Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2022-05-11

Prague Pretty: Pink Tutu Travels in the City of a Hundred Spires! 🩰✨ (Blog Post #1405)

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, back with another blog post – this time from the magical city of Prague! 💖✨

The train journey here was a dream. I love travelling by train, watching the scenery rush past. And, of course, I wore my favourite pink tutu for the occasion. There's just something so enchanting about a whirl of tulle as the world zooms by. It was even better than a ride on a fluffy unicorn, if you can believe that! 🦄✨

Now, Prague is just breathtaking - the architecture is exquisite. Think cobbled streets, charming bridges, and stunning churches with pointy towers reaching up to the heavens. This city was made for fairy tales! 💖

And what's even better? Today is the day I'm indulging in a magical treat: Ballet in Prague! 🩰👑

You know me - I always try to fit in a show or two when I travel. After all, ballet is the soul of grace, elegance, and sheer artistic beauty, no matter what country you're in. This particular show is at the National Theatre, one of Prague's grandest cultural landmarks.

I can't wait!

But before I reveal all the juicy details about the ballet, let's have a little chat about tutus and fashion, shall we? 💕✨

A Pink Tutu Primer: All About the History of This Whimsical Garment

Speaking of the National Theatre, did you know the story behind this magnificent building is absolutely incredible?

Prague wasn’t always as graceful and glamorous as it is now! In the early days of its grand opera house, back in the mid 19th century, the Austrians didn’t even want it. Can you imagine?

Thankfully, the city stood firm, and they were eventually granted the permission to create their dream opera house. It wasn't exactly smooth sailing though. The original theatre sadly burnt to the ground! Thankfully they managed to rebuild it - and this time it’s stood the test of time!

You see, darling, when you’re faced with a challenge, you keep on going - just like a dancer pushing through their pirouettes. It’s like that saying "Every little thing gonna be alright." Isn't it beautiful how these stories mirror each other?

Just like that opera house story reminds us to persevere, the story of the tutu also reminds us of fashion’s strength and enduring charm.

Back in the 1830s, the world of ballet wasn't exactly... colourful. The dance world relied on cumbersome garments - think frills and heavy materials.

Then a brilliant (and fashion-forward) woman named Marie Taglioni arrived on the scene. Her idea? "Let’s break free and move!" And break free they did, with her beautiful invention! The "tutu," with its light tulle fabric, revolutionized the way women danced, and we're so grateful. She made movement effortless and showcased a ballerina’s graceful lines, creating the visual that became the icon we know and love today. She’s an absolute fashion icon, wouldn’t you say? 🩰💖

Isn’t it amazing how one woman’s vision could change an entire era of fashion? We should always honour pioneers who dare to be different - we wouldn't have the fabulous tutus we have today without them! ✨💖

Speaking of "different," Prague is bursting with shops showcasing fabulous clothes! Oh, the delights I’ve been exploring!

Yesterday, I found myself completely charmed by a boutique hidden away on an alleyway. It felt like something out of a storybook. I fell in love with this blush pink dress – with some really delicate lace and a whimsical floral print! It looked absolutely incredible with my tutu. Imagine a dress with tiers of soft fabric dancing just above the tulle! It’s pure perfection. 🌸

But enough about clothes and my favourite tutu... the real magic lies ahead: the ballet show itself.

This evening, I’m diving headfirst into "Giselle" at the National Theatre. This masterpiece by the renowned composer, Adolphe Adam, has become a timeless classic in the world of ballet. It is both dramatic and heart-warming - a love story about an innocent, beautiful country girl and her encounters with true love and betrayal. If you ever get the chance to see it - you have to!

Prague’s National Theatre - Ballet Beauty and Timeless Glamour ✨

When it comes to fashion and the theatre, the National Theatre really takes the cake. The outside, made with red brick and intricate embellishments, looks stunning both by day and night. The inside? A dream come true. Think gold and opulent decor, perfect for catching the glittering lights of a thousand twinkling stars - that’s how sparkling it is!

As I sit in the audience, surrounded by excited chatter and anticipation, I already know I’m going to fall head over heels in love with the energy of this place! This is exactly what dreams are made of!

Just thinking about the choreography for "Giselle" is enough to make me twirl in excitement! 🩰

"Giselle," a Romantic ballet with beautiful melodies and captivating storytelling, explores a poignant narrative: an innocent young woman whose love turns to betrayal and ultimately tragic circumstances.

I’m fascinated by the duality of this piece – you have a playful, ethereal first act, and the drama and emotions escalate to something darker and even more poignant in the second. And the choreography! Imagine leaps of elegance and grace.

This is just one of many captivating performances waiting for you in Prague! This beautiful city also plays host to world-class operas, concerts, and plays. It's a cultural hub where history and artistic expression meet.

Ballet Performance Review:

Alright, I'm going to hold back on all the juicy details about the show - because I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise for you. But I have to tell you - "Giselle" was just... dreamy. The dancing was effortless and magical. There were so many moments where my breath was taken away, my heart filled with a sort of... I don't even know how to explain it! I could have cried from the pure artistry of it. 😭

It was truly beautiful, even if there were parts that were so emotionally intense. The ballerinas brought the heartbreak of betrayal, the magic of true love, and the essence of both strength and sorrow to life on that stage. They were exquisite.

*And guess what? * My new blush pink dress was a complete success! It just went perfectly with my tutu, adding a dash of playful romance and whimsy to the show. The people in the National Theatre gave me so many approving glances. I felt a wave of excitement just by looking around and seeing other people enjoy the magic of ballet.

Afterward, we stopped by a cosy little cafe just steps away from the theatre. It felt straight out of a book! I sipped on a hot chocolate with marshmallows. There's nothing more delicious or magical than a cozy cup on a cool evening in Prague. ☕️

This magical city was so alive, bustling with the kindest locals and brimming with historical beauty.

But you know me – my mind always goes back to dancing!

Dancing my way through Prague... 🩰💖

So, as I wander around Prague's streets and historical alleyways - and you just have to check out the Old Town Square! - I find myself constantly daydreaming about dancing, tutus, and the beauty of ballet.

The architecture here just lends itself to elegant poses - all those intricate details! They give me inspiration for new choreography.

Imagine swirling amongst those beautiful bridges and dreaming up steps that are as elegant as the Prague buildings themselves. I can see myself pirouetting under a breathtaking sky filled with glittering lights. It’s simply gorgeous!

If you’re ever in the mood for a little fantasy in real life, Prague is the place to be. But be careful - it might just make you want to start dreaming in pink, too! 🩰

What will my pink tutu do next week? Stay tuned... 💕✨

As always, thank you so much for reading. Do let me know in the comments below what you think about the Prague experience, or tell me if you've ever seen a ballet show you really loved!

And if you're not yet on the #PinkTutuArmy, I hope my stories are inspiring you to join us! 💖 We believe that everyone deserves a little sprinkle of pink tutu magic in their life.

You can keep up to date with all my pink tutu adventures at, every Wednesday! Until next time, dear friends! 💖

With much love,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2022-05-11