Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-05-08

Prague in Pink: Ballet, Beauty, and Bohemia!

Post 1248: Wednesday 8th May 2019

Bonjour mes amies! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to Prague! As you know, my heart beats for ballet, beautiful cities, and of course, tutus! And Prague was the perfect concoction of all three.

Let's be honest, I just can't resist a good European train journey. There's something so charming about the rhythmic clattering, the unfolding landscapes, and the gentle sway of the carriage. This time, the journey was especially delightful - a splash of pink sunshine against the backdrop of green fields. I'd even managed to score a carriage all to myself, a veritable tutu-spinning playground!

Speaking of spinning, I just had to sneak in a quick ballet class while I was in Prague! You know, to keep my pliés and arabesques sharp! It's no surprise that ballet is absolutely thriving in this historic city. The city itself has an elegant air, a certain grace and rhythm that feels like a slow waltz, with the stunning architecture like intricate, sculpted dancers frozen in time. I found a wonderful ballet studio nestled amidst the cobbled streets, and for an hour, I was completely enveloped by the elegant beauty of classical ballet. There’s nothing like the feeling of your muscles waking up after a good workout, topped off with a delicious cuppa after, the steam swirling like a ballerina’s tulle skirt.

And speaking of tulle skirts… Prague was just asking for a pink tutu to grace its ancient streets! You could say that my travels are sponsored by tutus – it's the way I fund my adventures. You've probably heard my motto by now: "Pink Tutus for Everyone!" I perform little snippets of ballet on the street (and in some fantastic theatres) – it’s like travelling street-side performance art. So when I find a new, exciting, and inspiring place, my trusty pink tutu makes an appearance.

Prague, with its enchanting charm, deserved a little more than a street corner show! My performance on this trip was a bit more… refined. I've been working on a little ballet piece inspired by Czech mythology and folklore – think elegant wood sprites and enchanting fairy queens – and a rather spectacular, ancient hall played host to my performance. The audience, captivated by the music, my pink tutu, and the ancient magic, cheered and clapped in unison.

After the show, it was time to indulge in a bit of Prague's famous nightlife, and you can bet I was dancing the night away.

Of course, a trip to Prague is never complete without some serious souvenir shopping! Now, I wouldn't be me if I didn't add a few extra special pink-tutu themed goodies to my basket:

  • A miniature tutu-shaped pin: Perfect for adorning my pink ballerina bag – even the small things are made better with pink.
  • A Prague-inspired ballerina scarf: A perfect touch of grace to any outfit – you just can’t beat a silk scarf, and especially when it has beautiful details of the city I loved!
  • A hand-painted ballet-themed ceramic plate: You know me, I just can’t resist a touch of traditional handicrafts. It’s all about the details – they really make it.

But enough about shopping and souvenirs, let's talk ballet! Prague, as a ballet lover's paradise, boasts several famous opera houses and ballet theaters, so of course I made it a mission to see a few performances. Here’s my quick rundown on the best of Prague’s ballet offerings:

The National Theatre: This stunning building is a feast for the eyes, and I managed to snag a seat for a delightful performance of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake. The grace of the ballerinas and the expressive power of the music sent chills down my spine.

The State Opera: The State Opera, while grander in design and a bit more ornate, also provides an excellent venue for ballet performances, featuring classical favourites and more contemporary works, as well as dance dramas. I even caught a glimpse of a tutu I may be looking for next – a stunning lilac ensemble, so ethereal and charming – the colour of late evening twilight.

Prague’s own ballet company, “Ballet Prague,” offers a rich tapestry of performances. They were just wrapping up a week-long series of performances by the Royal Ballet. One of their most notable productions features Romeo and Juliet by Prokofiev. Oh, that piece is my all-time favourite – it tells the tale of two young hearts bound by an impossible love. They even have a show dedicated to the history of Czech ballet which, funnily enough, brought back all my own childhood ballet lessons, even to the point that I could almost hear the music we used in those lessons, though my own ballerina shoes never were as fabulous as some of those in the Prague dancers.

There's simply no other city quite like Prague. This place exudes beauty, elegance, and romance! Even in a city where every corner boasts artistic inspiration, I found my own little corners of paradise: the coffee shop tucked away in the heart of the city, the tranquil courtyard where I sipped a mint tea while planning my tutu outfit for the day…and of course, the ballet studios themselves, where I was lost in the world of elegant movement.

As the sun dips below the horizon over Prague, casting a warm glow across the city, I'll admit there's a little bit of sadness to be leaving, even for just a day or two. I want to say "until next time, Prague."

I'm back home in my cozy Derbyshire cottage, but I'm already planning my next trip. The world, and all of its exquisite cities, is waiting to be explored – all in the spirit of pink and tutus. And you never know where my next dance may lead.

Keep up with all the ballet adventures (and fashion!) at and check in next week for my next post!

A bientôt, and may your tutus twirl beautifully!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-05-08