Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-09-29

Prague-ing for Pink: Post #1373 - Ballet, Bling, and Beautiful Bohemia

Hello my darling dears! It’s Emma, your Pink Tutu princess, here from the cobblestone streets of Prague! This week, I’m positively bursting with excitement, and it’s all thanks to a delightful combination of breathtaking architecture, ballet magic, and a whole lot of pink.

Remember those adorable polka-dot suitcases I got myself for my birthday? Well, they’re all packed, filled to the brim with my favourite pink frocks, a smattering of twirling-ready tutus, and a whole heap of wanderlust. I'm currently tucked into my little Parisian-inspired hotel room, which smells delightfully of lavender and ancient parchment (though the cobweb in the corner suggests that this scent may be a tad too authentic...).

Anyway, darling readers, it’s Wednesday – which means it’s Pink Tutu blog time!

*(Please take a moment to *clap - just kidding... although, applause IS ALWAYS encouraged in a good tutu blog. And, as we are all friends here, go on - give yourselves a little clap, darling!). **

A Trip Across Europe: Pink Tutu, Meet the Rails

Let’s get this show on the road! (No, really, literally...) It was an epic, almost fairytale journey to Prague, you see. Picture this: the warm, summery breeze caressing my hair as I sped across Europe on a train, in all my tutu glory! This little adventure in railway travel wasn't just any ordinary train ride. This, my friends, was a magical journey filled with vibrant scenery, fleeting glimpses of ancient towns, and, most importantly, my trusty travel companion - a lovely little white pony named Priscilla (I found her in the train station, don't worry, she was being cared for - she was waiting for me, actually! It was love at first sight.)

Don't worry, darling readers, I didn't actually bring Priscilla onto the train. (Much to the dismay of the other passengers, perhaps...) My travelling companion was actually a beautiful little French Bulldog named Penelope. She came in a rather fetching pink travel carrier, you know... matched my suitcase! But of course... Penelope's pink tutus were still under wraps until we got to Prague!

Ballet Beyond the Borders

And oh my darling readers, when we finally arrived, Prague greeted us with open arms. You know me, always eager to experience a new city and its hidden treasures. First stop: the National Theatre.

I simply had to visit, as every ballet fanatic knows the historical importance of this building. I’ve heard that it was first built by that glorious, creative mind of the Austrian Empire - Empress Maria Theresa. (I mean, who could resist a ballet aficionado with such an impeccable fashion sense?!).

She knew what she was doing. This theatre was built for ballets, you know? Imagine the beautiful sweeping costumes and stories brought to life... and it was even featured in that romantic French opera called 'La Bohème'!

It made me wish I had gone to ballet school before we were able to perform in the big world. Although, when I’m in Derbyshire, it's like a tiny ballerina paradise there – everyone just knows me. Oh, to have that reputation in the grand city of Prague!

The Tutu Tales of Prague

I, of course, indulged in a spot of sightseeing - you simply can’t miss out on that gorgeous gothic architecture! Imagine soaring spires, intricate gargoyles, and those beautiful old, charming buildings that simply ooze a magical sense of history. I even took Penelope for a little stroll across the Charles Bridge (don’t tell my mother – she doesn't approve of Penelope's travel adventures). We stopped for a sweet little gelato – Penelope actually enjoys raspberry! - and took in all the magical vibes. You can feel the history here in Prague.

For dinner, we tried the most darling, bohemian restaurant, a haven for artists and ballet enthusiasts. The menu featured a pink strawberry dessert – the highlight of my day – called ‘Raspberry and Rose, a Tribute to the Dancing Empress.’ I am now officially convinced that every dish should be a dedication to the majestic grace and captivating power of ballet!

The pink theme, it seems, doesn’t stop at tutus, dearies. Pink seems to seep into every little detail. It was there in the blush of the rose-garden by the Charles Bridge, in the rosy cheeks of the local kids who adore my tutu, and even in the whimsical paintings found in local art shops! It's truly an inspiration for a pink tutu blogger, even a bit shy like me…

Prague’s Secret Dance

Now, on to what brought me all the way here to Prague – to the magical realm of ballet! I've been looking forward to seeing "The Nutcracker," which happens to be my absolute favourite holiday ballet – all those charming, sparkling costumes... it never gets old! This time, Prague Ballet’s ballet company is the one performing.

Before the ballet, though, we’re planning on exploring a local ballet school, an absolute hidden gem I discovered through the tiniest bit of social media investigation! (Don’t you just love that?) I always relish any opportunity to learn more about this enchanting art form - it just doesn't get old.

We're hoping to watch a few classes, meet some local ballet dancers, and hopefully even try on a tutu or two! Maybe the teachers even let me teach them a thing or two about Pink Tutu... I am a certified expert after all! But for now, my lovely ballet lovers, it's time for this Pink Tutu Princess to head out to the ballet!

Oh, dear!

Hold on! My phone is almost dead - gotta get it charged to tell you all about how amazing it was! But before I go, don't forget, my darling readers: life's a dance, and the world is a giant stage! And what better outfit for the big stage than a beautiful, graceful, and totally Pink Tutu!

Don’t forget to subscribe for all my pink, fluffy adventures, here on, every Wednesday. Stay fabulous, my friends!

*See you soon! XOXO, Emma! *

(P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram! Find my "Pink Tutu Travels" at @PinkTutuEmma)

Here’s what else is happening on September 29th:

  • This weekend’s fashion show: I hear it will feature swoonsome pink sequins. *I just have to go!! *
  • There is also a fantastic "Open-air Jazz Performance" – right near the Charles Bridge! How exciting.
  • Don’t miss *Prague’s *Annual Pink Flamingo Festival. Oh my!

You see? The universe really seems to be conspiring to turn this whole trip extra pink and fabulous!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2021-09-29