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Well, April’s ballets were a veritable cornucopia of artistry, darling! A smorgasbord of delicate pirouettes and explosive leaps, all served with that unmistakable Parisian chic, if you’ll pardon the clichĂ©. Honestly, one couldn’t ask for more. Let's dive into this enchanting month in ballet, shall we?

My personal highlight, though? That would be the breathtaking revival of “Giselle,” darling. Honestly, the ethereal lightness of the corps de ballet, a blur of tulle and tiaras, almost made me swoon. It wasn't just the visual splendor, but the emotional depth, the tragic love story - you could feel the ache of betrayal, the desperation of the vengeful Wilis. Absolutely spellbinding!

The Parisian Opera’s production was pure magic. As Giselle, Sylvie Guillem gave the most sublime performance, her grace and anguish utterly captivating. There were tears in the audience, darling, not just a few, even amongst the notoriously chic and aloof Parisian set. Her partner, a charming and charismatic Nicolas Le Riche, made for the perfect Albrecht - he gave the character just the right amount of arrogant charm. You’d be forgiven for swooning a bit yourself! And to top it all off? That stunning, gothic backdrop. Absolutely decadent!

Speaking of decadence, let’s move on to Moscow, darling, where the Bolshoi presented an explosive production of "Spartacus." I'm not sure what’s more electrifying – the stunning leaps and thrilling athleticism of the men or the sheer strength and power radiating from Natalia Osipova in the role of the passionate "Frieda." Talk about passionate! Osipova is absolutely dynamite – her fiery red hair, her blazing eyes
 you’re simply entranced! And let’s not forget, darlings, the spectacular choreography! Those dynamic ensemble sequences were simply captivating!

But of course, a month filled with classic ballets is never complete without a bit of avant-garde flair. So London beckoned, offering an experimental, quite “daring” (and not a single tiara in sight) interpretation of "La Bayadùre." The choreography wasn't for everyone, my dear. Some found it too "interpretive,” too abstract for their taste, you see, but the raw passion of the dancers – their energy – it quite literally swept me away. Honestly, one could almost feel the heat from the stage. A beautiful dance about forbidden love with a haunting soundtrack that had my goosebumps raised by the third movement! A fascinating, breathtaking, and ultimately quite poignant performance! A complete change from the usual classic interpretation but just as mesmerizing. One can’t always be dressed in tulle, you know.

I’d also love to talk about some other gems, darling, but alas, time marches on and there is so much more to talk about. So on to some other delightful dance experiences from the past month:

Here are a few gems I loved:
  • The New York City Ballet’s Spring Gala. Such a glamorous affair. One can’t go wrong with a sparkling display of classic works such as “Symphony in C.” A beautiful piece for those who enjoy the graceful, elegant style of George Balanchine – a pure joy for the eyes!
  • The English National Ballet's new production of “The Sleeping Beauty." Now, that was something truly magical, darling. The sets were truly grand - think massive, opulent castle decor, and sparkling gowns. But what really stole the show were the dancers. The young and fresh talents showcased in this production – they gave it their all, especially that darling Princess Aurora. Simply divine.
  • And for a bit of fun and laughter, there was "Crazy for You" – a musical set in a dusty town. You’ll see your fair share of dancing cowboys in this delightful show. The energy was so high, and the costumes! It was just a delight for the senses. Definitely the antidote for those long days! You’ll be ready for a night out in your best dancing dress, that’s for sure!

Well darling, there you have it, a snapshot of what’s been dancing around the world. My dear, one has to be truly enthralled by the dedication, passion, and raw talent that goes into each and every production. It never ceases to amaze me, you know. The power and the beauty! Honestly, sometimes you just have to pinch yourself to make sure it’s not all a dream! So, my love, until next time, keep dancing and let the magic take you away!

Yours ever so,
