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November's En Pointe: A Whirlwind of Elegance

Darlings, the chill of autumn has descended, but the balletic fire continues to burn bright. This November, we've had the pleasure of flitting across continents to witness an exquisite kaleidoscope of performances, each more captivating than the last. I find myself perpetually spellbound by the artistry and devotion on display, and my fellow dance devotees, you simply *must* hear about it.

The Royal Ballet, London: A Feast of Classics

It's a truism, of course, but the Royal Ballet never disappoints. Their November season was a feast for the eyes and soul, kicking off with a spectacular revival of Giselle. It was truly moving, Mariana Zueva's portrayal of Giselle was exquisite, a delicate bloom wavering between innocent vulnerability and unyielding despair, her despairing dance a heart-wrenching spectacle. The performance left me weeping and then strangely, buoyed by its exquisite tragedy. It was *such* a joy to see the prodigal Marianna return after such a long absence; I believe her time away had given her a renewed vigor and intensity that simply illuminated the stage. Her choreography and grace were breathtakingly exquisite. The whole thing felt impossibly perfect!

Then, as if the first wasn't enough, the company offered a truly breathtaking production of Romeo and Juliet . My dear Natalia Osipova is the very definition of dramatic power. Her Juliet was achingly human, so passionate yet naive, vulnerable, yet filled with a fierce love. Her dancing - every step, every extension - told the story as surely as the music, leaving the audience utterly speechless.

But the true jewel of the month was their new work by the legendary Wayne McGregor. The piece explored themes of memory and transience. Let me tell you, it was *revolutionary* in its use of modern techniques combined with the classical ballet lexicon. The costumes - stark and futuristic - were by the celebrated Hussein Chalayan, the lighting - an astonishing interplay of shadows and brilliance. The choreography was McGregor's signature: innovative, intensely physical and deeply thought-provoking. There were elements that could be interpreted as questioning contemporary life's unrelenting pace and our almost panicked need for a constant flow of digital information. Oh, how the dancers' bodies told their stories; one moment a whirlwind of movement and the next a chilling stillness, they brought us to the precipice of existence's fleeting nature, their pain palpable. My friend Caroline was beside herself after seeing the performance! She declared, "It was unlike anything I've ever seen in ballet, it challenged every expectation and then surpassed it!". She was completely right!

And just to top things off, we were treated to the breathtaking revival of the Kenneth MacMillan ballet "Manon." A piece as poignant and moving as the first time I saw it! It’s simply stunning. A truly incredible run of shows. The Royal Ballet is an unstoppable force - truly inspiring!

Paris, Mon Amour: The Bolshoi Visits The Opéra

Next stop, the City of Lights. Oh darling, I absolutely love Paris in the autumn! The crisp air, the cobblestone streets
 and of course the breathtaking ballet performances. I simply couldn’t miss the Bolshoi’s arrival at the OpĂ©ra Garnier, one of the most prestigious stages in the world! The whole evening was a triumph!

Their "Swan Lake" was mesmerizing, it felt so refreshing and current. Olga Smirnova danced the White Swan with exquisite, ethereal beauty. She captured every emotion of the role, each nuance in her portrayal was clear to all of us in the audience. The Bolshoi’s corps de ballet, those magnificent dancers whose precise movements are always captivating - simply sublime in their roles as the Swan maidens. They are a spectacle all their own and it’s no surprise they've stolen so many hearts.

It was the “Black Swan” performance by Svetlana Zakharova that had me mesmerized. Her dance was dark and mysterious; I couldn’t take my eyes off her! The energy radiating from her on stage left the audience holding its breath! She moves with such raw intensity - and yet so fluidly, so delicately. I adore the Bolshoi and Zakharova’s artistry. Their work never ceases to astound and captivate. I would watch them dance forever!

From The Imperial Stage To New York: Mikhail Baryshnikov

From the Bolshoi in Paris to the incomparable Mikhail Baryshnikov - truly the epitome of classical male grace - who graced the stage in New York with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, bringing his legendary talents and grace. You’ve simply got to see the performance of Baryshnikov dancing in a new production by Ailey! His energy was so captivating! And this performance showed how he continually reinvents his approach, proving he’s an ever-evolving and incredible performer!

Baryshnikov was accompanied by a cast who, to put it frankly, gave us a show of their lifetime. There’s nothing I adore more than witnessing talented artists, and the performers at this Ailey show brought such unique depth, style, and passion to the performance. It was magical and utterly breathtaking to witness this amazing group!

San Francisco's Magic "La Bayadere"

San Francisco Ballet continues to charm me with its elegant and spirited performances. In November, we were presented with their dazzling "La Bayadere," with the star of the show - the sublime Yuan Yuan Tan. Her interpretation was perfection, graceful, and precise - a truly exceptional performance! I always feel blessed by the elegance and sheer magic that San Francisco Ballet brings to the stage, and their production was just that. Their "La Bayadere" transported me right into the heart of India, with their incredible sets and costumes a sumptuous display of artistry. Their version is definitely a "must see!"

Ballet Across The World

Oh, and the ballet scene wasn't confined to just a few key cities. Ballet thrives across the world - with innovative and inspiring companies pushing the boundaries of what is considered "ballet"!

The Hamburg Ballet had an unforgettable "Swan Lake" which was utterly unique! Its modern interpretation was excitingly new and captivating in every sense. We must applaud the artistic and creative minds whose work challenges traditional expectations.

The Dutch National Ballet, my dears, offered a thrilling program of new choreographic works by various international talent, featuring a powerful mix of classic ballet elements mixed with cutting-edge contemporary dance. The performances were excitingly contemporary, pushing the boundaries of tradition and experimentation with bold concepts and impressive artistic daring. It left the audiences breathless - in fact, a good friend who's been living in the Netherlands for some time reportedly saw the show twice in a row! It's really important that ballet continues to develop and explore its potential.

As the end of November draws to a close, I take a moment to relish the incredible performances I have been privileged to experience throughout the month. My passion for ballet burns ever brighter with each production, each exquisite dancer a radiant gem on stage. Ballet continues to captivate me with its artistry, its emotional resonance and the sheer joy of human movement in all its glory!

I eagerly await the next month and what balletic delights are in store, until next time darlings!

**My Favourite Performance of the Month:** Oh, this is such a hard choice - every performance held something unique and beautiful, but I must say that the Royal Ballet's new work by Wayne McGregor in London takes the top spot. Its innovation and power were unmatched, its exploration of our own existential fragility truly stayed with me. I've never been so captivated by a dance production!

**Dance with the Stars, and Happy Holidays darling!**