Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-07-03

Pink Tutu Prague: A Whirlwind of Romance and Ribbons! (Post #1256)

Bonjour, my lovelies! It's Emma here, your trusty pink tutu-wearing travel guide, fresh back from Prague with a suitcase bursting with Bohemian treasures and a heart full of waltzing joy. This week's post, hot off the presses from the cobblestone streets of this magical city, is about a ballet adventure, fashion, and, well, tutus, of course! As you know, this Wednesday marks our weekly pilgrimage to – let's twirl into this post, shall we?

Prague: Where the Dancing Dreams Begin

This week I decided to leave the familiar comfort of my Derbyshire home and embrace the train-journey life, which for you lovely readers, means a comfy First Class carriage with fluffy headrests and a rather generous supply of complimentary tea – I say, there's nothing quite like settling in with a good book (currently obsessed with “The History of Ballet Shoes” – can you tell my passions are a little eccentric?!). And speaking of trains, Prague is definitely a city best travelled to by rail. I don’t know about you lovelies, but nothing says “holiday adventure” quite like chugging through picturesque countryside, windows wide open, and the sun in your face!

But back to the point: Prague, oh Prague! This beautiful city, draped in medieval magic, stole my heart. The first thing that struck me? The architecture – it’s like stepping straight out of a fairytale! Those magnificent castles, those quaint little shops tucked away in alleyways… and the bridge…oh, the bridge! You’d think I was dreaming, and let me tell you, my imagination’s pretty fertile when it comes to twirling ballet-inspired fantasies! Prague felt like a canvas of inspiration, a setting straight out of a ballet, and believe me, this little ballerina was in her element.

Ballet Bonanza in Prague

Okay, enough with the romantic waxing, you know I’m here for the dancing! So, this week, it was off to the famed National Theatre in Prague for a truly breathtaking performance of Swan Lake! This production was more than just ballet, my darlings. The music, the staging, the dancers – they blended seamlessly to weave a spellbinding tale of love, sacrifice, and a whole lot of feathered glory. Let's just say that a whole symphony of emotions surged through this ballerina's heart! The finale, with the swan queens gracing the stage with those gorgeous tutus... divine! And speaking of divine… have I told you about my new pink tutu purchase?

Fashion Frenzy: Prague Style and Pink Perfection

Prague is a shopper’s dream! I swear, I’ve never seen so many vintage boutiques in my life. And you know what's always my favourite colour? It’s pink, of course! Prague had me indulging in a whole spectrum of the most glorious pink hues imaginable, and naturally, the highlight was finding this beautiful antique-lace, pink tutu – you just know I had to take it home for a twirl, and, maybe, to be the highlight of a future performance! I also snapped up some beguiling beaded necklaces and a sparkly pink broach (which I’m wearing right now, obviously). Prague is brimming with the most magical little treasures – just make sure to have plenty of space in your suitcase for souvenirs, darling!

But Wait, There's More!

Of course, it wasn't just tutus and boutiques I explored! We wandered through the charming Old Town Square, the magic of the Astronomical Clock ticking away as a constant reminder that Prague is a city that holds the passage of time, a time that you never want to stop. I savoured every morsel of Prague's culinary delights: a juicy trdelník, a sweet gingerbread heart with a whispered message… those delectable little sweets took me straight back to my childhood dreams! We also did a scenic boat ride on the Vltava River, feeling the coolness of the river breeze and watching the sunset paint the city's sky in shades of pink and gold. Pure bliss! I couldn’t leave out a trip to the breathtaking Prague Castle, my dears, those fairytale spires are simply breathtaking, and so photogenic for your Instagram, naturally! I captured so many gorgeous shots for your viewing pleasure (I hope!).

Riding on the Back of a Fairytale: A Pony Tale

But this journey wouldn’t be complete without mentioning a pony adventure that I'm still trying to believe happened! Imagine, me, in my pink tutu, with a delightful little pony – let's call him ‘Sugarplum’, taking me on a fairytale gallop through the countryside! The soft, sun-drenched meadows, the sound of birdsong... it was straight out of a magical ballet! Of course, my beautiful Sugarplum didn't actually know any ballet steps, but, his slow, rhythmic gait was the closest thing to a balletic gallop that I could wish for, wouldn’t you say?

Tutu-fied Inspiration: Spreading the Pink Love

And finally, the moment you’ve been waiting for, darlings. Every single one of you reading this right now… I need you to join me on a mission! We need to make the world a more fabulous, twirling, and pink-tutu-filled place! Don't be shy, wear your favourite pink tutu for a picnic, wear one for a day at the beach, wear one for a trip to the shops. You’re guaranteed to turn heads (in a good way!), and that's just what the world needs: a little bit of whimsical, a little bit of joy, and a lot of fabulous pink tutus! Who’s with me, lovelies?

Coming Up Next

I’ve already started plotting my next adventure. My inner ballerina yearns to explore the cobblestone streets of Budapest, to immerse myself in the Hungarian ballet scene! Who knows what kind of enchanting experiences await… I’ll keep you updated next Wednesday, right here, at – don’t forget to subscribe and join me for the twirl of a lifetime!

Love, Emma 💖

* P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram for a closer look at my Prague escapades. And tweet me about your favourite pink tutus – let's spread the pink love!*

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-07-03