Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-01-27

Pink Tutu Prague: A Ballet Wonderland! (Blog Post #1338)

Bonjour, mes chéries!

It's Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad travel blogger, and I'm buzzing with excitement because I'm finally in Prague! I landed here on a gloriously sunny Tuesday afternoon, and the city's already captivating me. Just walking through the cobbled streets, marveling at the incredible architecture and the lively atmosphere, has been such a joy. But you know me – my heart's always dancing – so you can imagine how excited I was to catch the first ballet performance here.

Oh my goodness! It was magical! I had been looking forward to this particular performance for months! There are a few ballet companies performing in Prague but it was this one in particular, at the beautiful National Theatre that had me leaping for joy. And boy, was I not disappointed!

As a reminder, if you haven’t checked out the site, why not visit us! I am posting each week, a blog detailing my journey with all my travel and tutu related delights. Why don't you give me a little wave next Wednesday?

Back to my adventure…the performance at the theatre was phenomenal! A beautiful mixture of modern ballet, and traditional classical, and it was performed with such passion and grace.

I wore a pink tutu that matched the stage curtains, you see! That’s one of the things I do! I aim to make the ballet even more stunning, a delightful surprise to audiences, and of course, inspire those wonderful fellow ballet-loving ladies who come and watch, by making ballet an even more fabulous experience. That's my mission. Everyone deserves a twirl in a pink tutu, and why not let those twirls be spectacularly placed on the stage!

But back to my travel journey…

Speaking of fabulous experiences, travelling by train is my new love affair. It’s so elegant! As soon as I stepped aboard the train from Vienna to Prague, the mood shifted into something utterly captivating. You have a panoramic view, the clickety-clack of the wheels and the feeling of arriving in another world with its own stories. Of course, it helps if the scenery's as incredible as Austria’s!

Then I made sure to have a fabulous experience on the journey through Prague too, a jaunty pony carriage through the historical old town of Prague. There is something utterly beautiful and utterly timeless about being gently clopped and clopped by a lovely chestnut mare along streets so old and historical, taking you on an enchanting journey! I felt as if I was travelling in time! You wouldn’t think a pony ride would be quite as good, but for some reason, here in Prague, with its enchanting streets and hidden corners and the history seeping out of the very stone, a pony carriage is absolutely perfect. I wish it had gone on forever!

Oh! There was even a beautiful young girl with her lovely little dog who was dressed up in pink tulle skirt. We shared smiles with each other and, when I made a graceful curtsey in the street (a lovely way of saying thank you in any language!) , the little dog jumped up and gave me a lick! He'd been obviously well-trained, with excellent doggy manners! How lovely it was!

In between shows, I loved just strolling through the squares, visiting the charming cafes, and enjoying the stunning architecture. I took loads of photos – what a picturesque place Prague is! Every turn, another photo op, an opportunity to capture the beauty of the place, especially in pink! My social media’s full of pink highlights. Just search ‘Emma the Ballet Blogger’ to find them – you'll find pictures and videos from this fantastic pink city.

Oh, the cafes! What a glorious joy! I had the best hot chocolate (extra whipped cream, naturally) in a cafe with gorgeous velvet interiors. You’d have loved it. It felt just like I had stepped into a ballet story, a magical space for ballet dancers. So, it’s only natural to show it off, isn’t it! My photos! Oh, my pink-tutu’d self in those beautiful settings were made for Instagram, of course.

Shopping! I'm addicted! Now that the shops were open for Christmas, my handbag needed a serious shopping workout. A real 'shopping ballet'! Oh, I've bought myself the most beautiful blush pink tulle ballerina skirt. I already have the perfect matching tutu top I'm saving to wear in Prague for New Year’s Eve – watch this space, because you’re going to be seeing the pics of ‘Pink-Tutu-New-Year’ in my next blog! I hope it brings luck and prosperity in 2021!

On a trip, you must always see the iconic sights. My must-do in Prague? Definitely the Astronomical Clock – oh, and Prague Castle too, it’s just a treat to look at and explore. If you don’t get caught up in the bustle and the charm, then you’re missing out.

Did you know that the Clock is older than I am?! In fact, Prague’s rich ballet history goes way back, centuries back. I’ve been exploring the local museums and found out that Prague Castle was built around the same time as one of my favorite dancers: Marie Camargo, who made a huge impact in the ballet world over 300 years ago. You see? It makes Prague such a captivating place, with a history and tradition I find completely inspiring!

And you're absolutely right – Prague's food! The cuisine is delightful! So, my foodie lovelies, there's a little bit of food indulgence coming up! A perfect day for a foodie ballet, I have to tell you. It has a fab bakery called 'Sladky' - 'Sladky' meaning sweet! – I mean, who’s ever gonna resist the lure of that word, eh! (You might have guessed, but I have a penchant for cakes and tarts! A big sweet-toothed ballerinas, as they say). And guess what? They have gorgeous little cakes decorated in shades of pink! And I just had to treat myself to a gorgeous latte with rosewater sprinkled on top. I swear, it was even better than my London latte, the kind I’d have after a fab show in the West End. It just goes to show a well-earned hot drink with that extra 'something special' adds to your enjoyment!

You might think that my schedule would be non-stop-dancing! A lot of people seem to think a ballet girl’s life is full of performances and rehearsals, but you know what? I need a rest and relaxation break, too. And for me, it’s getting in touch with history. A few days of immersing yourself in culture does you good, it makes me feel connected to the world – all while twirling, of course.

Prague Castle had such a special energy! I just sat for hours looking out at the beautiful buildings, absorbing the city’s past. A long history indeed. So peaceful and inspiring, and you can imagine all the historical characters who’d passed through over the centuries .

If you’ve followed my travel blog for a while, then you’ll know that whenever I get into the right frame of mind and the right atmosphere, the thoughts just flow! So I do a bit of sketching. I know this isn't something you’d expect of a ballet girl but sometimes, I have these sudden desires to create with pen and paper. A bit of art! (Not as glamorous, as being in pink-tutu. but oh so creative and fulfilling! ) . Anyway, when you have a stunning city like Prague with so many fascinating buildings and details and beautiful, quaint places – where would be better? I sketched a street of a pink pastel-hued town, that’s what inspired my sketching book, with pink turrets on buildings, cobblestones, with shops and streets filled with beautiful people. It all came to me as if I’d been channeling a history of art, I’m sure!

Back to my routine for now…It's early Wednesday morning in Prague and I have a day to catch up with more shows and my own ballet classes. I'm going to practice, then later on I’m planning to take another pony ride (oh yes!) around Prague with a visit to that sweet ‘Sladky' bakery…you’ve just gotta, right? You’d all be wanting to take those snaps. (Just imagine…a cute, fluffy puppy sitting in front of a table covered with pastries while a ballet girl twirls around. Oh the cuteness!)

But anyway, my loves, for now, I’m off to take Prague by storm, my tutu flowing in the wind. I’ll catch up next week with more tales of my pink-tutu escapades. You won't believe what I've got in store…

Yours in twirls, Emma


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-01-27