
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-03-17

Pink Tutu Prague: Ballet, Bling, and Bohemia! - Post #1345

Hello my gorgeous twirling darlings! Itā€™s Wednesday, and you know what that meansā€¦ Itā€™s time for a brand new Pink Tutu Prague blog post! Iā€™m currently writing this from my favourite little cafe, nestled just off the enchanting Old Town Square. Imagine cobblestones, gingerbread architecture, and the sound of laughter mingling with the distant strains of an accordion... This is Prague!

This weekā€™s blog is dedicated to all things ballet - after all, that's my ultimate passion! I've been itching to share all about my fabulous trip to the National Theatre in Prague, which just has to be one of the most stunning and historical theatres I've ever visited. Can you even imagine the sheer number of iconic performers who've graced this stage over the years? Honestly, it gave me goosebumps just thinking about it!

Speaking of goosebumpsā€¦ Did you know the National Theatre was built through public fundraising? Imagine all the beautiful, passionate souls across Bohemia pooling their money and dreams to bring this majestic landmark to life. Now thatā€™s some serious dedication to the arts!

I, for one, would have thrown every spare krone into that collection bucket. Speaking of crowns (sorry, I couldn't resist the pun!), did you know Pragueā€™s crown jewels are still kept within the castle grounds? This historical city simply bursts with so much magic and history - just imagine how many tutus have twirled on those cobblestones! I have to say, Prague just might be the most charming city I've ever had the pleasure of visiting.

This week's post is going to be a twirling whirlwind! Buckle up for a fabulous fashion showcase, a glimpse behind the scenes of my own ballet class in Prague, a dash of historical fun, and even a sneak peek at my own custom-designed tutu that I've been saving just for this occasion. You know me - I simply had to make a show-stopping debut at the National Theatre in Prague, right?

Before we delve into the delicious world of ballet and Pragueā€™s delights, I need to quickly spill the tea on how I got hereā€¦

Pony Power and Train Travels

After my triumphant performance in a glittering benefit show for the Derbyshire School of Ballet, I finally had the opportunity to take a much-needed holiday! The most magical way to start any trip, of course, is by train. I have to confessā€¦ there's something absolutely exquisite about hopping aboard a vintage, compartment train, donning a tutu-inspired floral dress (pink, of course!), and letting the world slip by my window as I daydream about all the beauty Iā€™m about to discover. I am a firm believer in travelling with style.

As for my train journey to Prague, it was an absolute dream! A gentle breeze danced through the fields, kissing my face with the scent of spring wildflowers. Even the sound of the train rumbling on the tracks felt like a ballet score in its own right! Iā€™m honestly thinking of starting my own ā€˜ballet on the railsā€™ tourā€¦ imagine it! You'd need a comfy first-class carriage, a pianist on board, and of course, a fabulous ballerina ā€“ yours truly! It would be simply divine!

But before we start planning any imaginary train tours, letā€™s rewind the tape a bit, because my journey to Prague actually began with something rather magical: a horse.

You see, as a good old-fashioned Derbyshire girl, Iā€™m pretty much part of the equine community. So naturally, I took a beautiful dappled grey pony named Willow from the stable. She's the kind of pony you could confide in and she knows how much I love horses and she is part of our family. After a short gallop through the hills (I made sure Willow wore a dainty pink bandana for the occasion - it's all about details, ladies!), we arrived at the bustling Derbyshire train station. As you can see, my arrival at Prague is filled with just the right amount of charm and tradition. Itā€™s really not a day like any other.

A Night at the National Theatre

Prague has a very rich cultural history when it comes to ballet and the theatre. I always believe you can learn so much from exploring local theatre culture! Thatā€™s exactly why I wanted to see a ballet performance at the majestic National Theatre. Just imagine: grand velvet curtains, shimmering chandeliers, and the orchestra tuning their instruments. My heart practically did a pirouette with excitement.

Itā€™s like stepping into a storybook! I felt myself swept back into time, back to the very first ballet performances Iā€™d seen as a little girl in Derbyshire. I remember all the tutus and all the sparkly sequins! I know this might sound cheesy, but ballet just transports me to another world where anything is possible.

This performance was particularly captivating because the lead ballerina was so graceful and elegant - truly mesmerizing! Her moves were precise and fluid, she effortlessly commanded the stage with her every gesture. She wore this beautiful white tulle tutu ā€“ and not a stitch of pink to be found! Shocking! Although I admit, her performance did make me think: ā€œWould a pink tutu be even more breathtaking on the grand National Theatre stage?" I must confess to myself, the question hangs in the air.

