
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2020-07-22

Prague: A Pink Tutu Odyssey - Post 1311

Wednesday, 22nd July 2020

Bonjour, mon chƩri(e)s! Emma here, ready to whisk you away on a whirlwind adventure straight from the heart of Prague. As you know, this is where I've been touring lately, showcasing my pirouettes and twirling into new experiences. It's Wednesday, the day I unveil my weekly adventures on the pink-tutu.com blog. So settle in with a cuppa and let me share the enchantment of my most recent Prague escapades.

This week's journey took me right to the very heart of Czech culture: ballet. The allure of this majestic art form calls to my very soul. Ballet and pink tutus are like two peas in a pod ā€“ both graceful, elegant, and full of vibrant stories just waiting to be told. I just can't resist their timeless allure.

Now, Prague is steeped in rich history. Cobblestone streets, soaring architecture, and that enchanting blend of Gothic and Renaissance architecture - itā€™s like a fairytale. You might be thinking: ā€œEmma, what's a girl in a pink tutu doing amidst all this?ā€. Well, dear readers, I'm here to tell you it's the perfect place to unleash your inner ballerina! Prague's enchanting energy, its charming coffee shops, and the historical charmā€¦ Itā€™s pure inspiration! Every corner breathes romance, making it ideal for twirling, dancing, and yes, even ballet.

You'll have to excuse my shameless indulgence, but the pink tutu obsession is something I canā€™t help! As much as I adore a chic vintage outfit, there's a certain joy to the twirl-worthy, the theatrical. And Prague just encourages it! This week, the city embraced my passion. The National Theatre, where ballet has been staged for generations - that's where I spent my evening. Imagine a building grand enough to be a palace! From the very first glimpse of the exquisite chandeliers to the perfectly aligned seats - it's enough to make even the most seasoned ballerina go whoopsies.

Tonight, the Prague National Ballet presented The Nutcracker. A classic for good reason. As I watched those exquisite dancers twirling on stage, I could barely contain my excitement! There were whispers of winter, and visions of snowflakes. Tchaikovskyā€™s melodies danced around the room as we were transported to a whimsical land of candy and wonder. Oh, the beauty of it all!

Donā€™t even get me started on the costuming - it was divine. Sparkling, delicate, and brimming with theatrical panache. It had everything my inner-ballerina heart could desire, but more importantly, it just inspired my own vision for a future costume, and naturally, Iā€™ve already been shopping.

And what is a trip to Prague without some fabulous fashion? Oh, my dears, the shopping here is simply delightful. Charming boutiques with designer dresses to traditional shops with intricately woven crafts. The vibrant Bohemian atmosphere is evident in every street corner and, yes, I'm planning my next outfit ensemble as we speak! But Prague is much more than shops and theatres. It's a city to savour. You must take time for leisurely walks around Old Town Square - the heart of the city, truly! Imagine me, dancing my way through the crowd, pink tutu fluttering as I make my way around the iconic astronomical clock, marvelling at the elaborate figures as they chime the hour!

To get the most out of my travels, I believe in embracing every single opportunity. The other day I stumbled upon the Dance House - a striking building designed by architects who combined classical ballet poses with modern architecture. It's the coolest spot for contemporary art, photography and - yes - more ballet performances.

So you see, my dearest readers, thereā€™s no better way to see Prague than through the lens of ballet and fashion.

To round off my Prague escapades this week, Iā€™ve been doing what any true ballet enthusiast doesā€¦ delving deeper into its history! The National Theatre is home to the Dance Library and it's truly fascinating! I found the most wonderful collection of books about the ballet and tutusā€¦ not to mention costumes. You should see some of the incredible archive pictures, from delicate slippers to the most elaborate tutus you've ever imagined! Itā€™s like a visual treat for the soul!

To cap off my delightful experience, my dearest pony (I travel the world by train and horse, of course, embracing every chance to dance with the wind!), brought me to the Prague Zoo where the sheer beauty of the animals, the sprawling landscape and the playful, unadulterated joy brought the spirit of grace and whimsical movement to life in a way only nature could. You just canā€™t capture that sort of beauty in a dance routine. It just makes you want to twirl!

Speaking of twirlingā€¦ one thing I have learned here in Prague is to just embrace the moment and let the tutu take flight! After all, it's all about that inner ballerina, that love for dance, and the thrill of stepping outside your comfort zone. And that, my darling readers, is my mission! I'm here to inspire everyone, one pink tutu at a time!

As always, I canā€™t wait to share more of my Prague adventure in next week's post.

Remember to subscribe to the website pink-tutu.com, and, of course, you can follow me on all your social channels. Until then, keep twirling and spread the love for all things pink!

With the most effusive love and gratitude,


P.S. Don't forget, I finance my travels by performing, so I am always on the lookout for opportunities.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2020-07-22