent, the costumes breathtaking (naturally!), and the story so beautifully told. It left me wanting to twirl down the cobbled streets myself!

Tutu Time: A Shopaholic's Paradise

Of course, no trip to Prague is complete without a bit of retail therapy! Prague is a haven for independent boutiques and antique shops - a real treasure trove for a girl like me, who appreciates the finer things in life. I managed to snag some delightful additions to my tutu collection: a vintage feather boa that wouldn't look out of place on a Bolshoi prima ballerina (imagine the feather-filled glamour!), and a little tulle skirt in the most stunning shade of lilac. Perfect for adding a touch of ethereal beauty to any outfit!

Eating my Way Through Prague

No trip would be complete without the deliciousness of Czech cuisine! I absolutely adore their pastries (oh, the flaky, buttery, sugar-dusted goodness!), and the hearty meat dishes paired with those iconic Czech dumplings. So comforting and satisfying! But it wasn't all savoury treats โ€“ Prague is known for its fabulous coffee shops, too. My favourite was a hidden gem in the Old Town Square where the air smelled of cinnamon and the baristas served the most exquisite latte art โ€“ a delicate rose made of foam, oh so pretty!

History Lesson: Pink Through the Ages

Being a devoted follower of all things dance-related, I just had to delve into the ballet history of Prague. It's a rich and vibrant tapestry! From the court ballets of the 16th century to the grand, Romantic ballets of the 19th century, the city has played a pivotal role in shaping ballet as we know it today.

Did you know that the iconic "tutu" has its own history, too? Believe it or not, the first true tutu wasn't made of tulle, but a type of net-like material known as tarlatan. It made its debut in the mid-19th century, and since then, it's become a symbol of the ballet world. I have to admit, there's just something incredibly captivating about the way a tutu flows as a dancer twirls. It embodies a delicate femininity that, dare I say, no other outfit can replicate.

And guess what, my dear tutu-loving friends? This passion for all things ballet isn't just confined to the stage and studio! Prague is positively buzzing with street performers! Every day, I've stumbled upon little glimpses of the magic of ballet in the most unexpected places. A ballerina twirling beneath a towering church spire, a pair of dancers sharing a graceful waltz in the middle of a crowded square, or even a young child miming ballet moves while waiting for the bus - it's pure joy, my darlings!

The Pink Tutu Effect

Every trip for me is an opportunity to spread the message of the pink tutu. It's not just a garment; it's a statement of self-expression, a symbol of strength, femininity, and, most importantly, joy. It's a way of embracing the magical world of dance in your everyday life. Every time I see a new face lighting up at the sight of my pink tutu, it fills me with an immense sense of joy and accomplishment!

And just wait until you see my newest pink tutu creation - it's so beautiful, a sheer delight to wear. It features intricate hand-stitched lace detail, adorned with a shimmering silver thread. It's everything I could ever wish for, a piece that feels as magical as a summer's night.

Tutu Tales

Here are just a few highlights of my pink tutu adventures:

  • The Kind Old Woman: While enjoying a traditional Czech pastry, I was approached by a kind old woman who confessed she'd never seen a pink tutu before! She was so intrigued that I spent a good half-hour chatting with her, regaling her with stories of the "pink tutu movement."
  • The Ballet School: I popped into a local ballet school to talk to some young aspiring ballerinas about the importance of pursuing your dreams and always believing in your potential. Seeing the fire in their eyes filled me with hope for the future of ballet.
  • The Unexpected Waltz: During a leisurely walk through the park, I was captivated by a group of couples twirling and swaying in a waltz! My inner ballerina couldn't help but join in the impromptu dance, much to the delight of the other waltzers.

Leaving Prague with a Twinkle in My Eye

As I write this, I'm sitting on the train, watching the scenery unfold through the window. I can't help but feel a little nostalgic for the beauty of Prague. Every turn brought a new sight, a new sound, a new story. I've come home with a treasure trove of memories, a pink tutu-filled wardrobe (naturally!), and a heart brimming with joy.

If there's one thing I want you to take away from this, my darlings, it's this: life is a beautiful dance. Embrace the unexpected turns, the thrilling dips, the graceful glides. Find your joy, and always, always, let your spirit twirl!

And remember: You too can become a pink tutu champion. Join the revolution! Wear your heart on your tutu sleeve!

Until next Wednesday, darlings!

๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ Emma


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2017-08-16