Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Winter Ballet Season in Melton Mowbray

Melton Mowbray's Winter Ballet: A Sprinkle of Glitter on a Frosty Night

Okay, you guys, let's be honest – winter in Melton Mowbray can get pretty bleak. The days are short, the nights are long, and it can be seriously chilly. But don’t despair – because right as the first frost arrives, the most amazing thing happens: Winter ballet season explodes into life! Yep, my friends, it's time for tutus and tiaras, leaps and twirls, and pure, unadulterated theatrical joy. And trust me, the Winter Ballet Season in Melton Mowbray is not to be missed!

As a ballerina and a girl who’s slightly obsessed with all things pink and glittery, I’m always stoked for this time of year. This winter’s selection is an absolute winner! The local community dance schools and groups pull out all the stops to create some truly magical performances. You're talking full-scale productions with vibrant costumes, stunning lighting, and all the drama and excitement you’d expect from the big city - except much, much more charming.

Here’s my pick of the highlights from the past couple of weeks. Get ready for some #tutuwinter goodness!

1. A Winter Wonderland at the Melton Mowbray Theatre:

The local school’s production of “The Nutcracker” was everything I hoped for and more. I'm a sucker for a good classic, and this one didn't disappoint. It was like a magical dream: a giant Christmas tree, sugar plum fairies galore, and those gorgeous snow flakes drifting around Clara – absolute perfection! They really went to town on the costumes, especially the dancers as Mother Ginger and the mice – just incredible! It made me think maybe I should have studied costume design! The theatre was jam-packed, with all ages getting completely caught up in the story. And can I just say, the acoustics in that old building are really something special!

2. Dance Fusion’s “A Winter's Tale” at the Civic Hall:

This contemporary piece by Dance Fusion was, to be honest, totally unexpected. It wasn't a traditional ballet, but more of a dance drama with some really thought-provoking storytelling, and I really enjoyed the way the dancers used movement and music to tell their story. I particularly loved the costumes – they were a beautiful blend of textures and patterns – kind of like something you’d find on a fashion catwalk. It’s safe to say this performance took me a bit out of my comfort zone (a little disco music mixed in, what can I say?) – but in the best possible way! And, a great choice if you’re looking for something a bit more "outside the box" to brighten up your winter!

3. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” at the Corn Exchange:

A sure-fire winner for family entertainment! There was just the right amount of silliness mixed in with some beautiful, expressive dancing, and some gorgeous visuals – especially when it snowed! Seriously, those fake snow flakes actually looked like real snow, and for a moment there, it almost felt like a real winter’s night – magical. There was also this little girl in the audience who looked so excited she nearly jumped out of her seat, which just proves this show is all about that childhood wonder and delight.

What Makes the Winter Ballet Season Special?

Okay, it’s not just about the amazing performances. Melton Mowbray is just so perfect during this time of year, there's just this wonderful sense of community. After each performance, the cafes and pubs are bustling with chatter and laughter. You can spot families and couples bundled up, walking towards a delicious meal or catching up over a cuppa – everyone’s just got that feel-good factor because they’ve just seen something truly beautiful. Plus, it's an excellent excuse to wear your finest winter fashion! And, by finest fashion, I obviously mean: think warm fur coats, chic hats, velvet and satin dresses and (of course) my favourite colour, pink, because let’s face it: the more glitter, the merrier!

My Favourite Parts

  • The excitement in the air: As soon as I get off the bus into Melton Mowbray and hear the distant sound of the orchestra tuning up or the dancers’ excited whispers in the wings – you know something special is about to happen!
  • The camaraderie: The entire town just feels warmer when the winter ballet season is in full swing – all these strangers in the audience, all there to appreciate a shared experience, and all loving it!
  • Those “Ooh” and “Aah” moments: Every performance has its moments that make you gasp and go, "Wow, I've got chills!”

    It's More Than Just a Show – It’s an Experience!

Melton Mowbray, my little hometown, has really nailed it. It's no wonder that people flock here every winter for a taste of winter ballet magic. So, if you’re ever looking for something heartwarming and memorable – you know what to do.

Catch some Winter Ballet!

Emma #tutuwinter #tutuseason

Winter Ballet Season in Melton Mowbray