Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2018-01-17

Prague Ballet Dreams in a Pink Tutu! 💖✨ (Post #1180)

Bonjour mes amis, it’s Wednesday and you know what that means - a new pink tutu blog post is ready to whisk you away! 🩰

This week, I've been waltzing around the cobblestone streets of Prague, and let me tell you, this city is absolutely enchanting! I feel like I've stepped into a fairytale, with its majestic castle, charming squares, and oh-so-pretty pastel buildings. Of course, my trusty pink tutu has been accompanying me on this whirlwind tour, adding a touch of fairytale magic to every step I take! 😉

But first, let’s chat about my journey here! I must say, the train ride from Derbyshire was utterly delightful. It was so nice to simply relax and gaze out the window as the world zoomed by. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of hopping aboard a train and embarking on a new adventure! And, of course, I couldn’t resist snapping some photos of my fellow passengers looking delightfully surprised by the presence of a pink tutu on their morning commute! You should see the looks on their faces when I flash my biggest smile – priceless! ✨

Speaking of priceless experiences, arriving in Prague was simply magical! I just love that first moment when you step out of a station and are greeted by the aroma of freshly baked pastries and the joyous sounds of street musicians. This city really does have a way of weaving its magic on you, just like a grand ballet finale.

Naturally, after settling into my cozy little hotel, my first stop was the world-famous Estates Theatre. Now, this historic beauty dates back to the 18th century, and it was one of the very first opera houses in Prague. And guess what?! This is where the legend himself, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, conducted the premiere of "The Marriage of Figaro"! Imagine, standing in that very spot where musical history was made. shivers I felt like I could almost hear the melodies echo through the theatre, just as they did hundreds of years ago.

I’m a big believer in dressing for the occasion, so you better believe I sported my most dazzling pink tutu for my theatre exploration. It's a pale pink, you know, almost like a delicate rose petal, which seemed to suit the historic elegance of the Estates Theatre perfectly.

The history of ballet just feels so alive in this city! I even had a wonderful time at the National Theatre, which was the first Czech-language opera house in the entire world! Talk about a proud moment for the Czechs! They have a special reverence for their art, and it truly shows. Every piece of this majestic theatre was built with love and attention, each one with its own little tale to tell. And to think that for so long, Prague had its very own Opera Ball – where guests danced until dawn – what a wonderful era that must have been!

But Prague is more than just history, it's about living in the moment!

On my quest for fabulous finds, I took a wander through the enchanting Old Town Square. The architecture there is simply jaw-dropping - think fairytale turrets and intricate gables. You’ve probably heard of the iconic Astronomical Clock here, too! But for me, it was the street performers who really stole the show. There was a charming little band playing classical tunes with their instruments and some fantastically talented street artists drawing incredible portraits of tourists. Even the pigeons seemed to be caught up in the atmosphere, strutting about with their own little pink tutus (if you look closely!). 😂

Let’s face it – shopping is another thing I must do whenever I travel! Prague has this amazing selection of cute little boutiques nestled into the most charming corners of the city. So, naturally, my quest for the perfect outfit to complement my pink tutu led me to a whimsical shop on the outskirts of the Old Town.

I must confess, the shopping haul is going to need its own blog post! It was all so stunning: gorgeous, vintage brooches, velvet shrugs and satin gloves… I just can’t get enough! The fashion here in Prague has a playful flair, yet it’s also incredibly stylish and refined, just like the city itself! 💖

One evening, I decided to take my tutu for a twirl around the Charles Bridge. This bridge, as they say, is Prague's heart. Every evening, it's bursting with life – music, street artists, and locals soaking in the magical city atmosphere. I could even spot Prague Castle in the distance! Honestly, it’s all too pretty for words. The river reflects the city lights, and all around you is a symphony of enchanting sounds. The air just vibrates with life! And, of course, I found the perfect little corner by the river to do a solo tutu spin session to catch the beautiful views. The world is my stage! 💫

For my ballet-obsessed friends, this city has so much in store! Prague is home to a wealth of ballet talent. In fact, the National Theatre Ballet and the Prague State Opera Ballet are world-renowned and have such fascinating history! These institutions showcase not just the classics like “Swan Lake” and “The Nutcracker,” but also groundbreaking modern pieces, putting their own unique Czech twist on the genre. You can find tickets for a range of ballet performances on their respective websites, usually with the performance times and dates listed, and tickets can sometimes be purchased for very affordable prices!

It seems as if Prague just oozes creativity! If you’re ever feeling a creative block, this is the place to come. And don’t get me started on the food! Prague has some incredible traditional meals. You just have to try a good old-fashioned Czech goulash, accompanied by some crispy bread dumplings! You'll be happily tapping your toes in no time. It’s worth looking up the classic Czech dishes at restaurants in the city centre for a traditional culinary experience.

And what would a visit to Prague be without indulging in its world-renowned coffee scene? ☕ It’s just impossible not to get your caffeine fix in the Czech Republic. The cafés here are a haven of creativity and have this quintessential old-world charm.

Of course, I always keep an eye out for local treats, and a friend recommended this fantastic dessert I must share with you! Trdelník is this heavenly pastry from the Moravian region in the Czech Republic. Imagine warm, sweet dough, coated in cinnamon sugar, then roasted until it’s crisp, crunchy, and irresistible. Honestly, my stomach might be saying thank you but my taste buds are screaming for more! 😂

However, no blog post about Prague is complete without a quick word about Prague Castle! Standing majestically atop a hill overlooking the city, it truly is a spectacle to behold. Imagine ancient towers reaching towards the sky, cobbled courtyards buzzing with life, and stunning views that seem to stretch forever! My best tip is to simply get lost within the castle walls and lose yourself in its historic splendor.

Now, as you've probably gathered, Prague is the perfect blend of history, culture, and artistry. It's a city that inspires you to embrace life, just as I always encourage you to do with a pink tutu! It really does feel like a city steeped in enchantment and elegance, like the opening scene of a grand ballet, full of vibrant characters and intriguing narratives, each story ready to be unraveled. It truly is a ballerina's dream, and a destination that will leave a mark on your heart, like a graceful pirouette, forever spinning in your memories! 🩰✨

Before I whisk you away with more pink tutu adventures, remember my lovely pink tutu followers: The magic of a pink tutu is its ability to lift spirits and bring joy to any situation! Embrace your inner ballerina, and don’t forget to share your own tutu adventures with me. Let’s continue to inspire others with the beautiful and empowering message of a pink tutu – after all, there's no better feeling than spreading joy, confidence, and a whole lot of fun! 💖✨

Until next week!

With Love and Pink Tutus,

Emma 💖

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2018-01-17