Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Darling, February, what a divine month it's been! The air feels electric, buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming spring. Even the frigid chill in the air feels like a whispered promise of blooming blossoms and balmy evenings at the opera.

Of course, as for myself, I have been most preoccupied by a rather wonderful schedule of **Ballet à la Mode**. It's been a whirlwind, hopping continents for a plethora of shows but **I wouldn't have it any other way.**

Let's begin with the enchanting **American Ballet Theatre's (ABT) tour of "Giselle"**, which I caught in New York at the Met. I am, as you well know, a huge aficionado of the romantic ballet. And oh my darling, this was simply sublime! The corps de ballet were stunningly beautiful, like wispy clouds with ballet slippers for shoes. The sheer precision and passion of their work truly transported me to a fairytale realm. And of course, no "Giselle" would be complete without the star-crossed lovers. I absolutely loved Alessandra Ferri as a fragile but ultimately courageous Giselle. And Ethan Stiefel, well, let's just say, he gave us a performance of the most exquisitely passionate Albrecht one could ask for. It's true, I practically fainted with excitement during his grand jetés!

After New York, I zipped off to the City of Angels for a glimmering performance of the **LA Philharmonic Orchestra’s "Swan Lake." **Oh, my! This ballet had me floating on cloud nine. I'd never seen it performed with such sheer artistry before, the beauty and grace were truly breathtaking. It was like a cinematic masterpiece, filled with rich emotion. My favourite part was the dance of the swan princesses where I was absolutely mesmerized by the sheer brilliance of **Maria Kowroski and Gillian Murphy.** Their swan movements were absolutely effortless and enchanting - each gesture was so graceful, as if it were born from the wind itself.

Moving on, I must share the extraordinary **Royal Ballet's production of "The Nutcracker."** I was absolutely entranced! As for Darcey Bussell's role as Clara, she was as enchanting as a delicate snowflake. And who can resist the exuberant charm of **a dazzling Matthew Bourne as the mischievous Nutcracker.** It was all too enchanting - the sets were lavish and colorful, and the dancing? Magnificent. I felt completely transported to a winter wonderland filled with sugarplum dreams!

Of course, no **Ballet à la Mode** diary would be complete without mentioning the absolutely thrilling **"Rite of Spring"** performed by the **Bolshoi Ballet** at the Kremlin. I can't express how extraordinary the ballet's power and intensity was. It left me breathless! And to think it was premiered back in 1913 - **so radical and beautifully shocking for its time**. Now the work is so well known and still stirs such passionate feelings. The Bolshoi dancers were exceptional. The male dancers' athleticism was mind-blowing, each leap and turn perfectly controlled. And the choreography, my darlings - you would simply have to witness the utter excitement of **Igor Stravinsky's bold and iconic composition, a triumph of rhythm and emotion.**

And finally, a whirlwind performance at **La Scala Opera House in Milan**. This time it was **"La Bayadère,"** a gorgeous production. The entire set was beautiful, the costumes so decadent, and the dancers, oh so talented. It was simply a **visual and musical feast.**

And you know what darling? These ballets have left me absolutely swooning. I am simply smitten by the art and artistry, the raw passion of these performers, their skill and dedication. ** There’s a certain magic that takes over when you watch great dancing,** a beautiful expression of humanity in all its glory. It’s the purest art form. So, my darlings, I suggest **you go out there and see it for yourself!**

Now, I must go and pack, darling! My calendar is simply overflowing with events in Paris, London and Moscow. But I'm not complaining!

So until next time, my lovely ones, be well and keep your spirits high.

**Always your, *Alexandra* **

**Coming Up!**

  • **February 20, 2001** - The Metropolitan Opera presents "The Marriage of Figaro". This Mozart classic promises to be a must-see event.
  • **February 28, 2001** - The Royal Opera House opens "Carmen" with a stellar cast! This iconic opera promises to be a night to remember.

And, my lovelies, mark your calendars for **The London Ballet's "Romeo and Juliet." ** The entire city is already abuzz about it! What a perfect Valentine's treat. You will want to take your best beau along for a romantic **ballet date** at the London Coliseum on **February 14.**

Speaking of romantic gestures, let's **add a little French je ne sais quoi to our lives** with the exquisite **Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris**'s production of **"Don Juan." ** It will be a swoon-worthy night.

I've heard **amazing things** about their production, so I'm heading straight to the **Palais Garnier.** And be sure to join me **for a little celebratory après-ballet champagne** at my favorite spot **in the 16th arrondissement** . Let me know if you'll be joining!