Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-05-01

Prague's Magic and a Pink Tutu, Post #1247! 🩰💖

Hello my darlings, and welcome to this week's Pink Tutu Prague post! It's Wednesday, and as always, I'm here to share a little slice of Prague magic with you. Today, the city feels extra enchanting - the air is filled with the sweet scent of blossoming cherry trees, the cobblestone streets are bathed in the warm glow of the sun, and, oh my, the atmosphere simply crackles with life! It's days like this that make my heart sing - Prague is a truly inspiring city!

But before we get too carried away with the beautiful scenery, let me tell you all about this week's adventure. As you know, this pink tutu-clad adventurer can never resist a good ballet performance, and Prague has a delightful selection on offer. Today, I'm thrilled to have witnessed a truly remarkable ballet production, something that's already dancing around in my head like a whimsical pirouette.

Prague's Theatrical Gems and My Perfect Tutu

Tonight's performance took place in the stunning National Theatre. Imagine a building bursting with exquisite detail, boasting grand chandeliers and intricate architecture – just like stepping into a scene straight out of a fairy tale. As I entered, a gasp escaped my lips, not just for the building itself but for the elegant people that I was surrounded by, so exquisitely dressed! And speaking of elegance, I of course made sure my own outfit was nothing short of spectacular – a stunning hot pink tulle tutu that just shimmered under the theatre lights, a matching crop top with beautiful lace details, and of course, my beloved cherry-red patent shoes! I had never felt more graceful and beautiful.

Now, on to the show itself. We were treated to a rendition of "La Sylphide," a classic romantic ballet that had me mesmerized. The dancers' movements were fluid and enchanting, the costumes were beyond beautiful (I adored the swirling silks and elegant pointe shoes, swoon), and the music was absolutely captivating. Each pirouette, every grand jeté, it all had me swaying in my seat, transported to a realm of graceful fantasy.

This ballet also reminded me of my childhood love of all things tutu-related! You see, before I started performing and traveling, I spent my days immersed in all things tutu - ballet classes, admiring the graceful swans at our local park, studying ballet history in the Derbyshire library, and of course, browsing countless books on the art of tutu creation. It was like a magical world I was always excited to explore!

And while this specific ballet certainly did not feature tutus as elaborate as mine, (they were rather elegant and subtle!), it rekindled the fiery passion for my signature tulle creations in me, as I dreamed of seeing the day that the world adopted a similar level of sheer exuberance!

Travel Tales and a Dash of Romance

The day before the performance, I found myself exploring Prague's picturesque cobblestone streets. This was the ideal opportunity to unleash the fashionable part of my inner tutu enthusiast.

A pink tutu enthusiast must have the perfect bag to carry her treasured pink tulle creation, and mine is just that! Made from luxurious soft leather, with an intricate flower design that would have a Parisian fashion icon gasping, this bag has seen countless shows and ballet classes alike. I could tell by the worn handles, this beauty had been on quite the journey herself. And indeed, it has!

I can still remember the day I found it in a quaint little shop in Vienna. The smell of aged leather, the intricate detail on the flower motif... It was an absolute steal, and it matched my first custom tutu to perfection, so needless to say, we were destined for an epic adventure together! It even has a hidden compartment just for my treasured travel-sized perfume, the ultimate travel essential for every sophisticated pink-loving tutu enthusiast!

Anyways, where was I? Ah yes, the cobbled streets. So romantic, these little stone streets - full of shops brimming with the most unique finds you could imagine. I was charmed by every single turn, particularly a darling little vintage boutique called "Madame Cherie". Oh my, I couldn't leave without a handful of stunning pieces! Think delicate lace dresses, stunning silk scarves (all shades of pink, naturally), and an adorable pair of hand-painted pearl earrings. It was enough to make me giddy, just as my pony had before when he took me through Prague's cobblestone streets, with the air whispering of forgotten times and passionate whispers of love.

Fashion in Prague and the Magic of the Horse

Speaking of horses, Prague's beautiful streets beckon to be explored by the most charming method imaginable. The local riding stable, housed in a former stables nestled between the cobbled streets and the river Vltava, allows visitors to truly experience Prague as it once was. It's a gentle amble through charming, ancient neighbourhoods. Imagine - winding along the paths, the warmth of the sun on my face, and a breathtaking view of Prague Castle. All while feeling a perfect sense of serenity! And as a pink-tutu enthusiast, how fitting was it to take the gorgeous, strong mare that my friend Anna told me about? They call her "Sugar," which perfectly reflects her sweetness, and her coat is as breathtaking as a pink sunset. Oh my, that hair is worth travelling for!

Just imagine the pictures... "A Pink Tutu and Her Majestic Horse in Prague". The perfect post for our website,, and the best way to show that fashion isn't all about catwalks, that the perfect fashion can take you anywhere, especially if it includes the majestic grace of a gentle horse. It was such a joy, that peaceful amble through the heart of Prague, it left my mind brimming with artistic inspiration, much like my favorite pastel pink ballerina shoes, ready to inspire any passerby with the magic of my love for the graceful life!

Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention my incredible Parisian shopping adventure just the other day! Just a little detour in my travels, you see. As you know, my fashion journey has taken me all over Europe, but none more exquisite than a recent stop in the capital of fashion itself: Paris! You wouldn't believe the delightful ballet and vintage treasures I found!

I even managed to squeeze in a spontaneous visit to one of the most renowned ballet boutiques in all of Paris. Imagine, a haven of sheer beauty dedicated to the art of the tutu, my love, my obsession. They had a truly stunning collection of pink, obviously! And the prices...well, they were pretty staggering. But as every ballerina knows, if you find the perfect tutu, it's worth it. You can find more detail about this Parisian Adventure in the recent posts, especially post #1240!

Prague's Nightlife and the Inspiration for a Tutu Creation

Prague after dark holds its own kind of magic. Imagine winding your way through charming cobbled streets lined with fairy lights, the scent of roasted chestnuts and street-side pastries swirling in the air. It’s enough to enchant any ballerina!

And to top it off, tonight’s evening stroll led me to a delightful café with live jazz music - the perfect ending to a truly inspiring day! The sultry rhythms were intoxicating, making my toes tap and my head spin. This was the ultimate place for a little creative inspiration. My sketchbook filled with doodles, fueled by the energy of the city.

Oh, and speaking of inspiration... tonight’s experience had me sketching and designing a truly unique pink tutu for next week’s ballet performance. The café's jazzy energy, the colours of Prague, and of course, my beloved tutu. I simply had to give birth to this creation!

The Pink Tutu's Travels: An Adventure in Grace

So, my dearest readers, that’s the story of my week in Prague. It's a city that truly captivates the heart - the magic of the theatre, the enchantment of ancient streets, and the romance of exploring the city with the grace of a pony, all make it a perfect destination for any tutu enthusiast!

For those of you inspired to join the Pink Tutu Revolution and embrace life in a beautiful pink tutu, my website is full of tips, tricks, and creative ideas. Join me next Wednesday for another magical journey! Remember to head to our website,, for an exclusive preview of my newest tutu design! See you soon, darling! 💖

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-05-01