Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2022-10-19

Pink Tutu Prague: Ballet Bliss and Pink Power! (Post #1428)

Hello my darling tutu-lovers! It's Wednesday, and you know what that means? Time for another Pink Tutu adventure! This week, I've jetted off to the beautiful city of Prague. I took the train, of course - there's something so glamorous about hurtling through the countryside on a train journey, gazing at the scenery whizzing past! (And, let's be honest, it's much more chic than flying).

Prague has already captivated me with its charm, cobbled streets, and gorgeous architecture. The air smells of cinnamon and freshly baked pastries - I’ve already bought a beautiful pink cupcake adorned with a delicate white tutu made entirely from sugar!

But the main reason I’ve come to Prague is the ballet! The Czech National Ballet is famed for its artistry and skill, and I simply had to see what all the fuss was about! And wouldn’t you know it, my sweet tutu friends, my timing is absolutely perfect - tonight, October 19th, they are performing La Bayadère. Now, La Bayadère, if you don’t know, tells the tale of Nikiya, a beautiful Indian temple dancer. Imagine silks, glittering jewellery, and opulent costumes – absolute tutu dreams!

Now, as you all know, I'm all about tutus - it's literally in the name! So naturally, my first port of call upon arriving in Prague was a little trip to the Tutu Boutique. This quaint, darling shop is a treasure trove of all things tutu! They have the most exquisite designs, in every colour under the rainbow. (Obviously, I went for pink, but I couldn’t resist trying on a stunning turquoise tutu with silver accents). I also picked up the most charming, sparkly hair clips to adorn my signature pink ballet bun.

And before I tell you all about La Bayadère and my Pink Tutu Outfit for the performance, let’s chat about the magic of Prague. I must confess, I find myself incredibly drawn to the history and the magic that emanates from this enchanting city.

As soon as I arrived, I found myself exploring the captivating Old Town Square. Imagine, a stunning astronomical clock, a charming fountain, and ornate architecture - it felt like stepping into a fairytale! I felt the pull of the old stories whispering secrets about the past through every cobblestone and weathered facade.

This evening, after I’ve enjoyed the wonders of La Bayadère, I’m planning on indulging in a magical stroll across the Charles Bridge. This historical marvel is lined with statues and offers breathtaking views of the city. They say it's haunted by the spirits of those who walked its length before us, which adds a certain enchantment to my evening plans!

Now, you know me, I love fashion! Prague, I can assure you, is a paradise for sartorial dreams! The charming boutiques lining the cobbled streets overflow with exquisite fabrics and bohemian designs. You’ll be shocked at how well a vintage embroidered jacket looks with a pink tutu – just trust me!

And the Czech people! Oh my dear tutus, they are simply darling. Every time I pass a shop window, someone compliments my ballet bun! It's absolutely lovely – they all adore a little ballet and a sprinkle of pink in their lives. It makes me feel right at home!

You know I love to tell you all about my travel tips, so for any other ballet-loving, pink-loving travel fanatics, let me give you a little Prague wisdom:

  1. The Ballet! Prague is a true haven for ballet lovers. So if you’re even remotely thinking of making a trip to the beautiful city, I urge you to grab some tickets. The Czech National Ballet is extraordinary, and the theatre itself, the Staatsoper, is a glorious masterpiece of architecture. Be sure to dress up in your favourite ballet-inspired outfits for the performance – think floral headbands, glittery tights, and of course, your favourite pink tutu!
  2. Food: The Czech Republic boasts hearty traditional cuisine - think succulent dumplings, roast meats, and divine desserts. But don’t just focus on traditional fare! I’ve been indulging in gorgeous fresh pastries, coffee at trendy cafes, and delicious gelato! Oh, and you have to try the trdelnik. It's a local speciality - a warm, delicious, cylindrical pastry covered in cinnamon sugar.
  3. Accommodation: The Czech capital is brimming with charming boutique hotels. Think charming cobblestone streets, quaint courtyards, and perhaps even a luxurious balcony with panoramic views of the city! I have the most fabulous pink themed suite, with floral fabrics, an enormous window overlooking the iconic Prague Castle and… you guessed it! - a sparkly, shimmering, blush pink tutu hanging in the wardrobe! It’s simply exquisite.
  4. Pony ride: Let’s face it, the streets of Prague are perfect for pony-powered travel! A few weeks ago I rode through the streets of Paris, but they can be a bit stressful, so for this trip, I have my trusty horse – my best friend, a beautiful dappled grey called Sir Archibald, waiting for me at a stables outside the city.
  5. And, last but not least: Remember your Pink Tutu! I am, after all, trying to spread the word of tutu-power around the world, and I’d be very sad if my pink Tutu couldn’t have a little Prague adventure. Don’t worry, if you haven’t got one yet, I’m sure the charming boutique shops in the old town will be able to provide!

And now, my darlings, it’s almost time for La Bayadère! You can follow my adventures live on Instagram using the hashtag #PinkTutuPrague. So, wish me luck, keep twirling, and stay fabulous!

Until next Wednesday!


Emma x

P.S. If you love Pink Tutus and ballet as much as I do, be sure to follow me on Instagram at @pinktutu_adventures. And keep checking back every Wednesday for a brand new post on ! I’ll be sure to tell you all about La Bayadère next week!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2022-10-19