Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-04-24

Prague, Prague, Wonderful Prague! (Blog Post #1246)

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday, so you know what that means – it's time for another Pink Tutu blog post! This week, I'm bringing you the most exquisite ballet experience from my recent trip to Prague! Oh, the magic, the sparkle, the tutus

First things first: you'll never guess how I arrived in this enchanting city! I packed my signature pink suitcase (it even has a tiny, glittery ballerina on the side, you know!), hopped onto a gloriously vintage-style train from Vienna, and off we went! It was so charmingly romantic, like something straight out of a ballet!

Now, I know what you're thinking: Emma, isn't travelling by train awfully slow? Shouldn't you be catching a private jet? Darling, hold your horses! There's a method to my madness (as you well know). I don't do "typical" tourist activities – I travel to immerse myself in the atmosphere. A train journey is the perfect way to savour the changing landscapes, especially when the windows are big and there are little antique floral teacups provided in your cabin! I find myself getting inspiration for all my future pink tutu outfits… and maybe even some ballet routines, too!

Oh, before I forget! Remember how I mentioned a "private jet"? I might not have one yet, but I’ve been practicing my pirouettes in the train corridor! Imagine the day I can say I danced my way onto a private jet! Cue dramatic twirls and big smiles.

Anyway, Prague. The very air in this city is filled with magic. Cobbled streets, gothic churches, the iconic Charles Bridge… it’s enough to make a girl giddy, and I'm not even talking about the Czech beer!

I arrived in the late afternoon, dropped my bags off at my lovely boutique hotel (it was conveniently located just off the Old Town Square, darling, so it was perfect for discovering hidden corners and sipping steaming hot chocolate whilst looking chic and fab in my favourite vintage floral print coat!). And what did I do first? You guessed it – shopping!

Now, this city has some truly extraordinary boutiques! From delicate handmade lace designs to colourful glass jewellery, I absolutely had to browse every single shop window. You simply cannot travel to a new city without embracing its culture, its fashion, its atmosphere. Speaking of atmosphere, Prague at dusk is pure magic, the setting sun setting a glorious hue of rose on all those ancient buildings – I mean, what could be more romantic than that?

However, darling, we didn’t go to Prague to admire the sunset alone, did we? No, we went to see some ballet!

I am, after all, a ballerina blogger, so this is a vital part of my travels!

The Prague Ballet: "Giselle"

Let me tell you, this was no ordinary ballet! I saw Giselle, by the National Theatre Ballet, on the 24th of April. Oh, my darlings, it was truly spectacular. It started at 7pm in the State Opera, a beautiful old theatre that was grand, stately, yet intimate at the same time.

As I walked into the theatre, all the ladies (and some of the men) were decked out in their finest gowns and jewels, some even sporting little tulle shrugs and glittery masks. But let's be real, darlings: my vintage fuchsia satin gown, embellished with black lace and a vintage hat, totally eclipsed them! 😉 It was such a sophisticated crowd, but they were warm - so open to my little twirls as I made my way to my seat! I swear, a few of them even smiled in approval.

I loved the way the theatre had a slightly gothic feel, it was romantic, enchanting, perfect for the story of Giselle. Speaking of Giselle, the lead dancer, she was captivating! Her every move was so precise, so powerful, so dreamy. There was so much emotion in her eyes, I just wanted to jump onto the stage and hug her! The whole cast was stunning, they danced so flawlessly, the costumes were spectacular – there was a beautiful shimmering white gown on Giselle… And don’t even get me started on the fairies – ethereal, graceful, exquisite. The choreography was absolutely breathtaking! It told the story of betrayal, heartbreak, and a mystical journey into a magical forest so vividly.

And speaking of forests – I had to visit the Petřín Hill! You know I love getting a bit of nature in my cityscapes. So after a late night with some delicious Bohemian pastries, I wandered off to the park the next morning, all fresh-faced and glowing from a perfect night's sleep (you know I brought my lavender-infused eye mask). This was like being a little princess walking through a real-life fairy tale, and you know what makes every walk better? My gorgeous pink tutu! It added that touch of whimsicality to my little adventure – even the park benches seemed to smile!

After all that excitement, darling, even the most devoted ballerina needs some rest! But don’t worry, you can count on me to bring you more fabulous insights from my Prague travels soon!

Next week, I’m exploring the charming medieval alleys of Prague. Oh, I just know I’m going to find some vintage tutu treasures to add to my collection! It's almost like Prague is speaking to me…whispering "Tutu this, tutu that." It’s impossible to ignore such a siren song, don’t you think?

Remember, darlings, you can follow my journey in Prague, or wherever else I may land, right here, every Wednesday, at! And if you have any questions, ask away, darlings, because I absolutely love sharing my adventures! Until next Wednesday, keep twirling, keep dreaming, and don’t forget…the world is your stage!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-04-24