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Winter Ballet Season in Bournville

Bournville's Ballet Bonanza: Winter Wonderland Meets Tutu Wonderful

By Emma

The festive season is officially upon us, but for me, a true ballet fanatic, the real countdown began back in October with the first whispers of Winter Ballet Season! Now, Bournville might not immediately spring to mind when you think of world-class ballet, but trust me, this small town packs a big punch when it comes to swirling tutus, breathtaking leaps, and the sheer magic of classical dance.

This year, I'm calling it – the winter season was utterly sparkling, a true #tutuwinter and #tutuseason extravaganza. Forget the usual Christmas shopping mayhem – I've been on a ballet-binge, trading in reindeer for rhapsodic pas de deux!

From the elegant elegance of The Nutcracker at The Bournville Theatre to the gravity-defying athleticism of Don Quixote at The Arts Centre, the performances have left me speechless and breathless, in equal measure.

But it’s not just about the grand, glitzy, showstoppers. One of the best parts of Winter Ballet Season in Bournville is the range. From smaller, more intimate performances to full-scale productions with sweeping, grand sets, there's a something for everyone.

For example, the little-known ballet troupe "The Bournville Belles" held a charity performance of Cinderella at Bournville Village Hall – a testament to the spirit and community this town is famed for. Seeing the young, talented ballerinas perform with such heart, even in the small village hall setting, made the whole event feel incredibly special. It made me feel so much pink-hued optimism, just watching them shine! It wasn’t all about high-powered choreography.

Beyond the Tutu: The Thrill of the Season

One thing I love about Bournville's winter season is the focus on building a true sense of community around ballet. Forget all that ballerina mystique nonsense, in Bournville, there's a genuinely heartwarming effort to make dance accessible to all.

Workshops, open rehearsals, and free dance classes for local children are offered at every turn. It’s incredibly inspiring to see this level of support and encouragement for young talent. Maybe there's a budding ballerina or ballet dancer in the making within these kids. Who knows what gems of talent are out there. I’m hoping to find and spot some at the upcoming winter dance performances – watch this space!

My personal Picks

Oh, but where to begin with the performances?! The sheer variety and excellence of dance has truly been #tutu-worthy! Here are some highlights from this season’s ballet haul:

  1. The Bournville Theatre – A Home for Dance I’m such a fan of The Bournville Theatre – it’s my local hub of dancing loveliness! The Nutcracker is a timeless classic. Every time I watch it, the stage, the costuming, the set – and those wonderful dancers– transport me back to childhood and the thrill of watching the first magical snowfall with the sweet smell of pine in the air.

  2. Don Quixote: A Choreographic Rollercoaster This year’s production at the Arts Centre – Don Quixote was simply captivating. That dramatic, swirling action that ballet is famed for was there – but I also found some incredibly moving moments that showed the raw emotional depth the dance can convey. The set for Don Quixote is absolutely beautiful with bold colours, sweeping shapes and amazing props - not to mention the dancers! The costume design was particularly on point for Don Quixote – my favourite outfit was the black tulle skirt with sequin details – just so gorgeous!

The Magic of a Good Tutus

Don’t get me wrong - it’s not all about #tutu - the passion for dance itself is the real driving force behind everything happening in Bournville this Winter. But as a dancer and an aficionado, the T word gets my heart racing, no doubt about it. So, let’s celebrate the beauty of a truly stunning, well-designed, #tutuseason-worthy tutu. That feeling when it’s twirling and it feels magical. You're a ballet goddess; and as you grace the stage, everyone watching gets to share a piece of the dream you’re creating, one graceful leap at a time. And trust me, it’s truly addictive! The tutu magic has a long history too.

But enough of this #tututalk - It’s not just about the frills – it's about the incredible talent and hard work that lies behind every swirling skirt and delicate movement.

A Final Bow I’ve already booked my tickets for next year’s season – that’s how much I’m loving Winter Ballet in Bournville. I really feel so incredibly lucky to live in such a vibrant community where everyone seems passionate about this wonderful, magical form of art. The excitement and buzz from the performances have lingered for months now! Bring on the #tutuseason!

If you are a fellow ballet fan – Bournville really has something for you. You don't need a massive theatre or to be in a glamorous metropolis to experience the pure magic of ballet. It's all around us, if we're willing to open our eyes and open our hearts. And as for me – I'm already looking forward to the pink, pink, pink tulle outfits I'm going to rock next year… let's make this winter the best one yet, Bournville!

*Don’t forget to follow my ballet journey! Find me @balletbelle and catch all the action with #BournvilleBallet. You’re never too old to embrace the magic of ballet. *

Winter Ballet Season in Bournville