Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-08-28

Prague Calling! Pink Tutu Takes on the Czech Republic - Post #1264

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday again, which means a brand new adventure from yours truly, Emma, and my pink tutu, ready to take on the world one twirl at a time! This week, we've left the rolling hills of Derbyshire behind for the cobbled streets of Prague. I can't believe it's already August, the days are getting shorter and the air is a little crisper, but that just means I get to layer up my ballet-inspired outfits even more!

Now, Prague is a city brimming with history, and of course, my first stop had to be the National Theatre. Just the sight of this architectural gem took my breath away. You'll find me here, sipping on a cup of the most delicious Czech hot chocolate, taking in the beautiful facade and the elegant statues adorning its walls. There’s something magical about this theatre – a buzz of excitement in the air that’s only surpassed by the anticipation for the ballet performances!

Tutus through the ages…

Speaking of ballet, how could I visit a city like Prague and NOT immerse myself in its ballet history? I mean, this city is a ballet lover's dream, right? There are just so many beautiful, ornate theaters and performance spaces tucked away in its charming squares.

My mission was to find out what sparked Prague’s love affair with the art form! After some research and a delightful cuppa (they call it tea here, but I’ll have you know it's truly something special!), I discovered the history of ballet in Prague stretches back to the 16th century! Back then, courtly dancing was the thing, think intricate minuets and elegant gavottes. Of course, those weren't quite the tutus we see today, but it’s amazing to think that dance has played such a prominent role in Czech culture for so long.

The real turning point came in the 19th century. A ballet company called The National Theatre Ballet Company – a mouthful, I know, but the name does give you a clue, right? – sprang up and began offering regular ballet performances for the general public. I found out the history is packed with thrilling tales of talent and inspiration! There was an opera singer in the 19th century who became the first ballerina of Prague and who, of course, did so wearing a lovely pink tutu. Imagine! A pink tutu paving the way for a national ballet company!

Dress-Up & Discover!

Speaking of Prague's National Theatre, my heart did a little happy pirouette when I discovered their performance schedule - and a magnificent ballet performance, "The Sleeping Beauty", starring the Prague National Theatre Ballet was scheduled for tonight, 28th August!

You bet your sweet ballet slippers I secured tickets! I’ll be sitting in the most elegant balcony seat, twirling in a glorious, fluffy pink tutu (I thought a statement would be needed for a night out with the ballet), soaking up the exquisite music and elegant movements of the performers. It’s just about the best combination possible, and if you are reading this blog and in Prague on Wednesday, I urge you to see it for yourselves! There’s nothing more inspiring and enchanting than ballet, and when you add in the beauty and grace of these exceptional dancers in their intricate costumes, it is just beyond magical!

I also can't wait to see Prague through the eyes of the ballerinas in this company! We’ll have a little chat, find out what inspires them, how their costumes are designed, and even see if I can score an invite to a ballet class! It’ll be a perfect opportunity to brush up on my own technique! It's so amazing to be surrounded by such passionate, talented individuals. Just by spending time in their company, I've already picked up some insider tips! Apparently, it’s a MUST to visit the National Theatre's costume archive, where you can literally delve into centuries of dance history! Imagine the beautiful ballet shoes, shimmering jewels, and extravagant tutus waiting to be discovered!

Pink Power

While I've been doing some exploring and indulging in my love for all things pink (you know how much I love that hue! I have to share my latest discovery – an adorable shop in Prague filled to the brim with exquisite vintage garments. My heart literally sang as I discovered vintage tutus, so fluffy, and with those incredible vintage frills, just bursting with femininity and elegance!

To add to my own "Prague tutu collection," I had to snag this magnificent pink and lavender creation, adorned with little velvet roses and feather accents. I can't wait to twirl it on my upcoming ballet performance. Oh, I nearly forgot – to raise funds for my travels and tutus (yes, I know, it's an expensive passion, but I can’t help myself!) I am going to be performing at The Old Town Square on Sunday, just across from the Old Town Hall and astronomical clock. My heart races a little at the thought of it, but I also feel thrilled and buzzing with creative energy.

The performance is a celebration of everything I love – tutus, music, and joy. It’s going to be a spectacular ballet performance where I'll be inviting all you lovely readers to join in the fun. Don’t forget to bring your own pink tutus. The more, the merrier! I might even have a surprise for those who are bold enough to don their pink tutus - you won’t want to miss it!

Until then, keep following me on, where I'll be sharing my Prague adventures, and be sure to check out my weekly blog post each Wednesday! I’ll be filling it with everything from beautiful ballerina outfits, enchanting stories about ballet, to pink tutus for days!

I can't wait to hear your feedback and share more of my adventures in Prague!

Much love,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-08-28