
Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at www.pink-tutu.com

Darling, I simply *must* tell you all about the *divine* ballets I've been lucky enough to see this month! Oh, my dears, it's been an absolute whirlwind of feathers, tulle, and *that* je ne sais quoi we all adore.

Firstly, I must share my recent pilgrimage to the **Paris Opera Ballet**, a truly legendary experience! The **Giselle** was absolutely breathtaking - the choreography, *divine*, the costumes, positively ethereal. And that *pas de deux*! It left me practically swooning. I swear, I heard a few sighs of longing from the audience as the curtain fell. Such sheer romanticism! You simply *must* make a pilgrimage there if you haven't already.

From the Parisian romance, I dashed off to the **Royal Ballet**, London, you know, the home of *those* famous tights and tutus. This time it was **Swan Lake** that had me captivated. The sheer *virtuosity* of the corps de ballet was astounding - those perfect arabesques! And the ballerina playing the White Swan, my dear, *that* was a true goddess in white. I can't imagine anyone being more beautiful - *perfectly* ethereal.

But darling, let's not forget the *fabulous* side of dance. Yes, we love the traditional, but one *cannot* neglect the **modern**, darling! I made a delightful foray to New York, just to see **Pilobolus**. I must confess, this is a company that truly delights in pushing the boundaries, using innovative movements, clever costumes - *very* avant-garde, very edgy. Honestly, their "Shadowplay" piece had me wondering, *are they dancers or acrobats*?!? It's the kind of piece you simply have to see to understand the artistry of it. And that **lighting**, darling! Simply divine, pure magic.

But there was also a *touch* of *classicism* in New York. I popped in to see the **New York City Ballet** and found myself enchanted with their "Diamonds" piece from the **Jewels** trilogy. You see, some classics are timeless - this Balanchine masterpiece just *radiates* elegance and perfection, the costumes a true symphony in pink and ivory, and that shimmering music from Stravinsky - a pure delight! You really get to see just how effortlessly talented those dancers are.

And who could forget the Bolshoi? The pinnacle of Russian dance, darling! In Moscow, I was *transfixed* by **La Bayadere**. This story of forbidden love and a temple of shadows is simply enthralling - the costumes, a vibrant palette of reds and gold, *absolutely divine* - the dancing itself, an explosion of dramatic and lyrical power. Oh my dear, the story is just heartbreaking!

Of course, ballet isn't just for *us* - let's be *real*, my darling. While on the continent, I couldn't resist popping into the *delightfully* offbeat **Kiasma** gallery in Helsinki. Here I stumbled upon the most amazing exhibition, **Body in Movement**, featuring everything from *gorgeous* photographs of dancers in motion, to a collection of intricate sketches by *legendary* dancers, even costumes from *famous* ballets - what a treasure trove of artistry!

But my dear, *we must talk about the dance floor*, as much as we enjoy watching others, *don't you agree*? The **Royal Opera House** was hosting a truly fabulous dance gala, featuring some of the *best* from the Royal Ballet's *ever* expanding repertory. The *air* was practically *electric* with energy, as the dancers were truly *at their best*. The evening ended with a delightful performance by a young prodigy - *such* grace, *such* talent! Oh, I feel so privileged to have witnessed it. I dare say, a star was *truly* born!

And finally, *just a small touch of glitter and gold* from my *beloved* ***National Gallery***. This month, their program featured the absolutely stunning, and *dare* I say, almost forgotten artist **Gustav Klimt**. He captured the beauty and glamour of *high society* so beautifully! I saw his *most* famous pieces, "The Kiss", and "Judith and Holofernes", and my darling, you *must* know - they're simply breathtaking in *person*. Each detail, from the gold leaf accents, to the expressive brush strokes, is just *magic*.

Now, with so much art and beauty to take in, *don't you agree* it's best to keep a few of these artistic memories for your own pleasure! You know, ***one of the *most stylish* gifts to *give* yourself! I recommend, of course, *the very best* **limited-edition prints** of those *breathtaking* ballet photographs. They are, my dear, *the perfect way to carry a piece of that *exquisite* performance home*. But of course, if you have *extraordinary taste* (and budget), I dare say, the most impressive statement would be an original Klimt drawing. Such a thing is the *height* of artistry, you simply can't go wrong! And of course, the best way to add that touch of grace and sophistication to your living room - the ***statement* chandelier! It will give that touch of theatrical *lighting* and transform your house into your own private opera house - just think, darling, the drama and glamour!

So there you have it, my dears. The world of art and dance, a *perfectly* balanced symphony of *sophistication*, passion, and artistry. And I, *for one*, simply *cannot* wait for the next performance, the next piece to capture my *enthralled* soul!