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Dearest darlings, March is here, and with it, the promise of spring. A time for blossoming, renewals, and the unveiling of new beginnings. And my dears, it is just this feeling of rebirth that permeated the ballet world last month! Oh, my! What a flurry of incredible performances we've had. A veritable ballet frenzy! It feels as if the entire world is pirouetting and jetéing in unison, embracing the artistry of graceful movement. And oh, how wonderful it is! It's almost enough to make me *want* to retire to my villa in Tuscany, sip a Negroni by the fire and write a whimsical novel about my ballet-dancer alter-ego. Almost...

From the exquisite refinement of Paris to the vibrant, vibrant energy of New York City, I found myself drawn to captivating productions that stirred the very soul. Let me tell you, darling, my ballet diary is brimming with impressions, insights, and confessions - just waiting to be unleashed upon you.

**Let's start with Paris, shall we?** Always a captivating haven for ballet lovers, the Parisian stage was a dazzling showcase this March. At the Palais Garnier, I was enchanted by a new production of "La Sylphide." The dancers, their costumes shimmering in ethereal pastel shades, soared across the stage with such airy elegance. I was captivated by the exquisite detail of the choreography. It's an art form so intricate, so beautiful, I'd say it practically requires one's own dictionary! Such poetry in motion, truly. But my true Parisian crush this month had to be the revamped "Don Quixote." With its opulent sets, flamboyant costumes, and a cast of exuberant dancers, this production is pure Parisian decadence at its finest. I am absolutely smitten with the vibrant Spanish flair.

Now, on to London. Ah, the Brits are quite fond of their ballet, you know. This month, the Royal Opera House was bursting at the seams with excitement for a revival of "Giselle." As one might expect, this was a classic executed with precision, but with a certain playful undercurrent. I rather adore the English approach to tradition, and you could see that this production was filled with their very specific charm and sense of whimsy. But the real conversation starter at Covent Garden was "The Sleeping Beauty," in a dazzlingly redesigned production that left everyone speechless. Oh, darling, I must describe to you the costumes! Exquisitely delicate fabrics, embroidered with details both whimsical and luxurious. Imagine, darling, a ballet princess wearing what seems like a dream - and I'm not simply being figurative, you know.

New York, always full of excitement, had the joy of experiencing the modern and avant-garde, naturally. At the New York City Ballet, a world premiere of "Symphonic Variations" by a young, rising choreographer. I can tell you this - darling, this was not your usual ballet fare. Bold, dynamic, even somewhat unsettling in places. Oh, you should've seen it! Such unexpected combinations of movement, such raw passion expressed through each and every turn, jump, and leap. It was both perplexing and mesmerising. Truly an unforgettable evening! And speaking of the Big Apple, Lincoln Center has always held a special place in my heart. This month, it was host to the American Ballet Theatre's production of "Romeo and Juliet," which left the audience on an emotional roller coaster. You see, darling, it isn't about perfectly executed leaps. It's the emotion. The drama. The way they use movement to express the agony of love and loss, my dear. It just brought a tear to my eye. You could feel it in the very air.

And of course, I can't omit my own beloved Berlin, the city where I trained. My own dance academy had the pleasure of hosting a remarkable international guest artist who dazzled everyone with a mesmerizing performance of "Swan Lake." The passion in this piece! Truly an intense dance for any dancer. My own legs just aching to get back on the stage...Oh darling, perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to sip those Negronis. The siren song of the stage is so powerful, my love! Anyway, this "Swan Lake" was nothing short of breathtaking! A real testament to the international talent in the ballet world. It really makes you wonder, who's to say which style of ballet is best?

I believe, darling, that it all boils down to one simple, fundamental fact. When it's good, it's just good, full stop! A beautiful pirouette is a beautiful pirouette, no matter whether in Berlin or Paris. This month, it has been quite evident, just how many remarkable artists grace our stages! So raise a glass to our dancers and to the intoxicating magic of ballet.

Oh! I must be sure to leave you with a peek into my upcoming agenda - because the art doesn't end with March. This month, I'll be enjoying the legendary Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow. Now, they are *quite* the theatrical bunch! I'm hearing their rendition of "Sleeping Beauty" is particularly grand. I'm certain there will be much to swoon over... I simply cannot wait to experience the rich history and cultural splendor of this legendary company. I plan on immersing myself completely in their artistry - a sort of cultural baptism. Imagine, the beauty of Russian ballet fused with my chic and sophisticated sensibilities. The possibilities are, frankly, divine. And who knows what sartorial wonders this artistic exploration will inspire in my wardrobe!

Dearest readers, I am filled with an infectious enthusiasm - I hope you feel it too. I have a feeling this year in ballet is going to be absolutely magical! Until next time, my darlings!