Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-07-24

Prague in Pink: A Ballet Lover's Paradise (Blog Post #1259)

Hello my darling tutu-wearers! Emma here, your pink-obsessed ballet enthusiast, and this week I'm whisked away to the magical city of Prague. This vibrant metropolis, bursting with history, culture and a frankly intoxicating amount of charm, is the perfect setting for a tutu-clad adventure.

This is my first time in Prague, and already, I'm utterly smitten! The cobbled streets, the grand architecture, the twinkle-eyed locals, the sheer deliciousness of every street food stall – it's like stepping into a fairytale.

And you know me – no matter where I go, I have my ballet essentials! My pink tutu, my signature look, was the perfect choice for navigating Prague's cobbled streets. Just think of the graceful twirls you can achieve while dodging stray cobblestones! I paired my tutu with a pale pink floaty dress and my trusty ballet shoes (that actually double as comfy walking shoes!) for the ultimate twirling, sightseeing combo.

I've packed my trusty travel companions - my well-worn copy of 'The Story of Ballet' and my ‘Pink Tutu Chronicles’ notebook – and I'm ready to delve into Prague’s rich cultural tapestry, taking you on a journey through the ballet history that unfolds at every corner.

Wednesday: The Magic of Prague Begins

My train journey to Prague from Vienna was like stepping into a vintage travel poster. Picturesque landscapes whizzed past my window, a comforting cup of tea was in my hand, and a symphony of melodic announcements filled the carriage. There’s a unique poetry to travel by train that I always relish!

When I finally arrived in the heart of Prague, my senses were immediately overwhelmed! I found myself in Old Town Square, gazing in awe at the gothic architecture of the Town Hall, the astronomical clock slowly revealing its mysteries, and the vibrant street performers – each telling their unique stories to the curious crowd.

And of course, a visit to Prague couldn't be complete without a dose of fashion inspiration. The designer boutiques of the charming Old Town streets were an absolute treat! After spending a good deal of time browsing and making sure my own personal pink-tutu-loving wardrobe was up to scratch, I headed to the charming Café Slavia – an iconic spot where the city's creative thinkers and artists used to gather - for a perfectly brewed coffee.

Thursday: Exploring a Ballet World

After a dreamy breakfast at my hotel, featuring the most delicious cinnamon swirls, it was time to delve into the ballet history that Prague holds so dear.

The National Theatre, a truly grand piece of neo-Renaissance architecture, stole my breath away. The story of its construction and the lengths people went to in order to have this architectural beauty – this sanctuary of culture and art – built, is truly fascinating! The fact that there was such widespread public support and so many volunteers who donated their time and effort – well, it’s truly inspiring.

I immersed myself in the history of Prague's ballet scene, imagining the legendary ballerinas gliding across the stage and feeling a sense of reverence for the theatre's enduring legacy. It’s something that truly sparked my own creative flame!

After exploring the magnificent National Theatre, it was time for a ballet-inspired afternoon of indulgence! A little cafe hopping with a slice of cheesecake and a pot of the most perfectly frothed hot chocolate followed by some ballet class with a delightful and very talented group of ladies! We even took to the cobbled streets outside, attempting graceful pirouettes as cars whizzed by, much to the amusement of the locals!

In the evening, my dream came true. A full-length ballet production was taking place at the National Theatre, featuring a stunning rendition of "La Bayadere". The performance was a masterpiece – exquisite dancing, opulent costumes, and the pure emotional impact of this timeless masterpiece had me captivated throughout the entire performance. And that is how you know it's a good show – if it has you thinking about it the next day!

Friday: Finding the Perfect Pink

Feeling truly inspired, I embraced the whimsical charm of the Prague streets, searching for pink treasures in the delightful boutiques of Prague's quaint neighbourhoods.

This city, overflowing with character and beauty, was the perfect backdrop for my ballet-themed fashion frenzy! I found a beautiful blush pink velvet bag to add to my ever-growing collection of ballet accessories.

The rest of the day was spent soaking up the breathtaking views from Prague Castle. From its iconic silhouette, overlooking the sprawling cityscape, I could almost see my tutu twirling gracefully in the air. As I sipped my wine in a romantic café overlooking the breathtaking views, the sound of church bells echoing through the historic squares completed my idyllic day.

Saturday: A Magical Evening in the Old Town Square

As the sun set, Prague was alive with colour! Street musicians filled the air with their enchanting melodies, and the historic buildings gleamed in the soft twilight.

My highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the enchanting "Theatre Under The Stars" performance taking place in the beautiful Old Town Square. The medieval backdrop added an air of magic to the experience, as dancers swirled and leaped under the velvet canopy of the night sky.

The air hummed with energy – and it was a wonderful experience! I have to admit, I got a little caught up in the joyous energy of it all, and at one point found myself twirling along with the performers in the middle of the square, feeling a complete sense of freedom!

The evening ended with a beautiful concert at a hidden little jazz bar I found. What started with me simply looking for a quick coffee quickly turned into an experience, listening to some truly soulful music and watching local and international performers take to the stage, their talent truly captivating.

Sunday: Reflecting on Prague’s Beauty

As I reluctantly left Prague, my heart overflowed with bittersweet feelings. The city's unique blend of historical grandeur, vibrant culture, and unpretentious charm had left an indelible mark on me, and I knew I’d be returning soon.

Walking past the charming shop windows, I knew that my Prague collection just wouldn’t be complete without some lovely pink Czech glassware to decorate my ballet corner back home.

This Prague escapade was a symphony of visual delights, vibrant energy, and inspiring encounters, leaving me with a treasure trove of memories and, more importantly, a renewed appreciation for the beauty of ballet and the transformative power of a pink tutu. I know you are all out there living your own versions of your pink-tutu-wearing adventures – I can’t wait to hear all about them, do write in and tell me!

And so, dear readers, I bid you adieu, I am back on the train journey, and I’m feeling truly invigorated by this ballet adventure, feeling like a refreshed pink ballerina, ready to spread the love of ballet (and pink!) to every corner of the world.

Until next Wednesday, dear readers,

Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-07-24