Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-10-02

Prague Dreams in Pink: A Ballet Ballerina's Journey (Post #1269)

Bonjour, darling readers! It's Wednesday again, and you know what that means – another enchanting instalment from your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, straight from the cobbled streets of Prague!

This week, I'm stepping away from my beloved Derbyshire hills, trading in the rolling green pastures for the romantic spires of this incredible city. Now, you all know how much I adore exploring new places, but it's truly a magical experience when you combine a destination with your passion for dance!

Prague is just bursting with history, charm, and, oh my goodness, the most delightful shops for discovering the perfect ballet-inspired outfits! It's a bit like stepping into a fairytale – every corner boasts a beautiful building, a quirky café, or an art gallery full of inspiration.

The moment I arrived, the city swept me off my feet. You can practically feel the waltz in the air! Imagine this – cobblestone streets, stunning architecture that makes you think of an elaborate set, and the constant hum of music coming from street performers. Honestly, I could spend hours wandering these enchanting streets, taking it all in.

A Journey by Rail and… Pony?!

Before I dive into the cultural delights of Prague, let's talk about my arrival! Yes, darling readers, you know I'm all about embracing a little old-world charm – which meant travelling by train. Now, I don't mean your usual high-speed, sleek, modern bullet trains, no! I journeyed aboard a majestic, historic train that reminded me of those romantic European train journeys from classic movies. Think wood panelling, velvet seats, and the rhythmic clickety-clack of wheels on the tracks!

I felt a touch like a character stepping into a vintage travel poster – that is, until we stopped for a quick pit stop at a quaint countryside town, where I stumbled upon the most delightful surprise. Turns out, one of the locals had a beautiful chestnut pony! And do you know what? My darling, fluffy little pony even wore a matching pink tutu, just like mine! We couldn't resist taking a quick photo, which will undoubtedly become my new profile picture on social media. The adorable little creature even posed beautifully, like a true ballerina. I have a feeling the photos will be popping up on all your feeds soon!

Pink Tutu Fashion Adventures

Okay, back to Prague. Now, as you know, one of the most crucial parts of any trip for me is exploring the fashion scene. The shopping in Prague is pure bliss! The vintage stores are bursting with unique finds, each with a touch of elegance and glamour that makes my heart skip a beat.

And what did I find in the vintage clothing section of the Grand Hotel's antique shop? You won't believe this, darling readers. A glorious, full-skirted pink tulle skirt that would have been the envy of even the most celebrated prima ballerinas! It was just the right shade of pink to complement my new pair of sparkling, delicate ballerina shoes, also from Prague's treasure trove of fashion finds. I may have indulged a tad too much at the boutique across the street, picking up a luxurious pink feather boa and a headpiece adorned with rhinestones that made me feel like I was a character stepping straight out of a ballet production.

The Magic of Prague's Ballet Scene

Of course, no visit to a city as cultured as Prague would be complete without a visit to the theatre, and naturally, it's the ballet that truly captured my heart. Oh darling, the performance at the National Theatre was an experience I'll cherish forever!

The dancers were breathtakingly elegant, their movements as graceful as the swans I've often portrayed on stage. It was a timeless classic, “Swan Lake”, one of the most iconic ballets of all time. The way the dancers interpreted the tragic story of Odette and her transformation into a swan brought tears to my eyes, and I think they were a little blurry during my final standing ovation.

During the performance, I couldn't help but think about the rich history of ballet in this very city. Imagine, darling, ballerinas waltzing across these grand stages, their costumes flowing with exquisite grace! Ballet has such a profound history in Prague – it's simply beautiful to witness and feel connected to it through my love for dance.

After the performance, we enjoyed the charming cafe right by the theater, where I indulged in the most delicious cup of “kava” – Prague’s coffee – alongside a traditional Czech pastry. The atmosphere was magical – almost as though we were living inside a fairytale. I even found myself trying to copy the moves of the ballet performance on the dance floor, but I won't disclose the results for the sake of our readers’ delicate sensibilities.

Discovering the Charm of Prague

But this wasn't just a trip for me to indulge in ballet and fashion. Prague, with its enchanting streets and captivating charm, deserves a full exploration. I visited the enchanting Old Town Square, a feast for the eyes, full of incredible historical architecture and lively street performers.

I took a boat trip down the Vltava River, gliding under historic bridges and past fairytale-like castles, and let me tell you, darling, I’ve never felt more romantic! As the sun set, bathing Prague in a warm golden glow, the whole city seemed to whisper stories of a bygone era.

And then there's the Charles Bridge, an absolute must-see on any visit to Prague. This 14th-century masterpiece is truly magnificent. Every corner seems to hold a new story. As I wandered over the cobblestones, admiring the towering statues and absorbing the sights, it was like I'd stepped back in time, just like I envisioned while planning my trip. I imagined a little pink-tutu-clad girl like myself, centuries ago, dancing around the city, spreading joy with each twirl.

And that, darling readers, is what makes this city so extraordinary! It blends modern life with its rich history in the most delightful way.

From Ballet Performance to Parisian-Style Delights

While the performance in the National Theatre was a breathtaking experience, the next day, I discovered a different side of ballet. In the heart of the city, there was a street performance happening, complete with music, costumed dancers, and even a cute little miniature stage. Imagine – a portable, outdoor stage in the most unexpected setting!

I couldn't resist stepping in for a brief performance, channeling my inner ballerina as I performed a mini-solo, captivating the surrounding crowd with a graceful spin and elegant leaps. You would have been so proud! And to make the day even more wonderful, I discovered the most gorgeous street cafe, serving the best cappuccino and mille-feuille I've had outside of Paris!

A Farewell to Prague, and a Promise to Return

I've truly fallen for Prague's magic! This city holds an enchantment that seeps into every corner, inspiring even the most seasoned of ballet enthusiasts like me. I can't wait to share all these adventures with you through my photos and stories, darling readers!

My pink tutu journey to Prague is coming to a close, but believe me when I say that this city is just begging for another visit. My heart tells me, and perhaps this is just me, that Prague is where my true pink-tutu adventure should really begin.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, darling readers, I must rush to a nearby theatre where I’m about to be part of a magnificent ballet production. My final thoughts are this: never forget the importance of spreading happiness. Embrace the magic of ballet, and perhaps consider rocking a pink tutu! Who knows, darling readers, you might even start a little dance revolution!

Until next time, my dearest readers, keep twirling and keep shining!

Yours in Pink Tutu and Prague,


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-10-02