Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2018-06-13

Prague Dreams in Pink: A Ballerina's Journey (#1201)

Bonjour from Prague, my lovelies! It’s Wednesday, which means a brand new Pink Tutu adventure is unfolding right here on! 🩰✨

As you know, this week's destination is the beautiful city of Prague. My trusty steed – the train – carried me from Derbyshire, England, through stunning countryside vistas to the heart of this fairytale city. My luggage? Overflowing with gorgeous pink tutus (naturally), because one can never have too many.

A Ballet Dream in the Heart of Europe

My main reason for being in Prague, besides, you know, seeing a stunning city draped in pink (my dream, for those who don't know) is the phenomenal ballet performances that this city holds. And let's just say, they do not disappoint!

Today is 13th June 2018, a date etched in my pink tutu-clad memory forever because it marks my attendance at the absolutely exquisite show, "The Pink Tutu Prague." Held at the breath-taking, history-soaked National Theatre, the performances were out of this world. Every pirouette, every plié, every jump was pure poetry. The ballet itself told a timeless tale of love and loss, betrayal and forgiveness, with a whimsical, pink tutu-tastic twist! 💖

But before we get lost in the graceful, spinning world of the stage, let's rewind a little to the exciting journey itself.

Train Adventures & Prague Dreams

My trip from Derbyshire was, to be honest, a little different. No boring car journeys, no crowded flights for me! Nope, I took the train, of course. It's so much more glamorous, don't you agree?

There’s a certain romance about travelling by train, don’t you think? The rhythm of the wheels clicking along the tracks, the changing landscape whizzing past the windows – it’s like watching a cinematic masterpiece unfold in front of you. My pink tutu added a touch of fairytale magic to the already captivating journey.

And then, Prague. A stunning, enchanting city, the moment I arrived I felt the magic of its history woven into the cobblestone streets and grand architecture. Prague's allure lies in its timeless elegance, a perfect blend of historic charm and modern bustle.

Speaking of elegance, I found myself immediately drawn to Prague’s many gorgeous boutiques and fashion houses, a veritable haven for any tutu lover. I’ll confess, I did a bit of shopping and – spoil alert! – came home with the most beautiful vintage tutu, perfectly pale pink, with intricate beadwork and a cascading flurry of delicate ruffles. It’s destined for its own blog post soon, so keep an eye out for it!

From Stage to Streets: The Ballet-Inspired Fashion

Back to ballet, because it is the beating heart of my world, even when I'm far from the stage! As you all know, my love for ballet isn't confined to watching performances; it’s deeply woven into my life. The elegance and fluidity of ballet movement find their way into my personal style, which is where I have a little confession…

I love fashion. Ballet inspires it, fuels it, makes it absolutely vibrant! 💃 The graceful lines, the flowing fabrics, the beautiful, colourful accents – I adore bringing these elements into my everyday outfits. From flowy pink skirts and tutu-like dresses to graceful, fluid tops with delicate details – every outfit becomes a performance on its own! You could say I embrace a "balletic street style", incorporating tutus with sleek dresses or even casual jeans.

Now, I understand this might raise eyebrows among the traditional ballet crowd. But you know what? Let's break the rules a bit and inject some fun into everyday fashion! Why should ballet be confined to the stage? Let's dance it onto the streets, embrace its graceful rhythm, and spread its joyous energy into the world.

Dancing on the Cobblestones

And I must say, Prague is an ideal setting for such graceful, playful experimentation! It’s a city brimming with creativity, so when I stroll through its beautiful streets, I feel like I’m part of a dance performance myself. Prague seems to have a rhythm to its very heart, and it beats in tune with mine, all thanks to my unwavering passion for ballet.

Ballet Delights & Discovering Hidden Gems

The beautiful Pink Tutu Prague show was the absolute highlight of my journey, but this amazing city had other captivating treasures for me to discover. On the list? Of course! Visiting the magnificent Prague State Opera for a stunning performance of "The Nutcracker." The timeless tale brought back childhood memories, and I must say, seeing it in this gorgeous, historic opera house just added an extra layer of magical nostalgia!

I also spent a lovely afternoon lost in the exquisite National Theatre’s museum, learning about its history and discovering its incredible hidden gems. And my heart just melted when I wandered through Prague’s beautiful Old Town, filled with the enchanting sounds of musicians, performers and even buskers with their own interpretations of ballet classics.

And let's not forget the food! Prague has some of the best food, and most delicious treats – everything from those amazing, fresh fruit desserts to the incredible Czech food – and all paired perfectly with glasses of delicate, exquisite, rose wine! I swear, this city makes you feel as if you are part of a fairytale!

Pink Tutu Prague Memories

Prague has stolen a piece of my heart. And I know it’s just the first act of many ballet adventures here.

It’s not just the beauty of the city, or the magnificent ballet performances that I will take with me, it’s the whole experience – the feeling of freedom, the excitement of discovery, the thrill of getting lost in this enchanting world.

And my advice? Embrace a pink tutu (or any shade, really, whatever you feel bold and wonderful in!) while you are here. It’s the best way to connect with Prague’s playful spirit, feel your heart beating in rhythm with the city, and get swept up in the joy and elegance of the dance.

I leave you all with the memory of my Pink Tutu Prague, and I will be back next week with a new adventure for you to join in with, a brand new place to explore! Until next Wednesday, stay fabulous and keep dreaming in pink! 🩰💖


Emma 💕

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2018-06-13