
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-11-27

Prague, Prague, Prague, It's Like Stepping Into A Fairytale!

Hello, my lovely Tutu Troupe! Welcome to my #PinkTutuPrague post, the latest from my ongoing journey to make the world a pink tutu-filled wonderland. This is post number 1277 for my #PinkTutuPrague blog, coming to you every Wednesday, as always, on www.pink-tutu.com. This week Iā€™m in the breathtakingly beautiful Prague, and let me tell you, it's like stepping straight into a fairytale.

As always, Iā€™ve been funding my adventures with performances - a whirlwind of ballet, classical music and storytelling through my dancing. Itā€™s hard work, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to chase those tutu dreams, eh? And trust me, Prague's a real treat for any ballet fan. So let me whisk you away to this beautiful city with my little pink-tutu clad fingers and paint you a pictureā€¦

Prague in Pink (and with Tutus!)

I arrived in Prague just as the sun was beginning to set, and the city lit up in an explosion of golden light. It's amazing what a good sunrise or sunset can do for your photos - if only my dance shows had better lighting, imagine how lovely my Instagram would be! The moment I stepped out of the train station, I could feel the magic in the air. Everything felt quaint and charming ā€“ just the way a ballerina like me loves it.

My trusty travel pony, Pepper, transported me to my hotel - well, that's not exactly true, but imagine how wonderful it would be if a unicorn could whisk you around all your favourite places. Dreamy sigh But alas, this time, Pepper's got me taking the tram, which was still charming and rather romantic. I just imagine the cobbled streets echoing with the light and graceful steps of all those Prague ballet dancers. I love a good story ā€“ it's like theyā€™re always about to burst into a perfectly staged dramatic performance.

After a quick nap, it was time for me to explore this enchanting city! Now, letā€™s be real, I came to Prague with one thing in mind: tutus. I wanted to find the most delightful tutu boutiques, of course! Thankfully, Pragueā€™s Old Town has some gems, just like a perfectly arranged flower garden bursting with delightful and sparkly costumes. You just canā€™t resist, can you?

I also popped into some traditional costume shops - they really give you that historical feel - and picked up a beautiful new pink satin scarf. It's going to look divine with my newest tutu from my favourite local designer back home in Derbyshire, I'll share a picture in my next post - trust me, you'll swoon! The local shop owners were incredibly helpful and friendly ā€“ I got all the help I needed with finding the perfect items.

And whatā€™s a trip to Prague without a bit of indulging? So, I sampled a bit of delicious traditional Czech food - and I can tell you, Pragueā€™s culinary scene did not disappoint! There was something for every ballerina - especially my favouriteā€¦ pancakes, and yes, a rather splendid pink one too.

The Magic of the Prague National Theatre

I had to squeeze in some cultural time to celebrate my love for dance and all its forms! Prague's National Theatre is famous, and the architecture is as captivating as the history within its walls. A must-see for any self-respecting pink tutu wearing ballet enthusiast.

Youā€™ll not be surprised to hear I saw a fantastic performance ā€“ even the curtains felt extra magical in the National Theatre. Iā€™ll be sharing some photos and snippets in my next post (I did manage to squeeze in some snaps, with their rather strict rules)! I don't want to spoil all the magic, but let's just say I was spellbound from the first graceful steps, the costumes, and the incredible music!

Of course, I canā€™t go anywhere without sharing some of my dance knowledge. While the Czech National Theatre dates back to 1881, ballet, you see, has been around for much longer! Some historians trace the form back to the fifteenth century, when the ā€œcourt balletā€ took centre stage during events like courtly dances. Itā€™s easy to imagine ballerinas twirling around those grand old royal halls. Oh, to be part of history ā€“ I would be the star of that court ballet, believe me!

But even back then, did they have pink tutus? Itā€™s something I need to look intoā€¦ Intrigued look Perhaps a research project for next weekā€™s post, wouldnā€™t that be fun!

The Dancing Streets of Prague

Thereā€™s an electrifying feeling in the air of Prague - I could tell as soon as I arrived, like an invisible but thrilling orchestra playing in my ear. But the magic comes to life when you stumble upon an impromptu performance. And this week, it was the ballet dancer inside of me that took centre stage.

As I wandered along the streets, I caught sight of a group of ballet students, practicing. What an absolutely stunning scene. It brought all of the magical history of Pragueā€™s theatre culture and its beautiful buildings together with the artistry of these passionate dancers. Now thatā€™s my kind of art exhibition! I joined in with a few moves, as it was impossible not to feel that inspiring energy, even as a mere spectator. It was such an infectious spirit ā€“ how can you help but move when all you hear is a balletā€™s rhythm around you?

I even tried my hand at some street performance myself - it's not everyday you can showcase your talents with a beautiful cityscape like Prague. The tourists seemed to adore it and even one little girl asked to join me ā€“ you know, for that pink tutu spirit! Weā€™ll be working together to spread the magic of ballet and pink tutus. Maybe we can even open a new street ballet academy right here in the heart of Pragueā€¦ Itā€™s a beautiful dream!

A Bit More History...

I know my readers love to dig into the history behind everything, and especially when it comes to tutus, of course. Did you know that, in a way, ballet shoes came before the tutu, but not as we know it! Back in the late 17th Century, ballerinas started dancing in sans culottes (trousers) ā€“ how can something so uncomfortable be elegant? (Honestly, that just shows you, style has always been important!). That soon gave way to the first tutu-like garments.

But when you think of ā€œtheā€ tutu, I'm sure youā€™re thinking of the tutu romantique that rose to fame during the romantic period of dance ā€“ an evolution in design and elegance that revolutionized performance and captured the imaginations of audiences! And donā€™t forget, it all started right here in Europe! You might be surprised to find that even now, a whole variety of tutus are used ā€“ from the classic ā€œclassical tutuā€ to the fluffy ā€œAmerican tutu,ā€ and even the whimsical, asymmetrical tutu. Who knows whatā€™s coming next in the future of ballet and tutus ā€“ but one thingā€™s for sure, this form of dance and the clothes we wear continue to move, adapt and amaze us!

More Prague, More Pink Tutus

The weekend is nearly here, so I have more time to explore. Thereā€™s so much more of Prague to experience, more magical moments to be had. And with the twinkling Christmas lights just starting to appear, you know Iā€™ll be snapping some pictures with the cutest winter-inspired outfit.

Iā€™ll share those soon enough. And stay tuned for my pink tutu picks, with some wonderful outfits that I found here in Prague and will make perfect gifts for that special someoneā€¦ Whispering Perhaps a little pink tutu for the Christmas tree.

Until then, keep your twirls light and keep that pink tutu dream alive,

Emma, #PinkTutuPrague

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2019-11-27