Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-03-06

Prague, Prague, Glorious Prague! #1239 🩰🌸

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu wearing ballerina, back with another fabulous instalment of my weekly blog. This week, I've taken a whirlwind trip to the stunning city of Prague, a place I've dreamt of visiting for years. You know me, a history buff at heart, so any chance to see such an iconic city with its beautiful architecture, cobbled streets and romantic atmosphere, was a must. And, what better excuse to wear my new pastel pink tutu and feather boa than to twirl in the shadow of the Prague Castle?

Speaking of tutus, did you know that tutus have a rich and varied history, as rich and colourful as a ballerina's wardrobe? They were first introduced in the mid-19th century, originally made of stiff, starched tulle, but evolving over time into the graceful and flowing garments we know and love today. They're a symbol of elegance, creativity, and pure joy – everything that ballet represents. Just like me, tutus come in all shapes, sizes and colours. What colour tutu best expresses your personality? Mine is pink, naturally! Let me know in the comments below what colour your dream tutu is.

A Touch of Pink in the City of a Thousand Spires

Prague was like stepping straight into a fairytale! Imagine this – sunshine streaming through cobblestone streets, pretty pastel houses lining the squares, and the grand Gothic spires of Prague Castle rising in the distance. I found the perfect little shop in the heart of the Old Town selling an array of gorgeous bohemian fashion – lots of beautiful pastel colours, flowing fabrics and intricate embroidery, which were perfect to match my feminine flair. The colours and styles are right up my alley, I couldn’t resist purchasing a vibrant pink silk scarf with hand-painted butterflies to add to my pink tutu collection. Who doesn’t love a touch of romance and a whimsical accent?

A Ballet Performance and a Toast to the Arts

Of course, I couldn’t visit Prague without seeing a ballet performance. I found myself sitting in a plush red velvet theatre seat at the iconic National Theatre, captivated by a beautiful rendition of Swan Lake. The dancers moved with grace and precision, the music swirled around us, and the lighting painted breathtaking shadows. It truly was an enchanting evening, made even more special by a champagne toast I shared with a lovely group of fellow ballet enthusiasts after the show. They told me stories of Prague's fascinating dance scene, a vibrant world with an incredible ballet history, which they pointed out with pride was evident even in the bustling street dance culture – Prague is definitely a place that embraces both classical and contemporary styles.

A Stroll through the Past

One of the highlights of my trip was exploring Prague Castle, one of the largest ancient castles in the world. The architecture was truly captivating – a mix of Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque influences all in one complex! Imagine the sheer beauty and wonder it must have held when it was in its heyday.

While we are on the topic of beautiful old architecture, did you know that ballet also has a history intertwined with majestic buildings and intricate performances? You can find stunning examples all over Europe - from the grand Parisian Opera House to the historical theatres in London's West End – just as beautiful, if not more, than the castles and landmarks of Prague. Ballet’s enduring appeal lies in its elegance, power, and expressiveness. Each step, each turn, is like a brushstroke on a canvas of emotions.

A Day of Ballet Beauty in Prague

A day well spent is one filled with art, shopping and an elegant touch of pink. It seems a trend that continues as my journey into this majestic city went on, but this day started with me at the ballet academy, Ballet Praha. They have an elegant pink interior with graceful dancers who glide and pirouette with effortless grace. It felt just right that they have a little ballet shop where I purchased a delicate pink silk ribbon – a perfect embellishment for a ballet performance costume. I may be going home soon, but I already know this won’t be the last you hear about my trip.

Prague is a beautiful and magical city. If you’re planning a trip, don’t miss these must-see spots:

  • The Charles Bridge: This iconic bridge is adorned with stunning Baroque statues and offers picturesque views of the city. Don’t forget to pick up a lovely hand-painted wooden souvenir.

  • Old Town Square: The centre of the city, filled with beautiful architecture, lively cafes and restaurants, with the grand Astronomical Clock – don’t miss the hourly show.

  • Petrin Hill: For the most breathtaking panoramas of Prague, a scenic cable car ride to the top of Petrin Hill is a must, just make sure to keep your tutu clean and crisp if you are doing a scenic climb, it is a long one!

Back in England and Planning for my Next Pink Adventure

And so, my dear readers, another adventure is coming to an end, and I am already daydreaming about my next trip, but it’s back to England for me. I've collected many wonderful memories and even more gorgeous pink pieces. Who knows where my pink tutu will take me next?

Stay tuned, because you never know what amazing experiences my next adventure might hold!

Until next Wednesday, don’t forget to leave a comment below telling me your favourite things about ballet or your favourite pink things! Don't forget to check out my website, for new photos of my pink-filled wardrobe and some exciting developments on the blog in the future. Remember to check out my next blog post here next Wednesday, for all the latest in the exciting world of Pink-tutu fashion and all the latest on the ballet scene, worldwide.

Until then, happy twirling,
Emma 🌸 🩰

* P.S.* Don't forget to share your pink tutu style and adventures with me. Use the hashtag #PinkTutuEmma and let’s create a worldwide pink tutu party!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-03-06