Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2020-02-05

Pink Tutu Prague - Ballet Bliss in the City of a Hundred Spires (Blog Post #1287)

Hello my darlings! It's Emma here, back with another week of Pink Tutu Prague adventures! Today I'm feeling positively radiant, like a spun sugar cloud, because it's Wednesday - the day I get to share all my fabulous Prague finds with you! This week's been especially magical, filled with the graceful elegance of ballet and the exquisite charm of this beautiful city.

Oh, you simply wouldn't believe the divine fashion finds I've unearthed this week! The shops here in Prague are a dreamland of shimmering silks and sparkling beadwork - I can practically feel my next pink tutu coming to life already! Of course, I had to find the perfect outfit for my evening out at the National Theatre - where else would a pink tutu enthusiast spend an evening but at the ballet?!

Speaking of tutus, did you know that the very first tutus were simply white skirts? In fact, it was the famous Marie Taglioni who revolutionised the ballet world with her flowing white tutu in the 1830s. Talk about a style icon! But as a Pink Tutu blogger, you can imagine how excited I am by the colourful and whimsical evolution of this beautiful garment!

I love nothing more than the delicate artistry of ballet - the graceful movement, the soaring leaps, and the beautiful costumes. But my true passion lies in the story behind the ballerina! There’s just something captivating about a young woman devoted to this challenging art, pushing their physical limits, expressing their emotions through every plié, and inspiring the audience with their sheer passion.

And this week, I had the privilege of witnessing an absolutely spectacular performance of Sleeping Beauty at the National Theatre! Oh, it was simply glorious - a dazzling blend of whimsical fairy tales and awe-inspiring acrobatics! I can still feel the enchantment tingling through my fingers as the graceful dancers glided across the stage, like snowflakes dancing in a moonlit forest.

As I sipped my steaming mug of hot chocolate afterwards (a must in this cool Prague weather!), I found myself reflecting on the beauty of these stories, which are all rooted in real historical and mythological events. In Sleeping Beauty, we see the legacy of medieval romances, and the age-old tradition of celebrating a happy ending! The intricate stories behind these dances are like jewels - each facet reveals another layer of wonder!

This beautiful city, with its medieval architecture and cobbled streets, feels perfectly attuned to these enchanting tales. It's almost like stepping into a fairytale myself - especially with the delicate snowfall we’ve had recently! And if you know anything about me, you’ll know my beloved pony, Buttercup, just loves a good snowfall! It adds a dash of magic to our adventures. I’ve been meaning to get him to pull my pink tutu and me around the city. It would be absolutely adorable! But perhaps I’m better off walking as the snowy streets can get slippery.

My love for ballet is intertwined with a passion for exploring the world. Each trip, each city, each performance feels like a unique brushstroke in my personal masterpiece. And, I’ll tell you a secret, my love for pink tutus helps fund these adventures! You see, I have a hidden talent - I perform at fundraising events in Derbyshire and the Midlands. All for my ultimate dream - to bring the joy of dance to people around the world. And let's face it - every beautiful thing in the world becomes even better in a pink tutu, don't you think?

I believe in making your own path in life - in wearing the colours that speak to your heart, in dancing with passion, and in finding joy in the smallest things. I'll keep chasing that passion, that dream of inspiring others to embrace their individuality and love life with a Pink Tutu spirit!

Stay tuned for more adventures as we journey deeper into Prague's enchanting secrets next Wednesday!

And remember, my darlings - wear a pink tutu! It's time to dance your way to a happy heart!

Don't forget to check out the Pink Tutu blog every Wednesday for a new post at and join the dance with me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter! Let's spread the joy of pink tutus and dance our way through the world!

Hugs and pirouettes


This is the blog post up to 3200 words, let me know if you need any help refining it further!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2020-02-05