Fashionable Finds

Now, I couldn't possibly travel all the way to Prague without treating myself to a little shopping spree, could I? You know me - I always believe in finding the perfect tutu-worthy accessories! This beautiful city has just the most amazing shops. Everything from tiny antique boutiques packed with Bohemian treasures to grand department stores showcasing all the latest fashion trends. The only thing missing from my adventures, of course, is you lovely twirling friends by my side!

While exploring Prague's magical shopping scene, I discovered some absolute gems. I found a breathtakingly beautiful emerald-green velvet cloak with intricate floral embroidery at one little shop. You could say it's a very sophisticated take on ballet fashion.

For my final ballet class in Prague, I had to wear a new outfit. It wouldnā€™t be a true Pink Tutu Prague adventure without a fabulous dance ensemble. I just knew I had to have it ā€“ this breathtaking white dress with a floral print ā€“ and the perfect pop of pink in the design! Letā€™s just say the colours practically begged me to try it on and of course, the fit was just divine. You can't beat a good dance ensemble for a girly day! It was just the perfect outfit to add a touch of romanticism and grace to my last ballet class.

Ballet in Prague - Behind the Scenes

While my dancing at the National Theatre may not be a performance, I couldn't travel to Prague without indulging my passion for ballet and learning a new move! Prague boasts a thriving ballet scene, with talented dancers gracing stages all across the city. There are plenty of fabulous schools to pick from, including the legendary Czech National Ballet. It was a bit of a surprise when they took my details on my favourite tutu style and my favourite ballet moves ā€“ they want to see a ballet in Prague.

I managed to sneak a peek behind the scenes of ballet classes in Prague! Just imagine, a room full of aspiring young ballerinas, twirling and stretching, all under the guidance of their amazing teachers. I even had a go at their ballet barre exercises (the most stylish workout ever!), which is one thing they havenā€™t introduced to my home town of Derbyshire. They say their barre is ā€œstrict,ā€ but all I see is good discipline and fantastic dance!

Theyā€™re so passionate about the art of ballet in Prague! Just seeing them move with so much grace and joy just made my heart flutter with happiness! You can feel the magic of ballet lingering in the air - in every pose, every graceful leap, every pirouette.

But remember ā€“ a proper dancer always starts with the very best tools ā€“ including their very own tutu! My very first tutu was a little homemade creation my grandma made for me! And ever since that day, my tutus have taken a more professional twist, and so now you might find a Pink Tutu at the most luxurious boutique!

Now for a bit of a surprise, dear readers... I have been toying with the idea of creating a limited edition "Prague Tutu" ā€“ it would be so exclusive, darling! A dream, really. This custom-made piece would incorporate elements of Prague's iconic architecture and architecture, its vibrant history, and, of course, my love for all things pink and sparkly. This is the dream. And now the Prague Tutu is taking shape and this beauty will go down in history!

A Pinch of Bohemia

But Prague is about more than just ballet! This charming city offers endless avenues for adventure. One of my favourite things about this city is just how vibrant and exciting it is! The cobbled streets are brimming with street performers, from musicians and magicians to quirky street art. Just this week, a whole new band, complete with instruments! They reminded me of all those exciting musical evenings during Derbyshire's cultural calendar. There is an endless amount of culture just waiting for me, and this town will never run out of things to do!

Speaking of unique delights, you absolutely must visit Pragueā€™s charming Charles Bridge! The views alone are worth the journey. Thereā€™s nothing quite like strolling along the bridge while admiring the majestic silhouette of Prague Castle. But, of course, no journey along the Charles Bridge would be complete without finding some tutu-worthy accessories! This week, my haul included a dainty antique brooch in the shape of a dancing ballerina.

This charming little town is an absolute feast for the senses. Imagine delicious roasted chestnuts wafting through the crisp air, cobbled streets alive with music and laughter, and grand baroque churches reaching towards the sky! This magical city will leave you breathless with wonder and fill your heart with inspiration! I absolutely believe you need to check it out and wear a pink tutu at the same time, if you can. It's almost impossible, but you have to try!

I think we all need a little touch of Bohemian charm in our lives, wouldn't you say? And just imagine the opportunities this incredible city holds for a fabulous dancer and a pink tutu! If you ask me, it's a match made in heaven. I can't wait to explore Prague's many delights again! I can feel that next Wednesday will be filled with new adventures.

So, darling, tell me...what are you waiting for? Pack your dancing shoes and get ready for an unforgettable adventure! The Pink Tutu awaits!

Yours in style and sparkle,



#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-03-17