Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-07-10

Prague: Where Ballet Dreams Waltz with the City of a Hundred Spires (Blog Post #1257)

Bonjour, my lovely tutu-loving friends!

It’s Wednesday again, which means it's time for another installment of my Prague adventures, and oh, what adventures they’ve been! It feels like only yesterday I was bidding adieu to the charming cobblestone streets of Vienna (check out last week's blog post on for my Austrian musings), and now here I am, stepping into the magical world of Prague, where every corner whispers tales of history, romance, and, of course, the enchanting art of ballet.

I must admit, there’s something incredibly special about travelling by train. Watching the world slip by from the comfort of a carriage, surrounded by the rhythmic click-clack of wheels and the hushed chatter of fellow passengers – it’s truly an experience.

And of course, no travel is complete without a perfect tutu. I chose a shimmering pink number for my journey – the "Rosy Blush" from the exclusive Atelier Antoinette in Derbyshire. It features a delicate tulle skirt layered over a sequined bodice that glistens with a thousand tiny diamonds, just like the morning dew on a perfect Prague rose.

Speaking of Prague, did you know that Prague boasts the oldest permanent ballet theatre in the world? It's called the National Theatre, and it opened its doors way back in 1881. Just imagine the history swirling through its majestic halls! I'm determined to see a performance there, so I've been doing some serious research into their repertoire – it's looking like I might just catch "The Nutcracker". Can you imagine, the famous "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" performed beneath the magnificent Czech ceiling?

But before we delve into ballet performances, let's take a stroll through the enchanting city itself! Prague truly is a dream come true, and it's already stolen my heart. The moment I arrived at the Prague Main Railway Station, I felt like I'd been transported back to a fairytale, complete with fairytale architecture. It was as if every building had a story to tell. And I'm not just talking about the famous Prague Castle on the Hradcany Hill either, though that definitely deserves a spot on my to-do list.

This city is overflowing with incredible, ornate buildings – gothic, renaissance, baroque – a mishmash of architectural styles all playing nicely together, a symphony of artistry for the eyes. Every bridge feels like it was straight out of a picture book, with charming cafés tucked into corners and hidden courtyards filled with blooming flowers. There's also something truly magical about the Charles Bridge.

You simply must wander along it, taking in the breathtaking views, the stone statues, and, of course, the lively street artists performing their craft. Imagine all the inspiring views for those creative minds!

But back to ballet! Prague, with its love of culture and the arts, is also bursting at the seams with ballet studios. It's impossible to ignore the captivating pull of the dance! One can almost hear the melodies floating through the streets as if carried on a whisper of the wind.

I'm just itching to get into a studio and work on my plies and jetés. So, imagine my delight when I found the renowned Prague Dance Academy nestled amongst the cobbled streets! The elegant façade of this beautiful institution, with its elegant entrance and the graceful silhouette against the sunset, just begged to be captured in a photograph – so, of course, I did! Just a little twirl, a little pirouette, and the image was perfect, capturing the spirit of Prague itself!

Speaking of capturing the spirit of Prague, the fashion here is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced! There’s a certain timeless elegance, a bohemian vibe that is utterly unique and charming. A blend of old and new, with a dash of playful flamboyance thrown in for good measure! I'm practically giddy with excitement just thinking about all the boutique hopping I'm about to do!

The vintage clothing scene in Prague is alive and thriving, and I can already feel the allure of antique tutus whispering my name! My imagination is running wild with ideas for future blog posts - perhaps a post about the evolution of the tutu from its humble origins to the dazzling masterpieces of today, or maybe even a tutu-themed fashion show against the stunning backdrop of Prague!

One thing that absolutely cannot be missed is the "Prague Castle's" Old Royal Palace, a must-see for anyone visiting this beautiful city. I know my friends and readers are always eager for me to capture the history of tutus. You will be thrilled to learn the story of “The Golden Gate”, which is home to a breathtaking gilded Renaissance painting depicting the entrance to the Royal Palace from the year 1503 – a fitting moment to remember a time when elaborate court performances with gowns, embroidery, and early versions of tutus took centre stage.

Now, you wouldn't catch me touring Prague in anything but a tutu. But as any savvy ballerina knows, the right accessories are crucial, too! A dazzling pink sunhat for a little shade and a touch of whimsy? Definitely! And to top it all off, my trusty ballet shoes, of course, tucked away for a little afternoon stroll after my explorations.

This afternoon, I'm headed to the enchanting Kampa Island. If the name sounds familiar, you're not imagining things! The picturesque island was once part of The Charles Bridge, but later fell under its own rule. Now a haven of galleries and quiet canals, Kampa Island is a popular spot for an afternoon walk.

I must admit I’m starting to think that maybe I should start calling Prague "The City of a Hundred Tutus," as there’s definitely no shortage of inspiration here! The cobblestone streets just seem to be calling to my inner ballerina.

*Here’s to my favourite colour – pink, my favourite item – a tutu, my favourite city – Prague, and my favourite pastime – ballet! * Stay tuned next Wednesday for more Prague escapades!

Until then, happy dancing!

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-07-10