Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2018-06-20

Prague, My Darling, Prague! - Post 1202

Oh, hello darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another pink tutu adventure. This week, I'm writing to you from the utterly enchanting city of Prague! Think cobbled streets, golden spires, and enough fairytale charm to make even the grumpiest troll smile.

I arrived in Prague by train, naturally. Nothing beats a romantic chug through the countryside, especially when you're dressed in a stunning pink tutu, the wind whipping through your hair. This one's a brand new design from the Pink Tutu Boutique, and it features hand-painted butterflies and delicate floral embroidery – just perfect for a Bohemian adventure, don't you think?

I had a delightful tea break at a quaint cafe near the train station, a perfect way to prepare myself for a whirlwind tour of Prague. It wasn't just the beautiful pastries and aromatic tea; it was the atmosphere, you see. The café felt so steeped in history – just like this incredible city!

Speaking of history, I made a beeline for the Old Town Square. Can you even imagine? Standing there, amongst the medieval buildings, with a symphony of cobblestones beneath my feet, and the magical sounds of Prague around me – truly a dream come true!

Of course, no visit to Prague is complete without a trip to the iconic Charles Bridge. The river Vltava, glinting in the sunlight, flowed majestically below me, and the golden statues lining the bridge felt like ancient storybook characters come to life. I couldn't help but twirl, my tutu swirling around me like a cloud of pink, and capture it all on camera.

Did I tell you about the fabulous boutique I discovered on a side street, tucked away like a secret? Bohemian Dreams is what they called it. Full of intricate beaded necklaces, leather boots with hand-painted details, and flowy, romantic skirts that were begging to be twirled. I couldn't resist picking up a beautiful hand-woven shawl for myself – the perfect souvenir, and just my style.

But this is Prague, my loves, and this week, it’s not all about fairytale castles and historic squares. Today, it’s all about ballet. And, of course, pink tutus! I've just booked my ticket to the National Theatre’s ballet performance of Swan Lake - one of my absolute favourites, and what better setting than the opulent theatre, with its majestic red velvet seats and gilded ceilings?

Now, I must admit, finding ballet classes here was a little tricky. It's not always easy finding classes tailored to the needs of a true pink tutu enthusiast. But, as usual, I persisted – I never give up on a pink tutu dream, darling! After all, the joy of a ballet class in a new city, discovering a whole new world of technique and style, is an essential part of every ballet-lover's life. I managed to find an amazing class at the Prague Dance Centre – full of energy, beautiful moves, and a fantastic group of fellow dancers! We finished with an extended barre session, leaving our muscles aching with delight.

Later, I took a walk down to the Old Town to see if I could catch any street ballet performances – always a great source of inspiration, and a fabulous way to discover new talent. Sadly, there were none that night, but I discovered a charming little park that seemed like the perfect spot for an impromptu performance! I’ve made a note in my travel diary for tomorrow – a ballet flash mob on the banks of the Vltava? Just imagine the excitement, the smiles on everyone’s faces, and the wave of pure joy that would erupt as a little pink-tutu-wearing dancer leads them into the world of graceful movements and heartfelt expression.

It is truly inspiring, isn't it, the thought of sharing our passion, our art, with others in such a magical setting?

Of course, no adventure would be complete without a trip to a beautiful patisserie. The scent of sweet, freshly baked pastries was simply irresistible. I indulged in a delicious slice of pistachio cake, topped with a generous swirl of fluffy cream – absolutely heavenly!

It wouldn't be fair to leave Prague without indulging in the local cuisine. So, I found myself drawn to a traditional Czech restaurant, filled with the sounds of cheerful laughter and the delicious aroma of roasted meat. I enjoyed a hearty plate of svikova - tender beef in gravy with a side of creamy dumplings – just delicious.

Don’t worry, darlings, I always make sure to keep up my fitness regime while travelling – after all, a ballerina’s gotta stay in shape! I've found a perfect little gym with views of the Charles Bridge, and I've even had a couple of morning yoga sessions on the terrace of my hotel, with the gentle light of sunrise on my face. It’s good to stay mindful, both for your physical and mental well-being. And I believe, deep down, we are all just trying to find that beautiful inner grace, just like the swan in Swan Lake who strives for perfection.

You see, the whole world of fashion and dance is really just about finding the perfect expression for our own personal journey, the journey that begins in our own heart. That’s why the ballet holds such a powerful place in my life – it speaks directly to the soul.

Anyway, I must rush off, dear friends. There are still so many more magical moments to discover here in Prague. I will be posting my photos to Instagram throughout the week, and be sure to check my stories to see some behind-the-scenes footage. I am determined to share my love of Prague and all things ballet, to inspire a new wave of pink tutu dancers. Because every one of us deserves to feel empowered and graceful, to feel that inner fire ignite as we pirouette towards our own happy ever after!

Till next week, my loves. And remember – *if you have the confidence to dream it, you have the strength to achieve it. *

Your Emma,


P.S Don’t forget to check out my travel vlog on YouTube for even more adventures from Prague – I'll be posting a video later today about my experience at the National Theatre!

P.P.S You know I can’t resist a fashion shout-out! While you’re reading this, my favourite pink tutu boutique is launching its Prague Collection. So many breathtaking designs – they really capture the spirit of this gorgeous city! It’s sure to be a hit – if I can only stop myself from buying everything!

P.P.P.S I’ve just heard there is a pony riding adventure going through Prague on June 21st - a ride on horseback along the Vltava River! I can just imagine the scene: a sea of tutus twirling along the riverbank... what a perfect way to close out my Prague journey. Who’s with me?

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2018-06-20