
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-05-15

Pink Tutu Prague - Ballet Bliss in the City of a Hundred Spires (Post #1249)

Bonjour mes amis, and welcome back to the world of Pink Tutu Prague! This week, we're swirling our way through the heart of Bohemia, embracing the captivating beauty of Prague and its enthralling ballet scene. As a ballerina, my soul simply leaps with joy when I discover a city brimming with such artistic flair. And trust me, Prague doesn't disappoint.

A Trip Through Time on a Train & Pony

You may know me as a devotee of the "Pink Tutu" aesthetic, but you'll also find me with a soft spot for traditional transport. So, naturally, this adventure started with a charming journey by train. I just love that gentle sway and rhythmic click-clacking - a ballet in itself! It allowed me to soak in the enchanting countryside, dreaming of all the beautiful ballet outfits I could imagine. (Perhaps a Bohemian-inspired pink tutu with a touch of traditional embroidery...hmm!)

Now, you might be picturing a glamorous arrival in Prague's main station. Instead, imagine a sweet pony, named Buttercup, patiently awaiting me. This enchanting little creature whisked me to my charmingly rustic boutique hotel, nestled amongst cobbled streets and pastel-painted houses. The smell of fresh pastries wafting through the air just made me feel even more at home in this quaint little haven.

Fashion Flair & Theatrical Dreams

Speaking of home, I must confess that I can't go anywhere without a good bit of shopping, right? And Prague has no shortage of delightful boutiques where my ballerina heart found solace. I confess, I have a weakness for antique lace, a soft spot for vintage brooches and a longing for silk sashes in shades of lavender and rose. And of course, the shops were filled with so much inspiration for my own ballet wardrobe โ€“ imagine a shimmering emerald tutu paired with a vintage silk scarf, all topped with a playful pink feather boa. Pure ballet bliss!

But even the best of shops cannot truly satiate a ballet-loving soul like mine. For this, I eagerly ventured into the heart of the Prague National Theatre, a dazzling temple of artistry where the world's finest ballet dancers grace the stage. The opulence of the building was quite staggering โ€“ think opulent chandeliers, velvet-draped balconies and an ornate stage that seemed to shimmer with every performance. It was simply magical!

Ballet Brilliance: A Night of Dreams

Tonight, on this beautiful Wednesday evening, I have the honour of witnessing an enchanting performance by the renowned Prague National Ballet. The programme includes a captivating selection of works, ranging from classical masterpieces to innovative contemporary creations. This is what I live for, this magical world of elegance, strength and expression, all captured within a symphony of music and motion.

My heart soared with each pirouette, I was awed by every graceful leap. And the costumes - oh my, a riot of colours, shimmering fabrics, and glittering jewels! It's easy to see why ballet fashion has always been so inspiring to me.

The Pink Tutu Takeover: Sharing My Passion

There's a reason I choose to call this blog "Pink Tutu Prague". It's not just about me, my pink tutu and the world of ballet; it's about spreading the joy and inspiring others to embrace their inner dancer, no matter their age or skill level. My aim? To empower everyone to discover the magical world of ballet, to wear their own unique "Pink Tutu" with pride and confidence, to twirl and spin through life with a joyful heart.

Even on the cobblestone streets of Prague, I spotted several pairs of bright pink ballet shoes and a few cheeky pink tutus worn with a youthful, joyful swagger. It warms my heart to see this magic happening across the world.

So, dear reader, if you are feeling inspired, why not put on your own "Pink Tutu", step into a ballet class, or visit a theatre for an unforgettable show? The world of ballet is waiting to welcome you!

*Coming Up Next Week: *

Next week, I'm taking you on a tour of Prague's historic castles and gardens. Be sure to tune in to Pink-Tutu.com for the next installment, where I'll be showcasing some breathtaking locations and maybe even a touch of vintage fairytale fashion. Until then, twirl on, my friends!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-05-15