Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Winter Ballet Season in Manchester

Manchester's Tutu Winter Wonderland: A Dancer's Dream Come True!

Hey lovelies,

It's that time of year again – the crisp air has arrived, the first twinkles of Christmas lights are starting to appear, and drumroll please… it's Tutu Season! Manchester, as always, is fully embracing the magic, and my, oh my, what a treat it’s been so far! I’m here to share all the fabulousness that’s been swirling around the dance floors of our city. Get ready for sparkle, tutus, and maybe a touch of glitter too. 💖

The Northern Ballet's "Giselle": A Romantic Journey Through the Snow

Firstly, I have to shout out to the Northern Ballet. This season they've brought a dazzling rendition of "Giselle" to Manchester's Lowry. Now, we all know this classic ballet tale - love, heartbreak, the supernatural – the works! But this production added a layer of frosty magic. Picture this: snowflakes gently falling onto the stage as Giselle descends into despair. That was pure artistry. I felt like I’d wandered into a snow globe of romance.

The costumes! I’m practically swooning over the peasant girls' dresses – simple but beautiful, perfect for that country village setting. And speaking of swoonworthy, the choreography for Giselle’s famous mad scene is just chef's kiss perfection. You could practically feel her heartbreak through each movement, the slow-motion, graceful agony of love gone wrong… swoon

Of course, Giselle is all about those ethereal Wilis, those vengeful spirit ladies, so expect the signature airy lightness. I particularly loved their flowing white tutus. Think billowing chiffon against a snowy backdrop. The whole production felt elegant and delicate. A must-see for anyone who enjoys their ballets with a side of dramatic romance.

The Royal Ballet's "Cinderella" at The Palace Theatre: Fairytales and Disco Fever!

Next up – the piece de resistance, "Cinderella"! Now, who doesn't love a bit of Cinderella, right? The Palace Theatre is basically synonymous with "Cinderella" at this point, and for good reason. This production is always a guaranteed hit for the whole family. This year was even more special – with a modern disco twist. Think glitter balls, platform shoes, and the most epic choreography I've seen for that "You’re The One That I Want” sequence – we're talking full-on Grease-style energy, complete with pelvic thrusts and high kicks! I couldn’t resist a little impromptu twirl in my seat. 💃🏼

The costumes were phenomenal! Cinderella’s sparkly gowns, all floaty tulle and sparkles, made me want to grab a dress and join in the dance myself. The Ugly Sisters… well, I won’t lie, they had me laughing hysterically, their outfits – massive hair, shocking colours – just scream hilarious. I especially adored Cinderella’s transformation sequence - a perfect mix of grace, charm, and fairytale magic.

To top it all off, the music was a brilliant blend of traditional and modern, creating this incredible feel-good vibe. "Cinderella" is truly a delight – you get to indulge in all the magic of the classic tale, with a touch of modern fun, perfect for everyone from ballet purists to your gran.

More Than Just Ballet: Manchester's Dance Scene is Alive with Inspiration!

Of course, the tutu season in Manchester is about more than just these major productions. We've got local companies like the Manchester Dance Company pushing the boundaries with experimental dance, plus dance schools like the Manchester Academy of Ballet holding performances showcasing young talent.

If you’re looking for something different, consider a visit to "Dance the Streets." They use city locations for performances - imagine dancing on a bus stop or in a local park – a truly interactive and unique way to experience the power of dance. It’s a great opportunity to see something fresh, different, and to support emerging talent.

Let’s Celebrate The Power of Tutu Winter

So, if you're in Manchester this winter, there's no better time to embrace the beauty and passion of ballet! From the iconic classics to exciting experimental performances, you're sure to find something to inspire and ignite your love for this wonderful art form. So come on, ladies, grab your favourite tutu – or your most sparkly frock if you're not the tutu type - and get ready for a magical dance season!

Stay tuned for more posts with behind-the-scenes peeks into rehearsals and the life of a dancer during tutu season!

And remember…

tutuwinter #tutuseason 🩰💕❄️

Winter Ballet Season in Manchester